Hybrid 16 : Yuki

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Yuki's P.O.V 

"Arghhh, I'm so hungry, ever since I woke up in the cemetery that night I've been starving, I guess that's to be expected seeing that I'm now a fucking blood sucker" thought Yuki.

"This is so unfair, why did he have to choose me, i didn't even want to go to that stupid thing, and on top of that 'Mr. I'm wanna make a vampire', was no fucking where to be found when I woke up." she thought as she continued stalking her prey.

"I mean why did he even bother attacking me if he wasn't planning on making me his servant, now all I feel is this stupid pull towards him, as he summons me."

"Some fucking master he is, I swear when I find him, he's going to wish he'd never met me."

Yuki had been stalking this particular young lady ever since she saw her leaving a nightclub, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that the young woman was dead to the world drunk. That was about ten minutes ago, and Yuki was getting braver and braver, with every step the drunk girl took Yuki would take two, shortening the distance as her thirst grew stronger.

"This is it" she thought as she watched the drunk girl make the biggest mistake ever, when she decided to walk down a secluded alley.

As Yuki moved in for the kill she heard laughter coming from above her, she looked up only to see some guys on a fire escape grinning as if they heard a funny joke.

"Well, well, look what we got here boys, two beauties all alone at night, in such an awfully bad place" said a guy holding a baseball bat that had multiple nails in the tip.

He was with three others, each as disgusting looking as he was and Yuki knew all too well what they were planning.

Before she knew it, she grabbed the drunken girl, pulling her along as she ran, intending to get back onto the main road where there were still plenty of cars and other people around, however, as soon as they made their way around the first building, Yuki could tell that it wasn't going to be that easy.

"Why're you dragging me with you?, let go" said the drunken girl who could hardly stand much less to run straight.

"Shut up, do you want them to hear us?" asked Yuki as she began panicking, desperately trying to figure some way out of the situation.

"I need to pee" replied the drunk girl slurring her words while Yuki kept pulling her along forcefully.

"That's the least of you're problems, now shut the fuck up and keep running." said Yuki sternly making sure she kept her voice low.

"Ouch that hurts" cried the drunken girl after Yuki started running faster.

"This bitch is going to get me killed" thought Yuki.

"Why did i even grab her hand back there, i'm so stupid"

"Oh girls" called the dude with the baseball bat.

"I can see you!" he said as he followed them down the alley, giggling hysterically as if he and his friends were high on laughing gas.

Yuki could hear the sounds of cars and people nearby, she figured that the main road was just around the corner so she ran even faster, pulling the drunk girl so hard that she nearly fell.

"I cant hold it any longer, i need to pee!!" screamed the drunk girl, annoying the shit out of Yuki who finally snapped at her.

"We'll be back on the main road soon enough you stupid bitch, do you want me to leave you here with them so they can have their fucking way with you???" asked Yuki.

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