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Elem pov.

L= We thought you already did, teenagers this days are really active"  Lisa said with a small laugh.

U= Yeah, it doesn't catch my attention" I said looking down to my hands.

L= Well keep Mattia close then, I don't want to be mean or anything but Mattia looks like one of those kids who go around fucking any girl they can"  Lisa said and I nod.

U= yeah, thank you Lisa I have to shower"  She nod and give me a small smile.

I went up to my room and sit on my bed looking down to the pills and paper.

Maybe Lisa is right, Mattia used to fuck around with anyone but he hasn't try to do anything with me

Because his maybe fucking some other girl and doesn't need to fuck you because his having fun with other girls?

Maybe he is. I would found out tomorrow, maybe check his phone? ask the boys? the girls? yeah the girl are always right.

I went to the shower and took a long shower just overthinking, I finish my shower and put my underwear and bathrobe on.

I always love to sleep in underwear only cause no one ever sleeps with me and I sleep with my door lock all the time, my curtains close and I read its good for my boobs.

I did my night routine and read the paper of the pills, then I notice a box of condoms in my bedside table.

I roll my eyes before getting under the blankets, I turn off my light and went through my phone until I fell asleep....



I was in school already Lisa give me a ride, I ask her how can I know if Mattia was cheating on sum and she said to just be direct with him, that didn't help me a lot.

My phone was dead, I didn't have to charge it cause I fell asleep on the phone with elsa and it was dead on the morning so I haven't text mattia or the girls.

U= Thank you Lisa, bye"  She smile and wave bye at me before driving away.

E= ELEM!!"  Elisa yell running to me from the doors, I smile and open my arms for her.

U= Hi!"  I smile hugging her and she hug me tight while we swing side by side.

E= Why haven't you answer my calls and messages!?" Elisa ask me.

U= My phone is dead so I just left it home charging"  I said and she nod.

E= oh okey, what were you doing yesterday?" Elisa ask me while we walk to her car.

U= Hey .... I have to tell you something"  I whisper and she snap her head to me.

E= What!? whats wrong!?"  Elisa ask turning her whole body to me.

U= Okey, yesterday Lisa give me condoms and some after day pills"  I said and her jaw drop.

E= What!? why!? did you had sex!?"  Elem ask me almost yelling.

U= No!! My dad thought it was time for the 'talk' but he didn't want to get awkward with me so Lisa did, she told me that they think that I already had sex" I said and her jaw drop again.

E= But you didn't so why did she give you the pills?"  Elem ask me

U= Because they think I am having sex with Mattia, and I have to tell you something else" 

E= Tell me tell me"  Elem said before Sandra got in the back of the car.

S= hi, what are we talking about?"  Sandra ask us while taking out her juul?

Elisa explain to her everything that I told her and Sandra was shook just like us.

U= okey after the 'talk' Lisa told me how Mattia look like a fuck boy and how I should keep Mattia close to me if we don't have sex yk want I mean?"  They both shake their heads.

U= Okey so you know how Mattia used to have sex all the time?"  I ask them and they nod.

U= What if his cheating on me? We haven't have sex and he has never say anything about sex or try to have sex with me" I said and their jaw drop again.

S= OMG, Thats true, he used to have sex all the time!" Sandra said while Elisa looks at me.

E= No yk why?" I shake my head Sandra doing the same as me.

E= If a boy really like you he is not gonna talk about sex until you do" Elisa said while taking her hair out of her face.

S= OMG- then no one has ever like me in reality!" Sandra said before she broke down.

E= Sandra right now is not the time, kairi really like you"  Elisa said and Sandra nod before fixing her make up.

U= So his not cheating on me?"  I ask Elisa and she shruggle her shoulder.

E= I don't think, Mattia can be an asshole but you would of had know by now, He is always fallowing you like a lost puppy, texting you 24/7, if he doesn't find you he spams our phone asking about you, his always in your house, he talks about you all the time when your not with us, he doesn't go to party's anymore if you don't go, he doesn't have time to cheat and if he is then his stupid asf, and his dad would of had ground him again for skipping school our going in a room or closet with some girl'' Elisa said while counting her finger.

S= yeah his a total simp but he doesn't accept it" Sandra said with a laugh fallowing.

U= I am just nervous yk his the first real thing I am having" I said and they nod

E= yeah we get it but if Mattia evers cheats on you he would stop being my cousin and I would snitch on him with his dad" Elisa said with a smirk.

U= then I shouldn't do anything? or what do I do?" 

S= Me and Elisa would ask his friends while you maybe go through his phone?"  Sandra said and Elisa agree with her.

U= Okey, we should hung out after school"  They nod and we got off Elisa's car.

We walk in the hallways and went first to Sandra's locker then Elisa's and lastly mine........


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