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Elem pov

Ki= Hey Elem?'' Kim said from behind me, she wasn't my friend, she was one of those who you talk in class but not outside class or school.

U= yeah?"  I said turning around to her and close my locker at the same time.

Ki= I like your shirt- anyways do you ha-"

U= no''

Ki= Come on, I know you do"  Kim said walking behind me.

U= No I don't" 

Ki= Your dad is rich dude, your house is huge and your dad has one of those expensive ca-"

U= okey? I am not giving you money, your boyfriend doesn't even love you, he only want your money and body-"

Ki= Atleast I have one!"

U= Okey, I don't want a boyfriend, find some other dumb girl cause I won't give you money anymore" 

Ki= Okey, nerdy!"  Kim yell getting some attention while I just roll my eyes at her childish action.

Ki= oh no, don't roll your eyes at me"   Kim said grabbing my shoulder and turn me to her.

U= go away kim"

Ki= Don't tell me what to do you little bitch!"

U= Your embe-"

Ki= You are! Thats why your mom left you!" Once again everyone was by her side making fun of me.

U= Okey?"  I said giving her a confuse look.

Ki= Thats why your dad begs me to sle-"

With my dad no! I slap her before she could even finish her sentence, Some people gasp while other laugh and Kim hold her cheek.

U= Don't you dare talk about my dad, he doesn't have anything to do with me not talking to you or anything else so keep your mouth close or-"

Ki= Or what? you don't even cuss what are you gonna do? get an A on a test?" Kim said and people laugh.

U= Kim is better if you stop, I know a LOT about you and YOUR friends" 

Ki= Whatever" She said before walking away from me, I roll my eyes and walk to my class.

I sit in my spot of always and take my stuff out, I finish my homework before the bell ring and the class started.


My dad was still working so I had to walk home or get the bus and I prefer walking then be in a bus for 30 minutes with kids yelling and a stink smell.

I take out my airpods and connect them to my phone before putting some music, bad bunny is cute and hot at the same time and more with beard and curly hair.

As always I am walking while singing and making little move dance out of nowhere, bad bunny is just mood, I have this big poster of him in my room.

The valume was all the way up as usual so my neighbord Chris had to wave at me and mention me to take off my airpods and I did.

U= hi" I smile while waving, Chris has 21 and lives with his mom, well his mom lives with him because she doesn't want to be alone.

His sexy a lot, sometimes I can see him change from my balcon, not like full nakes but change his shirt or jeans, dad says he does it in porpuse but I don't think so, who like being watch while changing.

Dad says he only wants to do things with me and ignore me like all boys do days now but his a gentlman, he gives me flowers every monday and here he comes with  the flowers.

C= Hi Elem, how have you been?" He ask me leaning on his email box.

U= I am doing good, hbu?"  I ask him looking at his lips, they look so sweet and soft.

C= I am doing amazing thanks for asking, and I think you already know, this is for you" He said giving me the flowers.

U= Thank you chris, I would put them with the others"  I smile grabbing them and he smile back showing his perfect white teeth's

C= no problem, lets see when your dad lets me take you out for icecream or food whatever you want" I am for sure I am red like a tomate.

U= yeah I would ask" 

C= as friends, your still under age" I nod even if in the inside I was crying.

U= okey, I would see you later have to do homework"  He nod and said bye

I wave bye at him before putting my airpods on and walk to my house while smiling looking at the flowers.

I open the door that are heavy for me and walk in to get attack by my dogs, barking and getting up in there 2 legs.

U= Hi"  I said walking to the kitchen with them behind me, I grab a base and put the flowers in there before putting water and put them next to the others flowers.

I take off my airpods and put them away before walking out of the kitchen to get scare by Mattia and Kairi standing in front of the doors.

U= What are you doing inside my house!?"

M= Your dad let us in"

U= What? where is he?"

M= He went back to work and said you were almost here"

U= What do you want?" 

M= I am here to finish science homework"

U= I wasn't there today, I can't help you"

K= I like your outfit, didn't know you use the type of clothes but it looks good on you" Kairi said out of nowhere.

U= Thank you Kairi"  I said looking at mattia who take out his homework.

U= I don't know what this is about" I said while he show me his homework.

M= Okey, it doesn't matter, we are gonna work in your vocabular"  Mattia said putting his stuff in his bag.

K= I just came here to look at your paints"  Kairi said before going up to my room.........


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