Hybrid 38 : Family Reunion.

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The short days spent in Scott's homeland, cleaning up, burning decomposing bodies and rebuilding trashed houses gave Silver Creek a good look at the surroundings and everyone had to admit that it was indeed something to fight for, the scenery there reminded them of home and even though they were gone for only a short amount of days they truly missed Silver Creek, so much so that everyone agreed on leaving as soon as their cleanup and repairs were over.

Silver Creek had the pleasure of meeting Scott's mother and younger siblings, who even though were imprisoned just days earlier were as kind as anyone could be, as soon as she'd gotten some rest Scott's mom was cooking for everyone, she insisted on not letting any of the guys who were already busy with cleanup and repairs help her with anything inside the main pack house, and she would've done all the cooking and cleaning herself were it not for the Silver Creek ladies insisting on helping out, especially Yuki who was particularly determined to help for some reason or the other.

After Scott and his family had spent some well deserved time together, Tyler and Silver Creek said their goodbyes leaving Scott's regained packland until they should meet again, everyone had already said their goodbyes and had gotten to exchange numbers and emails and the sort for future corresponding.

On their way back home all three vehicles were driving at a steady pace, everyone was busy chatting about the absurdity of the existence of zombies, even though Scott had already informed them, everyone except for a small group of individuals who'd decided on riding in the back of the truck where the now unused coffins laid empty.

: So.....how does it feel? : asked Yuki addressing both set of twins via the newly dubbed "hybrid link".

: Awesome! : replied the four siblings excitedly, knowing exactly what Yuki was referring to.

: I know right : said Yuki equally as ecstatic.

: I can't wait to go exploring with you guys when you're finally able to shift : she said daydreaming of all fun they're going to be having hopefully in the near future until a thought came to her head.

: Exactly what kind of Therian's blood did you guy's drink? : she asked curiously.

: Well we haven't had a chance to drink anything as of yet : replied Alexander and Raphael in unison, causing Yuki's expression to falter slightly, but it wouldn't stay that way forever especially since Scarlett and Rebecca both had huge grins on their faces as if the were about to burst with some juicy information that Yuki so desperately needed.

: Well....... : said Scarlett smiling.

: I asked for two very rare species of Therian blood, and I knew it was a long shot but our parent's friend is really reliable so we hoped he would've come through for us and that he did :

: He's really awesome isn't he? : said Rebecca smiling, relishing in then sheer torture they we're both putting poor Yuki through.

"C'mon just spill the bloody beans already!" screamed Yuki out loud causing her to cover her mouth while looking around frantically not wanting to disturb anybody, luckily they were the only ones who opted to return home via the back of the huge military like truck.

: Sorry.....I didn't mean to shout : she said embarrassed.

: Damn you're really excited aren't you? : asked Rebecca feigning disbelief.

: Too bad we decided on not telling anyone until it happens : said Scarlett grinning evilly.

: You wouldn't dare! : said Yuki in horror as she began staring at the twins, then at their brothers, as if to ask "would they?" with her expression, causing both Alexander and Raphael to nod in sync as if saying " they would."

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