Hybrid 33 : Yuki's "Date". General Harris. Vision?

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"Unbelievable!" shouted Tyler angrily.

"I can't believe that little prick would even say something so cruel" he said as Ashley sat and watched him rant.

"How could he even call that mercy?"

"He was fucking working, he could've took her to a shelter or at least take her in with him so that she could survive the winter"

"He didn't have to kill her!" he said clenching his fist in anger.

"You're absolutely right, he didn't have to kill her......or maybe he did" replied Ashley causing Tyler to snap his head in her direction.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked glaring at her.

"Well, didn't you say he was a newborn Vampire?" asked Ashley not scared in the least by Tyler's glare.

"So how could he have controlled himself" she continued.

"Don't forget that even you after fully using your Vampire powers ended up unintentionally turning Yuki" she stated causing Tyler to regret his whole argument, which only made him angrier for getting "schooled" by his girlfriend.

"Well....." he said trying to find some small thing that would give him the upper hand but he knew there was none, if Garret was indeed a newborn Vamp there was no way in which he could've controlled his thirst.

"Ahhhh"  said Tyler sighing.

"You're right babe, it might've not been his choice to kill her even though he did talk as if it was, but maybe that was just his ego talking.

"Yeah maybe" replied Ashley.

"Well it's no use stressing over spilt milk, it's already over and we have other things we could be doing right now" said Ashley smiling and lightening the mood.

"Like what?" asked Tyler intrigued.

"Like this" said Ashley as she took Tyler's hand and drug him onto the bed with her, kissing him aggressively as she undid his trousers.


Yuki was standing outside of a bar just out side of Silver Creek's borders, this place was shady, so shady that the whole time she was standing there awaiting Zach's arrival she kept wondering if she should leave, and as if her being a little freaked out by the biker gang looking patrons that kept walking in and out of said bar wasn't enough, the name on the strobe lights above her made it worst.

"The Bloody Tampons" was what flashed in bright red, green and white strobe lights above her, the words were in neon green and there was a sexy cowgirl throwing a small white thing that grew bigger and bigger until it became a huge tampon dripping with blood.

"I swear if i stay here waiting for you and someone from my pack or town catches me, i'm going to kill you" she wrote hitting the send button, sending it on it's way to Zach.

Seconds later a familiar tone was heard coming from her phone telling her she had received a message.

"I swear, i'm like two steps away" said the note from Zach.

"You better be, cause i'm about ready to get in the car and leave." she texted in reply.

"Lucky thing i made it then" came a voice from behind her, causing her to jump slightly.

"You jerk!" she said punching Zach in his arm.

"You scared the shit out of me!" she said punching him some more.

"Hey relax sugar-foot" he said grabbing her hands gently.

"Those punches really hurt" he said feigning someone in pain.

"Okay, i'm sorry" said Yuki finally settling down.

"Now let me go" she demanded, still unsure if she should be trusting Zach.

"Sure thing princess" he said smiling then releasing her hand.

After about a minute of them staring awkwardly at each other in silence Zach decided to break the ice.

"So......." he said unsure of what to say next.

"So......" replied Yuki equally unsure.

"Do you want to get something to drink" said Zach gesturing to the door of the bar.

"Hell no!" replied Yuki determined.

"I would not be caught dead in this place" she said a little too loudly, as she caught the dirty glances from a few of "The Bloody Tampon's" regular customers"

"Hahahaha" laughed Zach as he saw Yuki apologizing to the few people she offended with her remark.

"Let's get out of here" he offered taking Yuki's hand in his.

Together they walked hand in hand heading away from the bar, towards no where in particular.

"So why did you want to meet with me so bad?" asked Yuki not minding that they were heading to the middle of nowhere.

"Well......to tell you the truth, i just wanted to know what happened to you after we parted ways that night." replied Zach honestly.

Yuki was surprised at Zach's answer, she expected him to say that he wanted to see her and she was honestly a little disappointed that he didn't but on the other hand, the answer he gave seemed much more realistic than anything she was ever expecting, so she wasn't too sad ehen he said what he did.

"Well at least you're honest" she replied pulling her hand from his.

"So?" asked Zach a few seconds of awkward silence later.

"So what?" asked Yuki.

"So what happened after we parted ways that night?" said Zach slightly irritated.

"Oh....I met up with my master and he told me he was sorry and he took me to his home" she said.

"So what was it like finally getting to meet him?" asked Zach.

"It was great, he was really nice, he almost cried when i got to where he was because he said he hadn't realized that he'd turned me until he felt my presence" said Yuki making an excuse for Tyler not being in her life at the beginning of her Vampire birth.

"He must've been a newbie" replied Zach shaking his head at Tyler's stupidity.

"Actually he was born a Vampire" replied Yuki nonchalantly.

"Among other things" she thought to herself.

"I don't see how he could be seeing that he didn't even know he created you, and how he's relying on a pack of beasts to protect you both" replied Zach suggesting that Yuki must've been wrong about Tyler's lineage.

"Okay Mr. Know it all, since you know so much, feel free to tell ME about My own Master!" she said angrily while poking him in the chest.

"Woah woah woah!"

"Easy there little lady, i'm just messing with you a little" said Zach raising his hands gesturing that he surrenders.

"Listen to me you asshole, I won't have YOU or ANYONE else bad mouthing my Master or my pack mates" she said still poking Zach in the chest.

"I don't care if we met once ages ago, if you ever talk about my Master like that again i'll kick you're ass!" she said glaring Zach right in his eyes.

"Damn girl you fiesty as fuck, i'm glad you weren't like this that time, or else i'd have been the one getting his ass kicked" said Zach as Yuki turned around heading back in the direction of "The Bloody Tampon" where she'd left one of Tyler's many cars parked outside.

"Where are you going?" asked Zach eagerly.

"I'm going for my car then i'm getting the hell out of here" she said stomping off.

"I was just messing around trying to break the tension before i asked you what was really bothering me" said Zach.

"I don't give a shit!" said Yuki as Zach followed behind her.

"C'mon i'm sorry" pleaded Zach as he sped up to walk alongside her.

''I don't care, I shouldn't have come out here in the first place" she said speeding up so that Zach had to increase his speed to walk beside her again.

"Why are you being so dramatic?" asked Zach.

"I didn't even say anything that bad" he said trying to make Yuki see reason.

"I don't care, i don't even know why i came here to meet some old Vampire who beat me up the first time we met" she said angrily.

"Get away from me don't follow me anymore" she said walking even faster than before.

That was the last straw for Zach, first off she was being a whiny little bitch and now she's even making it seem as if she wasn't the one that attacked him that night they first met.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" he shouted causing Yuki to jump at his sudden outburst.

"Weren't you the one that attacked me forcing me to defend myself?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, so what?" asked Yuki.

"You shouldv'e realized that i was a newborn and handled it differently" she said.

"Plus i'm a girl but that didn't stop you from repeatedly kicking and punching me." she said making Zach even more angry than he was before.

"I can't believe this, you're fucking crazy!" said Zach in utter amazement.

"Are you saying that i shouldn't have defended myself and just let you kill me?" he asked as he watched yuki's reaction.

"Yes" she said coldly.

"Bitch you must be out of your fucking mind!" he said now a little angry.

"You really expected me to just sit there and let you have your way with me.


"And why the fuck are you hanging out with those fucking beasts" he said finally asking what he'd wanted to since their night began.

"Wouldn't you like to know" said Yuki as she again began walking to where she'd parked the car.

"Your Master must be really stupid if he allows you to hang out with those things!" said Zach trying to get a rise from Yuki who in turn ignored him even more.

"Stupid jerk!" she said as she continued walking, speeding up as the sight of the bar came into view.

As soon as Yuki came into view of her car, she noticed that some of the people that had heard her disrespecting the bar earlier was throwing bottles of beers at it.

"What the fuck are you idiots doing?"

"That's my car your throwing bottles at!" she screamed.

"Screw you bitch!" said one of them obviously shit faced.

"If you don't like our bar get the fuck outta here" said the poor woman causing Yuki to rush at her in a fit.

Suddenly as Yuki was about to pounce on the drunk woman a hand from outside her field of vision smacked her, sending her flying backwards where she instinctively flipped in the air before landing on her feet, hissing and baring her fangs.

"Come on you Vampire slut, i've been waiting to show the world that Silver Creek aren't the only ones capable of dealing with you scum." said the guy who smacked Yuki before he started shifting.

Yuki was ashamed, she knew she shouldn't have allowed her emotions to run wild and now she was in this messed up situation facing an arrogant Weretiger who was just protecting his apparent girlfriend and as if that wasn't enough, now Zach was right in front of her also baring his fangs angrily alertin the patrons in the bar to their presence.

"Really" asked Yuki sarcastically.

"Who would've thought that this was a hang out spot for Therians" she said as she watched not one, but five people walking out of the bar then shifting, three men and two women.

Zach stood there in front of Yuki hissing aggressively, as he flicked his wrist growing his nails out where they became as pointy and as sharp as the tip and blade of a sword.


"Status report!" shouted General Harris the minute he entered the underground facility in Kentucky.

"Sir, yes Sir!" replied one of the soldier's on scene.

"Subject's in cell number eighteen general Harris Sir!" he said walking beside the general as they made their way to cell eighteens's location.

"Dr. Mendez has also been awaiting your arrival General, he said to tell you that he'll be in his office whenever you're ready to see him.

"Message received soldier return to your post!" said General Harris always speaking with authority whenever he spoke.

"Sir yes sir!" replied the soldier who did an about turn and made his way back to the entrance where the elevator back up to ground level was.

"Mclovin, Jameson, on my six!" he ordered, causing both men to fall into position, matching the General's every step.

"General Harris sir" said Mclovin nervously.

"What is it Mclovin? speak up!" said  teh General using all his authority again.

"Why are we capturing these people?" he asked.

"These are not people soldier!"

"These are mere creature, creatures that has somehow gained the ability to
change their shape into that of us humans, attempting to spy on us and take over our very world"

"There's no telling how many of them there are among us, but by the numbers we've captured over the years it would leave one to believe that it is in the millions, maybe even the tens of millions."

"Either way, these creatures are going to help us, by analyzing their genetic make up we've been able to enhance our fellow human beings into what i'd like to call super soldiers" said the General bragging.

"What do you mean by super soldiers General?" asked Jameson intrigued.

"I mean we've been able to enhance our volunteer's strength making them stronger than they ever were before, their speed also increased by bounds, enabling them to out run and even catch a bullet shot from a Barrett XM500 fifty caliber sniper rifle." said the General with pride.

"Can we also volunteer Sir?" asked Jameson excited at the thought of having such strength.

"Yes you could" replied the General.

"But not right now" he continued.

"And why is that General?" asked Mclovin after they turned a corner heading into a long hallway.

"Well Mclovin, we've unfortunately arrived at a dead end where the research is concerned"

"Not one volunteer has made it pass three weeks of taking the drug, that's why we've been capturing these creatures, experimenting on them trying to find out what makes  them tick." he said as he took yet another turn down another equally long hallway.

"That's amazing" said Jameson finally.

"I can't wait to take that thing when it's stable" he said causing a small smile to appear on the General's lips.

"And you Mclovin?" asked the General.

"Excuse me sir?" asked Mclovin not getting the hint of what the General was asking.

"What of you, what are your thoughts on this drug?"

"I agree one hundred percent with what Jameson has said sir!" replied Mclovin getting back into the groove of answering General Harris with utter fear and respect.

"Glad to hear it boys" said the General.

"That is why i've asked you to accompany me on this journey" he said before stopping at what Mclovin was assuming was the cell for the "subject" he referred to earlier, cell eighteen.

"What is your name creature?" asked the General addressing a young man behind the cell wall.

He was being held against the wall by titanium cuffs that locked his neck, arms, waist and legs securely, ensuring that he wasn't capable of any movement what so ever, and if that wasn't enough, he was constantly being reminded of what were to happen if he ever tried shifting to break the restraints, by the half shifted weregorilla in the cell in front of him who'd died trying to break himself free.

In defiance he closed his eyes, tuning out the General and his authoritative voice.


"No worries" said the General.

"We'll get our answers sooner or later" he said laughing as he made his way to the Dr. Office.


As Zach was about to attack he felt Yuki's hand on his shoulder.

"Stop it!" she said pulling him towards her.

"Why should i?" he asked still ready for a fight.

"Because i asked you to" she said squeezing his hand gently.

"I swear something is wrong with you!"

"Can't you see these guys are willing to tear us apart?" he asked annoyed by Yuki's apparent lack of Vampire pride.

"It's my fault for provoking them in the first place and i'm not going to ket you hurt them for something i did." she said defiantly causing the weretiger and his friends to growl in agreement.

"You're really crazy you know that, first of all you were hanging around with those Silver Creek guys and now you want to protect these beasts who cwere clearly disrespecting you!" said Zach causing the were animal group to back up at the mention of Silver Creek's name.

"You know the Silver Creek members?" asked the Tiger after shifting back to his human self, prompting his girlfriend to go fetch him some clothes from their car.

"Yeah, and what of it?" asked Yuki confused.

"I need you to introduce me" he demanded.

"Why the hell should i?" asked Yuki angry at the way the man was demanding her help.

"Is that how you ask for someones help?" she asked sending the guy into another fit of rage, apperantly he wasn't that great in controlling his Tiger.

"You Bitch!"

"I'll fucking kill you!" he said once again Shifting into his Tiger this time however Zach wasn't so gernerous in giving them time to react.

In a flash he ran over to the wereanimals clawing his way to the Tiger, killing two werewolves as he fought in anger.

Yuki was determined to stop the fight once again when she saw Zach being circled by the tiger, as if in reflex she made her way to the weretiger kicking him in the ribs, sending him flying in the direction he was first coming from.

"Stop this, i don't wat to hurt any of you!" she shouted, watching as the weretiger got back on his feet.

By this time Zach was fighting all three of the previous five that exited the bar, he was holding his own against them but it was taking a lot out of him to keep dodging their attacks and countering with his own, eventually Yuki joined in, she managed to kill one of the female werejaguars before the weretiger pounced on her from behind.

He stood on top of Yuki snapping his huge jaws at her face causing her to shift from side to side to avoid his kiling blow.

"Enough" screamed Yuki as she raised her legs pushing the maniac tiger off her but not too far away.

Immediately he pounced back causing her to roll away from another one of his death bites, finally on her feet Yuki kicked out her leg connecting it squarely in the face of the weretiger loosening a couple of it's teeth before she followed up with a elbow to the same location, knocking out the previously loosened teeth.

"Will you stop already" she asked as the now overly angry tiger rushed her swinging his huge claws hoping to crush, slash and maim her.

Yuki dodged him easily as she'd been training with her pack brothers and sisters regularly.

"If you don't stop i'm going to have to take your life" she pleaded to the stubborn tiger who just got through watching Zach rip one of his friend's head off.

In total rage, he ran at Yuki giving her the option of flipping over his head, where she landed behind him kicking out her leg, sweeping his rear legs from underneath him and sending him into a kneeling position where she ran up his back and stuck he clawed vampire hands through the back of the neck, where she removed his spinal cord killing him instantly.

As if awaiting Yuki's go ahead Zach also killed his two remaining opponents.

"So much for not wanting ti hurt them" he said smirking causing Yuki to head for her car, enter it, start the engine and drove off.

"Hey" he said shouting.

"Don't leave, i was just joking" he shouted as Yuki made her way back to Silver Creek.

Suddenly images of Ashley's naked body began flashing in her mind causing her to almost run herself off the road, she managed to get her self together until she saw something that made her let go of the wheel as her whole face turned three shades redder.

"What the hell was that?" she said after skillfully maneuvering the car to a complete stop.

"Was that Tyler?" she asked blushing uncontrollably before heading back home.

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