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Elem pov.


Everyone was already dead sleep somewhere in my room, I was in the middle of Mattia amd Elisa, Elisa was sticj to me like a glue by my side while Mattia's back was facing me.

My room was hot like a LOT, the boys are sleeping in there shorts without a shirt while Elisa and Sandra wear some spendex with a tank top, while I wear one of my dad's cold shirt, his shirts are always cold but I was still hot.

I got up carefully without waking them up and went to my bathroom, I grab some shorts from my dresser and change to them.

I walk out of my bathroom then my room and went to my dads room, his T.V. its huge bro and its like the one in the living room. and his room is cold so its amaxing right now.

I lay on his bed and I got a phone call, my dad I answer after letting it ring 2 times

D= WHO FUCKING ENTER MY ROOM!?"  My dad yell on the phone.

U= Its just me, how do you know?"

D= Some new thing I buy, why are you in my room? Please don't tell me you want to change rooms again" My dad whine, he sound tired

U= everywhere I go its hot and your room is always cold"  I said and I hear him sigh.

D= Okey, I would see you in friday"  

U= Okey pappa, love you"

D= bye mija love you too"  I hung up and got comfortable in his bed.

I turn on his T.V. and put my netlfix account, I put my favorite show(whatever you want) and turn on the air conditioner.

I puase my show and get up from my dad's bed,  I grab my phone and run downstairs to the kitchen.

I grab any snack I could put in my shirt, I grab some drinks too and start making my way upstairs.

As i was walking by my room the door open making me stop in track, Mattia was standing there rubbing one of his eyes, his hair was messy and his shirt was put wrong.

M=mhmhmiajustnwent"  I couldn't understand anything that he said and I couldn't say antyhing, i had a dona in my mouth.

M= goodmorning Elem"  Mattia said with a yawn and smile at me.

I look down to the dona and Mattia grab it from my hand so I could talk.

U= Hi mattia its 2 am what do you need?"  I ask him while he eat my dona.

M= Its to hot in here, where are you going?"  Mattia ask me with his mouth full.

U= My dad room its cold, thats why I wake up and move to his room" I said and Mattia nod.

M= Can I go with you?"  He ask me and I nod, we walk to my dad's room and walk in.

M= he won't get mad?"  He ask me and I shake my head, I got in the bed and put the snacks on the bed.

Mattia go next to me and I put my show on, we were watching my show for like an hour until Mattia got bored of watching it.

M= tell me more about you Elem" Mattia said turning his head to me with a smile.

U= I think I already told you everything about me, theres nothing new" I said eating some gummys

M= Maybe we can ...... cuddle?"  Mattia whisper leaning to me.

U= If you want too"  I whisper back, idk why we are whispering but we are.

M= Can I give you a kiss?"  He ask me with a little smirk and I nod.

He kiss me slowly holding my cheek while I put my hand on his arms, I could feel 2 or 3 veins from his arms.

M= that was good, really good" Mattia said after we pull away and smile at each other.

We lay on our back but Mattia told me to lay my head on his chest, this was my first time cuddling or cuddling with my men- Mattia.

M= your hair smells so good"  Mattia said playing with my hair and it felt amazing.

U= thank you'' I whisper while my eyes roll back from how good it felt. its the first time someone ever plays with my hair.

M= are you okey?"  Mattia ask me after he stop playing with my hair and put his hand on his chest.

U= yeah why?'' I said grabbing his hand and put it back on my hair.

M= does it feel good?" Mattia ask me while playing with my hair and I nod.

M= your so cute!" Mattia whisper yell while squeezing me.

U= your adorable, but I can't breath!"  I said and he nod letting go of me.

M= sorry" Mattia said and I just nod, We were laying next to each other now looking up to the ceiling.

U= your not grounded anymore?"  I ask kim while playing with his finger.

M= Yeah, I was free when our my grade start going up"  Mattia said and I nod.

U= I am tired, I think I am gonna sleep" I said and mattia agree with me.

M= cuddling?" I  nod but this thime he lay on my chest hugging my fat stomach.

M= I am not heavy  right?" 

U= no" I said and he nod, I play with his hair until I hear his adorables snores, A small smile forms on my lips until I fell asleep........



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