Hybrid 27 : No Longer Affected By The Sun. The Craving.

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Scarlett and Rebecca were reminded of their demise and it took them a while before they came to terms with the fact that they were somehow resurrected by Tyler's blood.

"So are we like you now?" Scarlett asked Tyler curious.

"I'm not sure, Yuki had to drink a were cheetah's blood before she became able to walk in the daylight." he replied.

"So are you saying that even though your blood's mixed with theirs, they would still have to drink another Therian's blood to become like you?" asked Mr. Dupree.

"I honestly don't know Mr. Dupree, but what i think is happening is, my blood's like the trigger that awakens the ability to become a hybrid, but in Yuki's case, even though she became a vampire because of my bite, it was only after she drank that blood you gave her that the had that strange reaction in that abandoned building we were in"

"So I think that's what changed her, because that's when we noticed her new found skill of day walking"

"So maybe we should try that with the girls before we even begin to test their immunity to the sun's rays" said Tyler.

"I think you're right" replied Mrs. Dupree.

"What do you want to be Becca?" asked Lizzie changing the whole tone of the conversation.

"I think you should be a cheetah like Yuki, then i can ride on you when Yuki's busy" said Lizzie, annoying her siblings with her overly excited attitude.

"No!" shouted Rebecca frustrated.

"What about you Scar?" asked Lizzie now ignoring Rebecca's angry demeanor .

"Cheetahs are really fast" she said trying to coax her older sister into agreeing with her logic.

"No Elizabeth!!"

"We're not going to drink a werecheetah's blood just so you can get to ride on us whenever you want." replied Scarlett also frustrated.

"Besides we don't have anymore lycans blood, so just settle down and quit your nagging!" she said before walking away.

Yuki couldn't help but to chuckle at the situation before her, she watched as Lizzie followed the twins suggesting all different kinds of animals she wished them to be, all big enough for her to ride on of course.

"Poor girls, there's just no getting through to her when she's like that" said Mrs. Dupree smiling.

"I know that's right." replied Yuki before laughing along with everyone else present.

During the time that they've been back, Tyler had been spending most of his time with his parents, they talked for days, asking and answering questions, laughing and crying when explaining certain struggles they faced during the time they'd spent apart, it took them weeks to get over the shock of it all and finally they began settling into a somewhat normal routine, at least as normal as a family reuniting after so many years could be.

During their time back, the Lycan council had sent multiple summons for Tyler, which he'd ignored due to the fact that he was too busy "catching up" with his parents. Demetrius had warned against it but wasn't too surprised when Tyler had also ignored him, though he wasn't too bothered by Tyler's decision, he knew that the Lycan council would've reacted negatively to Tyler's defiant attitude, but he wasn't expecting the extent to which they took the matter.

Knock! Knock! KNOCK! came the sound of the entrance to the main pack house.

Everyone present in the main house was shocked at the sheer force of the knocks and as Yuki was about to answer it, she was knocked backwards as the door hit her sending her flying head first into a cupboard filled with glassware, causing bruise after bruise as broken glass sliced her skin.

Tyler hearing Yuki's surprised whelp, left his room immediately, aiming to bring death to who ever had hurt his pack mate and first servant (even though he hated the thought of someone serving him). But this time he couldn't help but think of her that way, in fact he had felt a stronger pull to her ever since he had bitten Rebecca and Scarlett as if the four of them were now bonded on a much larger scale than that of what the "pack magic" has ever done.

As if on cue Rebecca and Scarlett both came bursting in from the set of caves underneath the pack grounds, hissing violently as they bared their fangs, luckily for them the sky was harshly over clouded blocking out the harmful rays of the sun, threatening rain at any time, which at the moment neither of the girls seemed to care about.

Seconds later Lizzie also came up as she was kind of curious to see what had gotten her sisters so upset, when she saw the condition Yuki and the room was in she became enraged, she accessed the room frantically until she came up on the door that still rested on Yuki's lower half, then she brought her attention to the man standing where the door should've been and before even she knew it she was running towards him claws bared and ready to kill.

With just the slightest look in Lizzie's direction Tyler watched as her sisters Rebecca and Scarlett intercepted her, holding her back, ensuring that she would stay out of harms way, which is what he was going to tell them to do via the pack link, but they intervened before he could say it, as if they were reading his mind.

"Well isn't this interesting?" said the man standing at the door.

"Here i thought something had happened to the great rookie we had our eyes on" said the man smiling.

"Come to find out that you're here with these.....these.....these THINGS!" he finally managed to blurt out.

"What's the meaning of this?" asked Demetrius shocked at the man's presence there.

"Why Demetrius, is that you?"

"It's been ages since i last saw you!"

"How has it been?" said the man as dramatically as he could, speaking as if he were in a Broadway play.

"Cut the bullshit Cordero! what are you doing here?" asked Demetrius pissed.

Hearing Demetrius' conversation with the stranger had Tyler curious to who he was, so using the pack link, he contacted Demetrius.

: Who is this guy Demetrius?"

: Another loose end that needs tying up? : asked Tyler baring his already protruding fangs.

: To be honest Tyler, I'm not quite sure : replied Demetrius.

: He was a close friend to Remus...... that was before you killed him, so maybe he came for revenge, but i don't see why after so long :

: Remus? : asked Tyler confused.

: Yeah, that council man you killed when you first visited the Lycan high council back then : replied Demetrius.

: Oh so that's how it is : said Tyler now ready for a fight.

: As i said Tyler, i honestly don't know, he could be here on business for the council :

: I mean, you did ignore their summons multiple times over the past couple of weeks : said Demetrius.

"So.... Are you going to tell us why you're here?" asked Demetrius when Tyler didn't reply, trying to get to the bottom of the obviously bad situation before Tyler made things worse.

It was the first time that Demetrius had ever seen him get so worked up, so quick, over something that just happened mere minutes ago and he was terrified about the potential outcome.

"You'd better start answering my questions before things become too out of hand" said Demetrius, still trying to put out the "proverbial flame" which he assumed was about to erupt within Tyler.

"No, no, no, no, no" said Cordero.

"Before i can do that, I would really like some answers for myself" he said before continuing.

"Like...... Why in the world has your Alpha been ignoring the summons issued to him by the high council?"

"And why is it that when i came here attempting to ascertain his reasons for not making himself available to the council, even after so many attempts to reach him, i had to smell this disgusting creature lurking behind your pack door?" he asked provokingly.

"Why are those bloodsuckers even here?"

"Why are they still alive"

"I mean, i had heard the rumors that your pack had taken in and invited Vampires to join, but i thought it was just a rumour, seeing that this pack was said to be a pack that despises bloodsuckers"

"Now i've seen that the rumors were true, but i still can't bring myself to believe it"

"I mean how can you?"

"Are your noses broken?"

"Can't you smell their stench?"

"How can you even breathe with them being so close to you"

"I've been here all but a few minutes and i feel like ripping the heads from all their bodies then setting them ablaze so that i can finally have some breathable air again." said Cordero ignorant to the impact his words had on Tyler.

That last comment from Cordero was the "straw" that had finally broken the "Camel's" back, because as soon as it left his mouth Tyler began shifting. Demetrius found it weird because it wasn't how Tyler would usually shift, this time it was slow, too slow, it reminded Demetrius of the first shift of a newly awoken Therian and he was very confused as to why it was happening to Tyler, even though Tyler was among the quickest shifters he'd ever met.

"This can't be good" he thought to himself.

During his slow rate of shifting, Tyler's parents emerged from their newly conjured quarters (thanks to Jessica), soon after they were followed by the other pack members who kept arriving from wherever they were on the pack grounds previously without knowing exactly what was goin on. It wasn't until they saw the sheer state of anger that Tyler was in, that they realized that it must have been his emotions that had summoned them all there together.

Tyler's current situation wasn't lost on Cordero for too long, because he finally noticed the anger he had caused.

"Finally!" he thought to himself excited.

Deep down he was happy because he was forbidden to attempt revenge on Tyler for the death of Remus his best friend and mentor who he'd admired greatly, the only option he was left with, was if he had to act in self defense, which was now becoming a possibility, even though he was intentionally provoking Tyler and his entire pack, but that was just technicality, all that mattered was that he wasn't the one to throw the first blow.

He watched as Tyler's body convulsed and grew, ripping his clothes slowly, he watched as fur began covering Tyler's bare skin, he watched as Tyler's face began morphing into something no longer human, he watched as hands became paws and nails became claws, he watched the features of a lion was formed, followed by the huge mane that covered Tyler's head, then he watched as the gigantic lion stared at him with it's piercing golden eyes and roared, shaking the entire pack house and it's surrounding.

"Bring it on you pussy!" shouted Cordero before he to shifted into his giant Lycan form of a Grizzly bear.

Everyone in close proximity to Tyler and the intruder stepped back a few feet, well everyone except for Rebecca and Scarlett who were still holding onto Lizzie, although they were equally as pissed off and eager to take revenge on the intruder as she and Tyler was.

Without a seconds pause Tyler initiated the attack, he pounced on the equally as huge Grizzly, aiming for it's neck but was easily smacked away by the offensive bear.

Unaffected, Tyler re-initiated his attack, recklessly attempting the same thing he did earlier, allowing the others to see that something was definitely a little off with him, it was as if he was attacking purely on rage, which was something he would've normally been able to handle, but not this time.

Cordero saw that Tyler was all over the place and took full advantage of it, slashing, biting and hitting the sorry excuse of an Alpha all over his body.

Again Tyler attempted biting Cordero in the neck before failing miserably by getting countered, then as if nothing happened he repeated his attempt.

: What the hell is going on with him? : asked Kyle confused.

Suddenly Yuki woke up screaming at the top of her lungs, then it was Rebecca and Scarlett, then it was Tyler in the form of a roar.

Everyone in the room including Cordero had to immediately cover their ears as the screams coupled with Tyer's roar was so loud, that every glass in the room including the ones that Yuki was already thrown into, were shattered.

 Lizzie had it the worst because she was right in-between her two sisters, their screams were seemingly being projected directly in her ears, noticing this, Xavier with his hands still covering his ears, ran to her rescue pouncing on her elder sisters, pushing them away from Lizzie with the momentum he built up from his short sprint.

The situation was becoming more and more of a disaster as the combined sounds of the four, was sending everyone to the ground as they rolled around in agony, nothing had ever pained them more than what they were experiencing right then in that moment, then as suddenly as it started, it was gone, releasing everyone from their pai, leaving them surprisingly as energetic as they were before it started.

Tyler shifted back into his human form to people who didn't know better, but he was actually in his Vampire form and he seemed calm, he began walking, ignoring all the questions his pack was throwing at him about what had just taken place. He walked over to the Bear who was confused as to why he was walking over to him in his human form, but still seemed eager to continue the fight.

Cordero attacked roaring as he made his way to the small human boy, (small compared to his current form of a gigantic were- bear) he ran on all fours attempting to bite Tyler in the stomach aiming to split him in half, but he was surprised when he missed. He couldv'e sworn that for just a split second his target disappeared from before his eyes, sure it sounded strange but it was the truth and if people didn't believe that, all they had to do was just wait until he finished his story, because when he finally was able to see his target again, the boy was standing on the very tip of his nose/ snout.

Looking down on the huge Grizzly he stood upon, Tyler smiled showing his fangs to the animal, watching as the shock was registered in it's eyes, then without the slightest sign of his intention he jumped, flipping through the air multiple times before he was once again in the position to land on top of the bear, but instead, he landed with a kick, sending the huge animal smashing into the ground.

Before Cordero could recover, Tyler landed beside him holding him down, then with immense speed and fluidity, he sank his fangs into the bear's neck, drinking him dry before ripping his head clean off, dropping it on the floor, then stepping on it with his feet, crushing it to pieces.

Everyone watching stood shocked as they wondered what could've made Tyler do something so, so ....Primal, they watched as he wiped the blood away from his lips, then turned around glaring at them as if he was about to give them the same treatment he'd just given Cordero, just as he was about to attack Yuki, Scarlett, Rebecca and his mother all ran to him, holding him down, as he hissed and tried freeing himself.

"What in the world is happening to him my love?" asked Xavier concerned because he knew something was very wrong from the look on her face.

"I'm not really sure, but i think it's similar to when a Vampire refrain from drinking blood for too long" said Gwenevere as she whispered to him trying to calm him down.

"I think she's right" said Mr. Dupree.

"It would seem that his kind has a longer time period before the craving takes hold, but i guess we didn't think about it because he could sustain himself by other means"

"Even Yuki was able to eat other food than blood when she became like him" he said with a grim look on his face.

"So i guess they'd have to keep drinking blood every now and again to be safe from the effects of this craving thing" said Derrick.

"It would seem so" replied Xavier.

Marius noticing that Tyler was still not calming down, recited an incantation that sent Tyler into the world of dreams almost instantly.

"What was that?"

"What did you do?" asked Gwenevere.

"It's okay Gwen, i just sent him to sleep, he'll be good in a couple of hours" replied Marius as he recited another incantation only this time it summoned clothes on Tyler's body before lifting him from the embrace of Gwenevere and the girls, then sending him to his bed in his room.

"Wow, awesome" said Shane oblivious to the fact that he said that out loud.


The following day the members of the Lycan High Council were enraged, they no longer had the patience for Tyler's tom foolery, further more they had sent countless messages summoning him to the council so that they could figure out the reason he attacked one of the Vampire strongholds without first informing them of his intentions, without response and now that they've sent someone to personally escort him here, he's a no show.

"But i still think Cordero was not the right choice to choose for an escort, because he's still so hell bent on revenge for Remus, who i might add deserved everything that Tyler boy did to him" said on of the councilmen.

"You know, It's just like you to say something like that, that boy was being disrespectful as soon as he'd arrived here that day" said another.

"Well I still think we should give him a little more time" the councilman replied.

"Are you out of your bloody mind Diego?"

"We have waited for him for far too long now and quite frankly, I'm fucking tired of his insubordination" said another furiously causing spit to fly from his mouth from the intensity of his words.

"Keaton is right, we've given the boy more than we would've given any other and he's done nothing so far to earn it" said another of the council men.

"Agreed" said another.

"Further more he's a newbie, which is why is disrespect his on a whole other level, it's almost as if he grew up with no manners" said another of the many councilmen present at that particular meeting.

"But what about Demetrius?" asked Diego.

"What about him?" asked Keaton angrily, he was a short man, with what one would call a permanent scowl on his face, always frowning even when faced with a situation in which he should smile, which is something he never did.

"I mean, If we were to bring the Alpha of Demetrius's pack here to answer for his disrespectful actions, thered be a fight on our hands, because we all know how temper-mental he can get" said Diego nervously.

"So what?" asked Keaton.

"Are you scared?"

"Or are you afraid that you would have to face down a former colleague and one with such a reputation as his?" said Keaton provokingly.

"Preposterous!" replied Diego defensively.

"I have never once backed down from a fight, in fact i welcome the thought of going up against anyone of you" he said trying to convince himself.

"Oh really?....Too bad fights are forbidden between council members then huh, because i'd love to teach you a lesson or two" said Keaton with a small smirk plastered on his face.


"As if you could teach anyone anything"

"I bet you never even graduated from school"

"That's if you were even smart enough to attend school" replied Diego smugly, causing Keaton to growl in contempt.

"Can you two at least pretend to be adults for just two seconds while we vote on this issue?" asked another of the council men who by now was totally fed up with the shenanigans of the two.

"For cripes sake Edward, no need to get your panties all in a bunch" replied Keaton.

"Now all in favour of us paying that disrespectful toddler a visit say aye, those not in favour please kindly keep your thoughts to yourselves" said Edward bringing everyone's attention back to the business at hand.

"Aye!" came their unanimous decision.

"Well then, i guess it's off to Silver Creek, time to teach these young ones a lesson." said Keaton as he smiled menacingly.

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