Hybrid 14: Nigel The Hell Hound.

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"My Queen, i pray that you will forgive me for what I'm about to say." said Alphonse Strider as he lowered his head in shame.

"What is it Strider, and where is my son, I thought you two were on a mission somewhere? asked the Queen annoyed.

".....I'm afraid the Prince.... was killed your Highness? replied Alphonse lowering his head even further than before.

"What are you saying, what do you mean he's been killed, YOU DARE LIE TO ME? asked the Queen in anger.

"No my Queen, I dare not lie, I swear on my life that Prince Luthor was killed." replied Alphonse quickly.

"My Son!!! the Master of many and soon to be King of all, who would dare do such a thing??? asked the Queen barely able to control her anger.

"....Was it one of Dominic's demons, was it the Fae, did those pompous fools on Mount Olympus finally come down to kill my son???" she asked getting up from her throne trembling with rage.

"No your Majesty, it was the Alpha of the Silver Creek Pack, he killed the Prince after shifting a second time to stand upright as a man would, but remained lion like in all his features.

"....You're telling me, that MY SON!!, was killed by a mere BEAST!"

"An insignificant beast, a mere beasts who My Son prides himself on keeping as pets, but no no no, not only that but you're telling me that he's an ancient as well?"

"Do you think me Daft Strider??? asked the Queen, no longer intent on calming herself.

"No my Queen!!! I swear to you, the boy shifted a second time standing upright with all the features of a lion remaining, killed the four Were-gorilla guards he was facing, before ripping Prince Luthor's heart from his chest from behind, I swear to you my Queen, I would not have said this if it were not true." replied Alphonse pleadingly, knowing the Queen would kill him if her temper was left uncontrolled.

"Oh so now its an "ancient" who's also a boy, and how shall you explain that to me Strider, did the boy travel through time to get here, did he.. was he born thousands of years ago and managed to say young all this time???" asked the Queen rhetorically.

"I don't---"

"Silence!!!! I grow tired of your lies, you will not utter another word as long as you live!!" screamed the Queen.

"B---" said Alphonse before he was cut off by the Queen's power, as she squeezed the life out of him before setting him ablaze, instantly turning him to ash.

"Nigel!!!, show yourself!!" summoned the Queen.

"You called Alexandra?" asked Nigel knowing the Queen hated when he addressed her like that.

"I have told you countless times to address me as you would your Queen, do you wish to die Nigel? she asked.

"I have been wishing that ever since the day you gave me this accursed necklace you whore---!!!!" replied Nigel before he fell to the floor, clutching the enchanted necklace he wore as he gasped for air.

"Not so smug now are you Nigel....what was that? I can't hear you, you seem to be having some trouble breathing" replied the Queen sarcastically before allowing Nigel to breath again.

"You...ha...ha....ha..BITCH!!!" replied Nigel as he caught his breath.

"Well, I see you're still hung up on that trivial little matter, well none the less, I have a a mission for you." said the Queen.

"Trivial? TRIVIAL!!! You tricked me into thinking we were soul mates, then you enslaved me with this wretched necklace, the only reason your not dead right now WITCH!!! Is because of THIS stupid thing". said Nigel pointing to the enchanted necklace which couldn't be removed.

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