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Elem pov.

My dad came to the school, and we had a meeting with Mrs.Polibio, it was emberrassing for me.

Thankfully my dad didn't say anything about Mattia being the dad or anything of that and just asked Mrs.Polibio if I could do online school until I had my baby.

Mrs.Polibio agreed since Its only gonna be for the next 3 months- God damn I am gonna have her or him in November or D-

P= Your gonna start this Monday but you can come this week to see if you decide to stay Okey?"

U= Yeah, thank you"

P= No problem, Me and Mirna would be ther for anything Ms.Alvarado"

U= Thank you, Mrs.Polibio"

P= No problem" I smile at him before we walk out of the office.

D= Okey princess, I would see you later, have a nice day, love you" My dad smile before kissing my head and give me a tight hug that for some reason it made me want to cry.

U= I want to cry"

D= Why?" He asked me while pulling away from me.

U= I don't know" My voice broke and my dad smile.

D= Its gonna be a boy, its gonna go away any moment"

Oh yeah, I didn't want to know the gender until I have her or him, so right now I am only buying, red, yellow, blue, green, white, black and grey colors of clothes.

I am in love with baby clothes, they are so cute and the shoes-AGHH.

D= I would see you later, love you"

U= Love you too" He walk out of the school and into his car while I let out a huge sigh.


The bell ring and less then 10 seconds the hallways were full with students pushing through the crowd.

I got to my locker and grab what I needed before walking to my class.

I walk in my classroom and sat in my assign sit, I went through my phone until the bell ring and the class started, 5 period I was alone, which was sad but happy becuase we have lunch after this.

It was Science, we were talking about fire and kind of stuff.

It was sad since a lot of animal were dying becuase of the fire.

Don't cry! Why the fuck am I crying now? I have been crying myself to sleep for 2 weeks now and I am tired of it.

T= Ms.Alvarado, are you okey?" I look up from my fingers, everything was blurry from the tears.

U= yeah, can I have a moment outside?" She nod and I walk out of the classroom.

I sigh and went into the bathroom, I look at myself before I started crying more and I don't even know why!!

after some minutes I calm down and wash my face, its just because I am hungry.

I went back to the class and waited until it was time to lunch.

Finally lunch was here and Lisa brought me Mcdonalds, I love frappe's

I payed her and said bye before going to the cafeteria and took my sit next to Robert since Carmen took over my sit.

K= Can I have one?" Kairi asked me and I nod.

We started eating OUR fries, since I know Kairi was gonna keep eating even if he asked for ONE.

C= Hey Guys!! Hey baby!!" Carmen said while sitting next to Mattia and pick his lips.

We all said 'hi' back her while she got comfortable.

E= What are you guys gonna do after highschol?" Elisa asked while putting her phone down.

A= Going to College or move to AL" Ale said while putting his arms around me.

K= I want to visit Japon"

U= Me and Elisa went 2 years ago right?"

E= Yeah, it was so fucking cool and her dad buy us a lot of stuff, his so nice thats why his hot-''

U= Elisa!!"

E= Sorry, you just don't see him like I do"

U= Thankfully" I whisper and she playfully roll her eyes while smiling.

M= Going to college"

C= Me and Mattia are going to the same college!!" Carmen scream while clapping on the table.

My frappe fall.on. my. fucking. shirt. and. jeans.

E= Oh god!" Elisa yell while pushing Kairi and Robert away from me.

C= I am so sorry Elem, I didn't mean too" Carmen said while covering her mouth.

E= Elem get up''

My frappe :(

K= Elem!!" Kairi semi yell while waving his hand in front of my face.

My fucking shirt its white! and now my fries are ruin too.

T= OMG! What happen here!?" A teacher asked while looking at the mess.

I look up from my fries to make eye contact with Mattia before I started crying AGAIN!!.

E= Oh no, don't cry Elem" Elisa said while grabbing my hand.

Mattia just started at me and I think that made me more sad since I started sobbing! fucking Sobbing!

I got up from my sit and we heard a splash from my frappe in my lap falling to the floor.

U= Its cold .. " I whisper to Kairi with more tears.

Kairi looked confuse on why I was crying but give me his sweater.

I walk away from them with Elisa behind me and Kairi until I was in the bathroom.

Kairi turn around and I took off my shirt and Elisa gently wiped my belly with paper before I put Kairi's sweater on.

U= I am done" I whisper and Kairi turn around.

T= Your not supposed to be here" A teacher said while walking in the bathroom.

K= I am helping m friend she had a problem" Kairi said pointing to me.

T= Is everything okey? I saw you running out of the cafeteria"

U= Someone made my frappe fall b- but it was a accident" I said before I started tearing up again.

K= Why are you crying?" Kairi said while moving my hair out of my face.

T= Its because of her pregnancy, how months?"

U= Five, almost 6"

T= Yeah, it most be a boy, she would be sensitive, she would cry for any little thing that makes her sad or mad" The teacher said with a smile.

E= Its a boy!" Elisa whisper yell with a shock face.

U= I still don't know"

T= I think it would be a boy, when the baby its gonna be a boy the women gets to sensitive with any little thing, you guys just have to be gently with her"

T= Okey, I would let you guys have a moment, Kairi this is the only time you can be here"

Kairi nod and the teacher walk out of the bathroom leaving us alone.

...... damn!

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