Hybrid 11: Silver Creek VS White Tigers.

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It was still daylight in Silver Creek and Tyler wanted to keep his identity secret from the townsfolk as he sensed the three enemy intruders closer to town than his actual pack house in the woods.

: Okay guys this is where you get to show the next part of your training, using your Therian powers without shifting, as you can see it's still daylight out and we don't want to alert our neighbours to our particular secret now do we?" asked Tyler trying to sound like a drill sergeant.

: Sir no sir! : came the reply as they chuckled individually.

Running through the woods in human form would have taken them hours to reach in town, but using their powers enabled them to run a thousand times faster than an average human, not to mention boosting their strength and defense significantly. Within the span of five minutes they were in town without even breaking a sweat.

: Okay guys spread out and keep your eyes peeled, and remember no shifting in front of the townsfolk : said Tyler.

: Um... hey Tyler? :

: What is it Shane? :

: Well... um..... what if they shift in front of the townsfolk, are we going to fight them in our human forms, wouldn't that lead to a lot of...... questions :

: I mean if we kick their asses aren't the townsfolk going to wonder how we did it? :

: And why we didn't run like the rest of them? :

: .....You do have a point Shane :

: But we have no choice but to cross that bridge when we get there :

: On the other hand :

: If you guys see them trying to shift while people are watching, try hitting them towards cover, like in the woods or something, at least that way we can keep the Therian community a secret :

: Sir yes sir!! : they replied patting Shane on the back for his good idea.

In no time Tyler saw all three intruders heading straight toward where he was in the town square, he knew they weren't aware of him as he was once again hiding his aura to conceal his Therianthropy.

"Howdy gentlemen, would you be so kind as to follow me as i have something important to discuss with you" said Tyler as he approached the three very angry intruders, all tigers it would seem.

"Get out of our way scum" replied one of the three muscle heads as he tried pushing Tyler away.

To their amazement, Tyler was not moving an inch in the direction he was being pushed. It was only after he had walked three steps pushing back the muscle head, that they realised he was using his powers.

: Hey guys i'm having a little fun with our intruders in the town square, get your butts over here if you want any of the action :

: Hey no fair Ty, leave some for us! : said Derrick.

: Yea yea what ever : replied Tyler chuckling.

"What so funny?" asked one of the Tigers.

"Oh nothing, just my friends fussing because they are eager to meet you" replied Tyler.

"Oh speak of the little devils, here they come boys so be nice". continued Tyler.

Before long the three tigers were surrounded and outnumbered.

"Now as i said before, please follow me gentlemen we have something to discuss". Said Tyler as he made his way to the woods.

"What are you waiting for?:

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