Hybrid 69 - Tyler's Dead?, Dragon's Plea,

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Another month went by with no signs of Tyler's whereabouts, and almost everyone was out looking for him. Currently there were only Derrick who was now slightly back on his feet, Ashley that volunteered to take care of her big brother, Shane, Lizzie and Yuki that were still at Silver Creek's headquarters, everyone else were off trying to find Tyler or at least trying to find clue as to where he had been taken.

They were also making sure that any rampaging vampires they came across would be dealt with permanently, all while making sure their Therian identities were kept under wraps.

It was hard, especially now that their bodies weren't being healed almost instantaneously as it would've months ago when Tyler was home, so they had to be careful, making sure that injuries the received were minuscule, or else they, much like Derrick had been in recent times, would've been bedridden with a slow and painful process of recovery.

Yuki had stayed behind to take care of her "sister" Lizzie, because she was  still having a hard time dealing with the death of her parents, which was also the reason why the other Dupree siblings had left to go find Tyler, they were all trying to distract themselves from any and everything that would remind them of their parents death.

Lizzie was on the beach with Yuki tanning in the sun, she was so happy when she accidentally found out that Tyler being missing didn't stop her from being a day walking vampire, it was one of the most precious things she gained besides not looking like a prepubescent kid after drinking Tyler's blood and she cherished it dearly.

"Stop, you maniac!" she said laughing as Yuki was currently burying her legs with sand.

"Hey I'm just trying to make a mermaid!" said Yuki laughing, while using her speed to bury Lizzie even faster.

"Oh my God, you're crazy!" squealed Lizzie's as she tried crawling out from underneath the sand, even though it didn't help much on account of how fast Yuki was shoveling.

"Seriously you're like a dog digging to hide his favorite bone, you know that?!" she said finally giving up, laughing while tears ran down her face.

"Oh my God"

Back at the pack houses, Derrick, Ashley and Shane were in the living area trying to figure out what they were going to do in Tyler's absence. Both Shane and Derrick could see the distraught look on Ashley's face anytime they mentioned his name and they knew she was terrified.

She sat there in silence as Derrick and Shane brainstormed ideas, trying to figure out a concrete way to keep Silver Creek running smoothly until Tyler came back, if he could even do that.

At first no one could've uttered those words in front of her without her chewing them out, but after two months with no sign of his whereabouts, or any word from him whether by texts, calls, emails or even a letter, her optimism began to falter and she began wondering.

"Is he dead?" was all she thought about night and day and she hated herself for thinking like that.

She felt like she was giving up on him, and even though she tried being and thinking positively, she just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad had happened to to him.


Aphrodite's screams were haunting, especially to Tyler who was trying to ignore the torture around him, as he tried desperately to free himself from whatever it was that was keeping him hostage there.

"Your efforts remain futile boy" said Cronos, his voice could be heard over and over at smaller decibels for about a minute each time he spoke, because of the echoes that would follow, which made it mentally exhausting for Tyler.

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