Hybrid 24 : Self Proclaimed King. War.

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Oliver froze in fear, out of nowhere he saw two Lycans appearing before him, a wolf that was significantly bigger than any Lycan he's ever seen since becoming the Vampire King, and a lion that was even bigger than the wolf, both exuding so much power that it seemed to suck the very air out of the room.

As soon as the two made their entrance, the guards could be seen flying off into different directions as if something was forcefully pushing them away, then in that same instance the prisoners that were previously being tortured vanished along with their companions.

Adrian started attacking the wolf, slashing at it with his protruding claws, only each swing was futile, as the insanely large wolf kept dodging while inflicting his own damage, bleeding him slowly. Realizing his impending doom Adrian called out to his king, hoping he would come to his resue, but there was no response.

Dodging the blows he could, Adrian got himself into a position where he could clearly see Oliver, but he was struct with the realization that the man was totally frozen fear, all he seemed able to do was stare at the huge lion standing before him.

"My King?" he called, before one swipe from the massive wolf ended his life.

Demetrius howled in anger as Adrian's head flew off his body spinning in the air before falling with a audible splat from the blood and flailing skin.

: What now Tyler? : asked Demetrius via the pack link.

With no reply from Tyler, Demetrius rephrased his question.

: What do we do Tyler, do we stay or fight? :

: We fight : replied Tyler calmly.

: Are you sure you want to do this? :

: I mean, we have no reason to now, since Ashley and the others are safe : said Demetrius.

: I know : replied Tyler.

: But this man is the reason why i grew up without parents :

: This man, has been searching for me, with the hope of killing me from the very moment i was born :

: But my main reason for wanting to fight is that this man, for the entirety of my life, has been torturing my mother! :

:Therefore this man should most definitely die : said Tyler, before roaring, finally expressing his anger.

: Okay : replied Demetrius with a shrug.

: Let's kill the king of Vampires. :


Only a few minutes had passed since Tyler and Nigel vanished before her eyes and Yuki was worried, suddenly a huge thud could be heard from behind her and when she turned around to see what it was she noticed Nigel and the girls appearing before her as the invisible spell was disengaged.

"Oh my god, what happened?" she asked as she ran to Kyle and Shane who were almost too bloodied and bruised to be recognized.

Amoy and the other girls tried their best to make them more comfortable by removing their sweaters and placing it on the ground so that both Kyle and Shane were laying directly on the dirty forest floor.

Melissa was busy beating against Nigel's chest begging him with tears in her eyes to bring her back so that she could make the Vampire's pay for touching "her" Kyle.

"Calm down Melissa" said Yuki as she embraced her.


"Just tell Nigel to bring me back" said Melissa after shrugging, and pushing  Yuki away.

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