Hybrid 47 : Yuki's brother!, Vampires attacking humans.

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April, Bam and the village elders arrived at the village gates, from there they could see one of the metallic machines the giants often used off in the distance, this came as such a shock to them that everyone except for April and her brother to fall unconscious.

"See, i told you i wasn't lying!" shouted April only to realize that the elders had all fainted from the shock of her story being true.

"I know you would never lie to me April" replied Bam also very terrified of what he was seeing.

"It's okay" said April as she continued to help him to walk.

"Don't be afraid, they are really friendly" she said further terrifying her older brother with the use of the very plural word "they".

"T...th...the....they, th...the...the..they, as in more than one?" he asked hoping for a no in response.

"Yes!" replied April, causing Bam to lose all the strength in his legs, which made them crumble underneath his own body weight.

"C'mon big brother, i promise there's nothing to be scared about" she said as she tried helping him to his feet again.

"I swear on Gaia's love that they will not hurt us or anyone else in the village, they're my friends!"

"Do you want to let them come to you instead, because i can go get them if that's what you want" said April now frustrated.

"No...no...no...no" replied Bam nervously. "I'll come with you" he said.

"Okay then, come on you big "scaredy caterpillar".

Bam got to his feet and made his way to Tyler's parked car with April's help, he was so terrified that his legs kept shaking relentlessly as they walked and they were still shaking even now when he stood leaning against a small tree that had just started growing, while April went and spoke to her giant friends.

Seconds later April emerged from withing the "car" as she called it, and returned to his side, Bam was expecting to see the giants exit the "car" but was surprised to find himself floating along with April up towards the "window" April had entered previously. As soon as he went through the window he almost fainted, he saw them, the giants, and just like April had said, it was definitely more than one. They continued floating until they were fully inside the car and was placed on top of an almost flat surface, that faced a male giant, that sat in the operating chair for the "car".

: Hello Bam, it's nice to meet you : said Tyler, speaking directly into Bam's mind, this time sending the already injured fairy into total unconsciousness.

: Awww, not you too : replied April disappointed.

: It's okay April, i think he's just a little overwhelmed : said Yuki, still trying to befriend her like Tyler did.

Ten minutes later Bam began opening his eyes, he was about to faint again when April pinched his arm causing him to stay awake from the pain.

: There's no need to be afraid Bam, we're not going to hurt you : said Tyler.

They talked for a little over an hour, sharing stories of their lives, it was awkward at first but eventually Bam had loosened up to talk comfortably, as their talk came to an end, they said their goodbyes promising to see each other again sometime in the future and before long, Tyler the others had driven off, heading on their way home.

"That was interesting" said Rebecca.

"Sure was" replied Scarlett.

"It was fun learning about other things that are out there huh?" asked Tyler.

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