Hybrid 65 - Initial Cause was Love?, Parachuting Enemies, Jessica is back.

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Ryden had everyone from Silver Creek under his control, he made sure that he had full control of them, as he stood by watching Tyler and Xander go at it.

He was very impressed watching Tyler hold his own, even though he knew his brother wasn't giving it his all.

What he couldn't understand however, was the reason behind Xander's choice to prolong the fight, instead of finishing it in one fell swoop.

"What is this brother?" he asked as he watched Tyler's upward slash, tear a bit of flesh from Xander's left cheek.

"Is this what a grandfather's love for his grandchild looks like?" he asked chuckling as Xander faced him with a stern look.

"You'd better watch that mouth if yours brother, or I might just come over there and seal it shut!" replied Xander as he sidestepped one of Tyler's punches.

"Hehe Interesting" chuckled Ryden as he continued watching the epic showdown before him.


"I need to get back!" she said as one of the elders grabbed her hand.

"Are you sure you're needed?"

"You did say that he was the strongest being you've ever met"

"Yes I'm sure!"

"Are you not seeing what I'm looking at on the news"

"They're killing anyone they can find!"

"I know I've said how strong he is, and how strong he's made them many times, but they're undoubtedly outnumbered this time, and anything could happen!"

"But what about her?"

"You know as well as I do, that you can't break this spell halfway without rendering it useless"

"Are you sure you can handle chanting defensive and offensive spells while you're being attacked, by who knows how many opponents?"

"No I don't, but if I don't do this, I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life"


"I know you're worried Lady Samantha, but even if I have to cut this spell short, I.....I'll have to do it"

"Are you sure Jessica?"

"You know what that would mean about---"

"Yes I'm aware of the consequences, but it's a bet I'm going to have to place" said Jessica sulking a little.

"OK child, I understand"

"I wish we could be of some assistance, but as you know, we are all needed here"

"Be safe out there and remember the light will always guide you in the right direction" said Jessica and the hundreds of witches that colonized the realm of light.

"Goodbye sisters, may the light's blessings embrace your souls forever" she said before making a gesture with her right hand, prompting her to disappear instantly.


Nigel was getting more and more furious, he tried everything to break free from Ryden's grasp, until he only had one option left. He closed his eyes and began focusing, all while raising his aura.

He felt it, Ryden's hold on him was getting weaker while his aura rose, before long he found that he could move the little finger on his left hand.

What seemed like hours later, which was in reality only minutes later, he could move his entire left hand up to the wrist. Still focusing, Nigel clenched his fist tightly, his aura rose in one shot where he disappeared, reappearing behind Ryden in his hound form, with a fireball ready to spit in the old man's face.

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