Hybrid 22 : End Of The Dream! Rescue Mother.

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Tyler was confused, he woke up to a room filled with his pack members asking him loads of questions. He was told of what they went through when trying to wake him to no avail and he couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure you're fine?" asked Ashley for the fifth time since he awoke from his nightmare.

"Yes I am" he replied before kissing her again, this time hugging her close to him so he could stop her from shaking.

"What was all that about?" he wondered to himself.

After everything had calmed and everyone went back to their rooms to get some well deserved rest, Tyler was up.

He sat there beside a sleeping Ashley wondering why all of a sudden his dream became so vivid, then he started wondering why he wasn't able to wake up from his dream, even after getting water thrown in his face.

Deciding he needed to clear his mind Tyler crept out of bed, making sure not to disturb Ashley's slumber, he went downstairs to the living area intending to watch the television but as if in a daze, he walked straight to the front entrance, where he then exited, stepping into the chill of the night.

As he walked, Tyler began hearing weird noises, at first he thought the noises were coming from the many woodland animals that resided in his territory, but as time went by he began hearing words, then it became a phrase, then it became a sentence and as he tried wrapping his brain around what the sentence said, he saw something freaky out of the corner of his eyes.

It was in the form of a man, but what got Tyler's attention was not the fact that the man had a weird glow around him, NO, it was the fact that he could clearly see through this person.

"Don't be afraid young Master" said the man politely.

Tyler was beyond shell shocked, as if his night couldn't get any worse he was now looking at a fucking ghost.
Never in a gazillion years would Tyler have believed in such things, even now when he'd seen and met so many different supernatural beings, but this, THIS was WAY too far out there.

Tyler wanted to scream so bad but all he managed to utter when he opened his mouth was:


Immediately the ghostly figure began laughing as Tyler watched on in horror.

"I am truly sorry young master, but I am no such thing" replied the ghost.

Tyler was confused.

"If you're not a ghost then what are you, and more importantly why are you calling me that?" he asked trying to sound calm, even though on the inside he was terrified.

"Maybe this will be of help" said the ghost as he stepped closer enabling Tyler to make out more of his features.

Immediately Tyler recognized the ghost as one of them men from his earlier dream.

"You're that Marius guy from my dream" said Tyler shocked.

"I am indeed young master" replied the ghost of Marius, smiling while bowing his head.

"But how come you're here, am I still dreaming?" asked Tyler, as he began trying to wake himself.

"I assure you young master, you are awake, I am very real, and i most certainly am not a ghost haunting you" replied Marius.

"You see I'm using a technique that allows be to project my consciousness, so I can travel on the astral plane, that is how I'm able to communicate with you" said the ghost of Marius.

"So what you're saying is, your a spirit, and your here talking to me?" asked Tyler as he watched Marius's ghost nod in agreement.

"Then how is that different from a ghost?" asked Tyler even more scared.

"But I'm not a ghost" said Marius.

"Yes you are! In my dream i saw it! I saw you die!!" replied Tyler.

"Yes.....yes you did, but you didn't see everything I wanted you to before you woke up!" replied Marius as he was now getting irritated.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"Ahhhhh...." sighed Marius while holding his head.

"Okay........ I was sent here with a message for you, but by the time I got here you were already asleep, so I, having no other choice, appeared to you, in your dream." explained Marius.

Tyler sat staring at Marius as he continued to explain.

"But before I could even finish the message, you broke out of my dream theater" continued Marius.

"So that dream I had earlier was your doing, but what does you getting killed have to do with me?" interrupted Tyler.

"It has quite a lot actually, but the purpose of the dream wasn't about me losing my human life, that was just where you managed to break free of my dream theater." said Marius before getting interrupted once again.

"What do you mean losing your human life?" asked Tyler yet puzzled.

"Are you going to keep interrupting or are you going to sit quietly and listen?" asked Marius annoyed.

"Okay okay, sheesh it was just a question" muttered Tyler grumpily.

"Well" continued Marius.
"Before I had died completely, the woman you saw in your dream, my Master, came to my rescue. She ignored all the chaos that was happening around her to give me life once again, for which I am immensely grateful" said Marius as memories of the event flooded his mind.

"So you're a Vampire?" Tyler asked.

"Yes young Master, I'm a Vampire not a ghost."

"So okay fine......but what does you becoming a Vampire have to do with me?" asked Tyler already bored of the entire situation.

"I know what you are" said Marius.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Tyler as he prepared himself to fight.

"I mean, I know that you're not only Lycan but also Vampire" replied Marius, watching as in an instant, Tyler was attacking him.

Tyler attacked but quickly stopped, before starting to growl at Marius, who throughout all of Tyler's attacks just stood there not defending, as he knew his body was no where near Silver Creek, so Tyler's attacks were useless.

"Be still young master, I am not your enemy" replied Marius calmly.

"Will you stop calling me Master already!!" Tyler said frustrated.

Suddenly Marius started smiling.

"You truly are her son" he uttered.

Tyler was in shock, as soon as the words left Marius's mouth he felt his heart flutter.

"What.....did..... you....say?" asked Tyler in shock.

"That is why I am here, this message is from your mother, my maker, lady Gwenevere Queen of all Vampires!" continued Marius.

"My mother...." asked Tyler before he fell to his knees.

"She sent me here to tell you that she loves you" said Marius letting his message sink in.

By now Marius began losing his strength, usually he could've stayed in his astral from for a few more hours, but it took most of the day to get to Silver Creek, and because he had to implement his dream theater on top of trying to keep Tyler asleep, he ended up expending his power much too quickly.

Looking up Tyler could see that Marius's spirit was fading.

"What's going on, why are you fading?" asked Tyler urgently.

"I'm afraid I've wasted too much energy, I can hardly keep this image of my consciousness stable" replied Marius.

"But what about my mother, is she alright, where is she, why did she send you instead of coming herself, and why did you use your ability instead of coming to speak with me in person?" asked Tyler frantically, hoping for some answers.

Knowing how strong Tyler was, Marius decided to tell Tyler about his mothers predicament.

"I know she will be upset with me for telling you what I am about to, but I hate seeing her behind that door." said Marius.

"What do you mean?" asked Tyler confused.

"Ever since we came here to your time we've been prisoners of the new Vampire King"

"He was the prince I showed you in the dream earlier, and ever since he came here, he's been searching for both the child my Master hid, and your father Xavier, Beta lion of the original clan of Lycans" said Marius.

"Ever since the unfortunate night that Oliver was crowned King, the queen has been locked away in the dungeon as bait to draw out Xavier, but to this day there's been no sign of him" replied Marius sadly.

"So where's my father been this whole time? asked Tyler.

"How can he just sit by and watch as she deals with this alone, and why don't you break her out, you're obviously in contact with her, so why is she still locked up???" he asked angrily.

Tyler's outburst made Marius's will falter causing his astral projection to do the same.

Tyler could barely see Marius's ghostly figure as it began speaking.

"I understand your rage completely, but she has forbidden me countless times, saying it would put both of us in trouble"

"The reason I am telling you this, is because I believe that only you or your father will be able to convince her to escape from Oliver's tyranny" continued Marius.

Being too angry for anymore talking Tyler asked his final question.


Understanding exactly what Tyler was asking Marius answered but not before issuing a warning.

"Now I hope you understand that if you do this, it has to be by stealth, this can't be an all out war or else I fear you might die" he said making sure his words sunk in.

Determined Tyler looked squarely in Marius's slowly fading eyes.

"Where" he repeated, causing Marius to smirk in acceptance before giving Tyler the information he wanted.

"Good luck young Master" said Marius before vanishing completely.

Tyler has never been this angry and happy at the same time in his life, he had so many things running through his mind that he could hardly process them. Suddenly memories of his mom from his dream flooded is mind, her smiling face, the love she had for his dad who was also completely in love with her, then the thought her waiting for her lover to rescue her from the tyranny of the new King of Vampires.

Angry couldn't even begin to explain what Tyler was currently feeling.

:Guys, wake up, were going to Romania!!: roared Tyler through the pack link.


Marius opened his eyes to see his two "companions" staring at him intently.

"What have you been up to.... Whiz?" asked Thaddeus accusingly, causing his brother Theodore to chuckle incessantly.

Marius looked at them, snarling viciously.

"I told you not to call me that!!" replied Marius angrily.

"He did tell you not to call him that dear brother, my, how ever are we going to fix such a shameful act?" asked Theodore sarcastically.

Marius was furious but he knew he couldn't take on both brothers in his weakened state, so he just stood there staring them down.

"I'm glad that you came to your senses Whiz, it would be a huge mistake on your part to attack us when all we came here to do was deliver our dear King's summons" said Thaddeus tauntingly.

Marius exited his quarters with a more than audible scoff, ensuring they both heard his disgust, knowing that more than anything, the twins hated being looked down on.

"God damned lapdogs" he said as he made his way to Oliver's throne room.

As soon as the words left Marius's mouth Theodore had to grab hold of his twin brother.

"Did you hear his insolence brother?" asked Thaddeus outraged.

"I did brother, but the King has requested his presence so we can't do anything to hinder that, but that insolent commoner of a wizard's piece of shit will get what's coming to him soon enough" replied Theodore menacingly.

Marius took his time trying to get to the throne room, hoping that he could recover some much needed energy, unfortunately it would take way more than a ten minute walk for him to recover enough to even attempt resisting Oliver's glare or any other technique he might use on a whim.

Soon enough Marius was outside the throne room.

"Here goes nothing" he said as he entered.

"Well, well, well, you sure took your time didn't you?" asked Oliver rhetorically.

Marius stood still, not saying anything.

"I must say, i have been getting some interesting news of late" continued Oliver, watching Marius intently trying to see if there was any reaction to his provocation.

Marius stood with his face blank from all emotions.

"It seems that someone was seen conversing with my lovely wife" continued Oliver still watching Marius closely.

Still Marius stood, with no response to the implied accusation.

"Now I could have sworn I made it very clear, that my slut of a wife wasn't to have any contact with anyone or anything, and should remain like that as long as she keeps withholding the location of that abomination of a child that she bore with that mongrel Xavier!!" continued Oliver furious.

Marius, although intelligent enough to see what Oliver intended with his derogatory statements, was equally furious, he could ignore many things, but disrespecting his maker and best friend wasn't one of them. In his rage he attacked Olivier with arms raised ready to punch his lights out, but before he could even take five steps towards Oliver, he was being flung violently in the opposite direction.

"BOOM!!!!!" came the noise as Marius collided with the wall, it was such an impact that the outline of his body was etched into the concrete.

Marius tried getting himself free but quickly realised he was still being pushed by Oliver's power.

As Oliver began walking towards Marius with his hand held out in front of him, Marius could feel tremendous pressure, pressing against him.

"Now tell me, why did you disobey MY decree?" asked Oliver menacingly.

Marius could feel the pressure beginning to crush is bones, with each advance Oliver made, he heard more and more cracks, felt more and more pain, and wished more and more for Oliver to die. He could tell that not knowing anything about what was said in his meeting with Gwenevere was killing the undeserving brute of a King, and it made him smile in defiance.

Seeing this Oliver became even angrier than before, knowing full well that merely crushing the bones of a Vampire was not life threatening he committed fully, shattering Marius's ribs causing him to scream out in agony.

Marius's cries echoed throughout the kingdom causing cheers from Vampires who hated him and unexpected flinches from those who didn't really have a problem with him, but once it was heard by his maker, the only thing it caused were tears.

Outside the boundaries of the castle stood a group of men, they were all staring at the castle intently, with the one out front looking on in sadness as he heard the faint screams coming from inside the castle.

"When are you going to man up and give us the go ahead?" asked one of the men quietly.

"Patience my brother, we will storm the castle when the time is right" replied the apparent leader of the group.

"Patience?" "Is that all you have to say when as we speak our kin are being hunted and killed for sport?" asked the man angrily.

"What about our wives, what about our ki--" he asked, before being picked up by the neck then slammed into a tree.

"I said when the time is right!!" growled the leader through clenched teeth,while  staring squarely into the mans face with the piercing gold eyes of a lion.

"Its okay boss, I'm sure he gets it now" said another of the men, after resting his hand on his boss's shoulder, causing him to releasing the man.

"What the hell is wrong with you Mike?" asked another of the men, talking to the one who was just assaulted.

"You know his story, why in the world would you bring up wives and kids around him, are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked.

"Fuck him man, he's gathered us all here and now he's fucking staring at the place, when he was the one telling us we should attack the fucking place  and shit"

"I'm fucking tired of this shit Jesse!!" said Mike.

"Okay, okay Mr. Big shot, do you want to attack that place without him by your side?" asked Jesse.

"Hell no!!! Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not crazy enough to go in there alone, besides he's the one who's got the plans and shit, it wouldn't make sense for me to go and get lost" replied Mike.

"Then what's the problem doofus?" asked Jesse.

".....I.....I guess you right" answered Mike after processing everything in his mind.

"I get it, I get it, these Vampire pussies are gonna go ape shit when we run up on them and kill their King, that is, whenever the big guys decides it time of course."

"For now I'm guessing we just enjoy the view" said Mike.

"I promise brothers, the right time is soon upon us, and you will be glad you you waited when you see what I have in store" said their leader causing cheers from all around.

"I sure hope so" thought mike to himself.


"Why Romania all of a sudden?" asked Demetrius more concerned than pissed at the overly abrupt wake up call with no form of explanation.

Everyone else was getting their stuff packed while listening in on the heated conversation.

"There's just something I've got to do over there and I have no time!" replied Tyler.

"But why now all of a sudden?"

"An hour ago everything was fine, now you want us to go to Romania?"

"ROMANIA of all places!!" shouted Demetrius.

"Why, just tell us why, that's all I'm asking, why are you insisting on taking us to the oldest and strongest of the Vampire territories, huh? just tell us alrea--"

"BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE MY MOTHER IS OKAY!?" screamed Tyler causing everyone to stop in their tracks.

A few seconds passed in silence, before a collective "WHAT????" could be heard throughout the pack house..

Tyler explained what had happened in his dream, before repeating what Marius told him about his mother and her current situation.

The members of the Silver Creek pack all sat thinking on what they just heard, the atmosphere in the room was so silent, that even with his super hearing Tyler couldn't hear them taking any breaths.

Concerned, he also sat silently watching his friends and pack mates trying to guess their reaction to flying to the Vampire capital of the world, hoping that they would accompany him. Finally someone exhaled which caused a chain reaction from the others as they were all apparently holding in their breaths.

"That's must've been pretty creepy" said Shane.

"You could see right through him?" he asked in shock.

Tyler was shocked at the sincerity of Shane's stupidity, he expected a million questions he would not have been able to answer, but this, this was just unexpected, and as if that wasn't enough he heard Demetrius getting everyone back to their current job of packing for the trip.

"Come on guys, you heard the man we've got no time, let's get packed, we're going to Romania!"

Tyler stood with a surprised look on his face he was about to ask a question when Derrick interrupted him.

"Don't even think about asking why we're agreeing with you dude, we fully intended to accompany you, we just wanted to know the reason why you wanted to go there in such a hurry" said Derrick smirking before helping Sarah with her bags.

"Wow, your mom huh, are you feeling okay?" asked Ashley holding Tyler's hands in her own while pulling him to the side.

"To be honest, I don't know how I feel, I guess I feel better now, knowing that you guys all have my back." replied Tyler before kissing her on the cheek.

"We're also coming with you" said Mr. Dupree boldly.

Tyler looked up at the man who became more and more outspoken ever since he joined the pack.

"I really appreciate this, but you don't have to, I'm sure this is going to get dangerous and I don't want you or your family hurt" he said politely.

"I'm afraid you're quite right about it going to be very dangerous young Alpha, even more so when you don't even know where to go" said the old man smiling.

"Both my wife and I were born and raised there, and we had to leave under..... "stressful" circumstances, so apart from us wanting to see our homeland once more, we also want our kids to see and experience the old country" replied Mr. Dupree.

Tyler understood wholeheartedly what it felt like to long for a place to call home, and now that he might be getting a chance to finally meet his mother, he couldn't bare denying the Vampires the right to at least visit their homeland.

"We have no time to lose guys daylights in a few hours" shouted Derrick making sure everyone was doing what they were suppose to.

An hour later they were all on a jet fully equipped with coffins for their Vampire brethren to sleep in while the sun was up.

Nine hours later they were in Bucharest. As soon as he stepped foot out of the plane Tyler could sense something different in his surroundings.
The first thing he noticed was the feeling of being watched, calmly he relayed the information to his pack via their link.

: Stay calm guys, don't do anything to raise your aura, keep yourselves human until we can find where Marius told us to go : he said worried.

: Understood :  came the reply from his pack members.

For now they all seemed human to both the trained and untrained eyes, and as soon as Tyler arranged transportation for his pack members they were off.

It took a while for them to reach their destination but Tyler was happy they were off the road finally, according to Mr. Dupree, the house they rented overlooked the location given by Marius, which made it more convenient for them to properly access the situation before they made their move.

At first Tyler wasn't too happy with the "let's make a plan first" plan, he wanted to meet his mother so bad, but he soon realized that going in half cocked in an unknown territory could do more harm than good, especially since he had his pack / family with him.

The house they rented was more like a mini castle, the other members of the pack though exhausted, all went around admiring the grounds and scenery, it was evening and the sun was just setting but despite the circumstances for their travel, Tyler had to admit the beauty of his surroundings.

As soon a s the sunlight disappeared bringing in the darkness of night, the Duprees emerged from their slumber.

"Great!, you guys are finally awake, i think we should go see what we are going to be going up against" said Tyler excited.
"I Agree" replied Mr. Dupree.

"I think it's the perfect time to go on reconnaissance." he said smirking.

Tyler wondered why the man was smirking but decided not to ask because it wasn't as important as what they were about to do.
Tyler was surprised to see everyone volunteering for his little excursion into the woods that was surrounding the location Marius gave him, he was very pleased to see his new found family showing so much interest in rescuing his mother and it almost brought him to tears.

A few minutes later they were off, jumping from balconies to land in the cushion of the tree tops before climbing down to fallen leaves and other shrubs on the forest floor.

Before making their way forward, Tyler gave his Pack their orders.

"I know it's going to be very dangerous guys, so i'm going to be very clear when i say this" he said commanding the full attention of the others.

"Try to gather as much information as you can, report on what you see and try not to draw too much attention to yourselves"

"But, if you do" he paused.

"Use ANY means necessary to get back here alive" he finished.

Filled with pride, each member expressed their acceptance of Tyler's speech and went on their way splitting up in different directions.

Before Mr. Dupree headed out, he expressed his thanks to Tyler for including his family in such an important task, he expressed how glad he was when he awoke and saw that everyone had waited for them before trying to go off and investigate and how proud he was to be a part of the pack.

Tyler in turn thanked Mr. Dupree, expressing his gratitude for their help.

Before long they were all scattered through the woods heading towards the huge castle walls ahead.
Tyler was amazed at how huge it was, it made where they were staying look like a small one room hut.

: This place doesn't seem too secure : said Demetrius via the pack link.

: Same here : said Derrick.
: Yeah, it seems pretty easy to infil-- : said Shane before being interrupted.

: Shane!...Shane say something!!! : shouted Kelly before she herself screamed in fright.

: Kelly!!! : shouted Yuki.
One by one, the replies came less and less until no one would reply to Tyler's call.

: Guys!!!, whats going on?, please say something, guys......GUYS!!! :

Tyler knew if anything happened to his friends that he would've been responsible and it was driving him crazy.
In a rage he started running in the direction he heard Kelly's scream.

: Tyler! : said Yuki as she pulled up along side him, not too far behind her was Lizzie and the rest of her family.

: I'm glad you guys are okay, but i have to go on ahead : he said.

: Go : said Yuki. : We'll get there soon :

: And Tyler : she continued.

: Kick some ass!! : she replied, as she watched him nod before speeding up.

Before long Tyler was out of their sights, as Yuki and the Vampires made their way onwards, they abruptly had to stop due to two unknown men standing before them.

"That guy sure was fast" said one of the guys as the dust from the sudden stopping of Yuki and the Vampires settled.
"He sure was" said the other.

"And here we thought these Vamps were a bunch of lazy royals, too proud to think themselves capable of dying." he finished, causing his colleague to chuckle in amusement.

"Who are you and what do you want with us?" demanded Yuki aggressively.

"Shut the hell up Bloodsucker!!" replied the man angry, causing Yuki and the others to hiss instinctively.

Both strangers started laughing, it started like normal but then it got fearsome as if both men resented the earlier reaction from Yuki and the Duprees.

"Oh, so they want to fight huh?"

"Bring it on!!" shouted the men as they began shifting into two of the biggest Werewolves Yuki has ever seen. One was full grey with a patch of black over his left eye, while the other was full white.

Seeing the situation unfolding before her, Yuki relinquished her human facade, releasing her Vampiric abilities, she attacked as soon as her face became pale and her fangs and nails grew, causing the others to do the same.
The two Werewolves were grossly out numbered but it was Yuki and the Duprees that were being pushed back.

: I don't know why these Lycan are here protecting a bunch of Vampires, but one thing's for certain." said Yuki.

: These guys are strong :

: I don't think these guys are with the Vampires : replied Alexander.

: I don't think so either : replied Tashay.

: Really, why not? : asked Yuki as she dodged another attack from the white wolf, before dashing one of her own in the mix, slightly catching the white wolf in his underbelly.

: Well for one : said Mr. Dupree.

: They ambushed us thinking we were from the castle : he said, as he sliced one of the grey wolf's hind leg.

: You're right : replied Yuki as she was flung backwards from one of the white wolf's swipes.

Lizzie was totally different than she was back when she was kidnapped, because of her trainings with Yuki and the pack she became a valuable addition to the team.

She was currently sinking her teeth into the neck of the grey wolf, unfortunately he was so big, that her bite seemed insignificant, eventually she had to resort to choking the wolf out, which was futile because her short hands couldn't wrap around his huge neck.

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