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Elem pov

OMG! did I had sex with Kairi? What if his the baby daddy?- No its Mattia, Mattia always comes in me, kairi didn't- NO! I don't even remember.

How am I gonna tell Mattia!? how is he gonna react? What if it is Kairi's? how is he gonna react?

Is my belly gonna show before we get vacation ? No its not, only a weeks and we have vacations

How is Elisa gonna react? People are gonna think I am a hoe, I don't know who the father.


Its been a week and I am still shock and haven't told anyone but my dad and Lisa, Larry is always sleeping or out partying.

EL= As I was saying, we should all have a party again"

We were having a mini picnic, in the middle of the park, it was me, Elisa, Ale, Kairi, Larry and Mattia.

A= It can be in my house, My parents are gonna visit my aunt and my brother is going with them" Ale said while eating a chip.

El= thats a good idea, here Elem" Elisa said while giving me a drink.


I took a sip and immediatly taste the Vodka, I quickly moved my head away from them and spit it out.

El= Are you okey? does it taste bad?" Elisa asked me.

U= It had Vodka?" I asked her while wiping my mouth and put the cup down while she nod.

El= It tastes bad? I like i-''

U= I am pregnant"

El= Oh, I can give you sprit- WHAT!?" Elisa yell while everyone else stayed quiet and my cheeks heat up feeling kind of emberrass.

L= Excuse me Bitch? explain" Larry said while sitting up.

U= Ahm- I found- the doctor told me that I have a month a week ago so now I have a month and a week" I said looking down to my fingerss scare to look up.

once again no one said anything.

El= Congrats, I am so happy for you" Elisa smile while hugging which I accepted and cried.

I don't know why but I did, maybe I was happy that she was happy.

U= thank you"

A= Congrats Elem"

U= Thank you ale" I smile while pulling away from Elisa.

K= I am happy for you, congrats which you the best"

U= thank you Kairi" He nod and give me a small smile.

L= Bitch I am so happy for you, I would be there for you at any time, I am gonna love that kid and I love you"

U= thank you Larry love you too" I smile and he send me a kiss which made us let out a laugh.

El= OMG I am gonna teach him so much bad words an-''

U= yeah that would not happen, I still don't know if I am gonna have him or her"

El= awww why? I would love to have a niece"

U= I still don't know, it can change everything yk?"

El= yeah but having a kid can be amazing"

U= yeah thats what My dad told me that"

A= I know this is not my spot to ask or anything but Mattia is the father right?"

I look from Ale to Mattia and clean my throat while they wait for me to answer.

U= Next questions?"

They all laugh while Mattia just look at me deep in my eye and bit the inside of his cheek.

I look away from him and look down until everyone had calm down.

U= Its obviously his, I have only have sex with him"

M= yeah right" Mattia whisper making things awkward.

U= yeah I am right, I have only been with you, I do NOT remember having sex with Kairi at all and all I remember is him kissing me or me kissing him before we had a argument" I said while picking up my stuff.

K= Its not mine, we didn't had sex, why the fuck would you think that?" Kairi said while getting up.

M= We still don't know who send me that picture but its obviouse that you guys had sex, the person told me that he or she heard you guys"

K= well guess what? We didn't because I wasn't drunk, I remember everything that happen that night, and we for sure didn't had sex, I kissed her but she told me to leave and thats what I did, I even saw you getting in your mom's car"

M= You what!!? You kissed her!!? she is my girl dude! WTF!!" Mattia yell while getting up too.

K= Becuase I liked her, I wanted to tell her so I could get over her and get over all this"

M= You didn't had to kiss her"

U= this is dumb, You weren't mad at him becuase you thought we had sex but you are because he kissed me!?'' I finally got up with all my stuff.

M= Shut up princess, I am talking to Kairi" I roll my eyes and give them the finger before walking away from them to my car.

I got in my car and didn't wait for anyone and drive to my house, I put everything away and lay on my bed just looking up to the ceiling.

............ need ideas

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