Hybrid 52 : Flashback 2.0, Hermes???

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"So, what now?" asked Xander furious.

He was so mad that Xavier, Gwenevere, their abomination and the most important person Marius got away that he roared, causing the cave to begin crumbling under the pressure of his voice.

"You fool, why can't you control yourself?" asked the Vampire King equally as furious but more so towards Xander because they had to flee the crumbling cave.

"You imbecile!" he shouted.

"Would you get down off your high horse already Ryden?" said Xander addressing the Vampire King after shifting back to his human self and grabbing some clothes off a dead Vampire who was dead at his feet.

"Really?" said Ryden in shock. "Now you know my name?"

"Well yes! I think we have bigger things to worry about right now than us fighting" replied Xander.

"Ha! This coming from the guy who started the feud between us to begin with" said Ryden rolling his eyes.

"Well, if you didn't try to steal HER away from me in the first place, we wouldn't have been fighting!" replied Xander.

"Me, steal her from you?" asked Ryden shocked. "How can i steal something that wasn't yours to begin with?"

"You know what, i'm not even going to continue arguing with you over something you're clearly lying about, let's just forget it."

"Besides that's not important right now, what's important is, what in the world just happened?"said Xander.

"I don't really know, but they used something they shouldn't have known existed and we need to handle it" said Ryden.

"But how?" asked Xander. "We were forbidden from even trying to contact them!" he said confused.

"Well, we need the answers only they'll be able to provide" said Ryden.

"So they're just going to have to compromise."

During this time every surviving member of both sides were equally as confused as to why these two mortal enemies seemed to be so friendly, all of a sudden.

"Excuse me my Lord, but are we going to continue the plan of slaughtering these beasts?" asked one of the King's Vampire servants.

"Hahaha, no, not at this time" replied Ryden laughing, causing Xander to scoff in anger.

The Therians were also confused and Xander had been dodging his own set of questions via his pack link.

: It's a long story but i still hate him : said Xander as if that was as good of an answer as his clan members were going to get.

"I guess we're going to have to talk to those three aren't we?" asked Xander addressing Ryden.

"I guess so" replied Ryden with an audible sigh.

"Go back to the castle and await our return!" said both men before giving their direct subordinates further commands.

Eventually they both were finished and were ready to continue, before long they began running towards the north.

"I'll race you!" shouted Xander.

"You'll regret it!" replied Ryden.

"We'll see who's regretting it after we arrive at our destination" said Xander before shifting to his Lion then sprinting off, gaining the lead.

"Oh so it's like that?" said Ryden smirking.

Without another second passing he activated his power and jumped, leaping so high and so far ahead that Xander had to really push himself to keep up.

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