Hybrid 4 : The Pack Test

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Over the weeks getting to know Sarah and hearing what her pack was like, Tyler decided on how his pack or pride or whatever people wanted to call it was gonna operate. 

He knew rules would be necessary, but the rules for him and his were-mates will never be rules that would cause them harm, his rules will be rules of protection and if someone has a problem with the rules they would be released from their pack duties, and would be able to leave with anyone who wished to join them.

Tyler also decided that the rules of his pack, would not be rules from his own head but rules that were made by all who were currently living within the pack, and as such they began working on what they should be, never making a rule without first finding it's loop-hole to see what damage it could potentially do if used incorrectly. 

It was also decided that his pack would take any species of were folk, they would however not allow anyone in the pack who had problems with other kinds of were folk on account that it will undoubtedly cause future conflicts within the pack which would not be tolerated, also anyone who wished to challenge the alpha for his title and responsibilities were free to do so, as long as the fight was one on one.

Tyler allowed everyone suggestions on what they thought a pack should be like and when they were finished he was stoked.

"Now all we need is the council's approval, then we will be an official pack, ready to roll with the big boys" said Amoy as she high fived Ashley.

"Council?" asked Tyler.

"Yea the Therian high council" said Ashley. 

"Didn't you tell him?" she asked looking at Derrick who was playfully biting on Sarah's neck.

"I forgot" said Derrick as he lowered his head in shame. 

"I kinda got sidetracked" Derrick said while hugging Sarah close to his chest. 

"I'm sorry Tyler" he offered sincerely.

"You don't have to apologize D, it's cool, don't worry about it" said Tyler trying to console his friend.

"Anyway what's this council?" Tyler asked.

"Its the high council for all Therianthrope, they monitor pack fights, pack migrations, Alpha changes, anything to do with the media, pack registration and last but certainly not least they keep Vampires away from all pack territories.

"Woah" said Tyler as he tried to wrap his brain around what he was just told.

"Okay, I get the whole protectors of the pack thing, but why are they protecting us from Vampires?" Tyler asked innocently.

"Why?... are you saying you don't know?" asked a surprised Sarah.

"We Werefolk have been fighting Vampires almost since the beginning of time" said Sarah as she shook with anger and a bit of fear.

"Sarah's parents were killed by a Vampire when she was younger" said Derrick explaining why Sarah was so angry.

"They were attacked when they were coming from church one evening, and Sarah's dad, a beta werewolf, fought with it as her mother hid Sarah in the bushes nearby"

"Unfortunately she tried helping her husband but was also killed by the Vampire killed" he said as he held his crying now girlfriend.

"Sarah witnessed her mom's death from her hiding place in the bushes and was later found by another family of wolves who took her in as their own.

Derrick got up waiting for a nod from Tyler as he went to talk to Sarah, who ran out of the room in the middle if the story.

"She did say almost didn't she?" asked Tyler.

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