Hybrid 57: Who is she, is that really Zero?

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"Who is she?" Zero thought to himself as he watched Tyler hugging her.

He watched has Ashley, Amoy and Derrick were stood in shock at the revelation of this new person's identity.

"But how?"

"How is this possible?" Tyler asked after releasing her from his embrace.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean, how is it that you are alive?" Tyler asked with tears falling from his eyes.

Zero assumed Tyler must've not been aware that she was alive for a long time, because of how happy he seemed to be. He kept wondering who she was to Tyler and why he was reacting so weak in her presence.

"Is this really the same terrifying alpha that whooped my ass not too long ago?" he asked himself while staring at Tyler and the woman.

She was about five feet tall and she had blond hair, her nails were done in red, she wore a yellow summer dress and had on knee high boots that were brown, all in all she appeared average to Zero, which made her suspicious.

"Why would someone like her, just show up here out of nowhere?"

"She has to know that this is not a very safe place" thought Zero as he watched her skeptically.

He listened as the girl explained to Tyler, how she came to realize he was her big brother, after he had saved her and the others from the military scientists earlier up in the year.

Zero was confused, he didn't remember anyone that looked like Emily, when the scientists would transport him from his cell, to their examination room. He listened as she told his pack mates about how she figured out where Tyler came from and how she came to discover the location of the pack house, when she got to Silver Creek.

She mentioned how she was so glad to see that number Zero was still alive and that to her, it seemed as if he was adjusting well to his new home, she thanked Tyler again for saving both their lives and the lives of the others.

Before she could get another word in, Zero interrupted her with a question.

"Which number were you at the facility?" he asked.

"I was number f---” she started saying before Tyler interrupted her with the answer.

"Fifty six!" he said a little louder than usual.

"Right?" he asked awaiting Emily's reply.

"Yeah, i was number fifty six" she answered.

"My cell was right at the end of the hall, so i don't think you would've seen me much, beside, they had you so drugged up all the time that i wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't remember anything" she said as if remorseful.

"Yeah, you got a point.... I guess" replied Zero, even though he still couldn't bring himself to trust anything that came from this person's mouth.

Yuki on the other hand was overjoyed, over the time she's spent together with the pack she'd heard stories of Tyler and little Emily and their adventures at the orphanage, which usually had to do with whatever book Tyler had read to her and their imagination to make into reality.

She was so happy that this news was the first thing that he got to experience after awaking, instead of the news of his parent's status and whereabouts. As the thought entered her head, Yuki vanquished it, hoping that somehow Tyler had not subconsciously read her thoughts.

At the same time her eyes caught Lizzie's who nodded to her as if saying she understood what was happening, telling her that Lizzie might have caught her thoughts just now.

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