Hybrid 56 : Dream or Memory?

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Tyler looked around wondering, why his surroundings looked so familiar, it was daylight outside and he saw children running around laughing through a huge window, he saw a couple of older women walking around in black with black and white head coverings and wondered where he had seen them before.

He was in a hallway which led to huge rooms filled with small beds, he walked into one of them overwhelmed with nostalgia until he saw a particular bed that made him remember exactly where he was.

"This was my bed, i'm at the orphanage" he thought to himself.

Sitting on the bed brought a smile to his face and as he looked around he saw a book, he picked it up and as soon as he did, the memories of reading it to a little girl came flooding back to him, his eyes lit up with joy.

"E....Emily!" he thought excited, but as soon as he said her name his entire world shifted to night time.

Confused, Tyler stood to his feet, he looked around to see darkness outside while inside was illuminated with very dull lighting from the bulbs in the ceiling of the orphanage.

Still confused as to why it suddenly became night time he began walking, he made his way outside of the room, before smelling something familiar, it was kind of sweet  but at the same time it rotten and it got worse with each step he took forward.

Tyler began wondering what that smell was, it was so familiar to him but he could not remember exactly what it was, he was making his way towards the girls dorm as if he was being pulled by something, until he suddenly stopped.

Still confused, Tyler looked around, to his left was a window that showed him outside, it was broken and the shards of glass fell on the floor inside suggesting to Tyler that something from outside broke it.

It was raining heavily outside and lightning and thunder, flashed and erupted causing the orphans to shriek every time the thunder roared.

"Why does this feel so familiar?" thought Tyler.

He looked on the ground and noticed wet footprints alongside the broken glass from the window, it was leading to his right, which was the door to the girls bathroom, the footprints disappeared behind the door, causing Tyler to raise his brow, in more confusion.

As he was about to make a step towards the bathroom he heard a sound, it was muffled, but he could definitely make out the word help, furthermore the voice he heard, instantly made him eager to open the door and as he touched the handle, he remembered everything.

"This was the night that Paul killed Emily!" he said before rushing into the room angrily.

As soon as Tyler entered the room, the sweet rotting smell of Vampire assaulted his nostrils, he was on high alert, he tried reacting to the scenario but he couldn't, it was as if he was reliving what had happened that very night, he went towards the stall he heard the noises from behind the stall, he saw the pieces of torn pajama on the floor, his eyes began tearing up, he stepped closer calling out to Emily before the door swung open pushing him back where he fell and almost hit his head on the sink, he saw someone exiting the stall in a blur but unlike before where he thought it was Paul, this time Tyler saw it clearly.

The eyes of this person were red, and he also had blood soaked fangs and that coupled with the unbearable scent of Vampire, revealed something Tyler never once considered in the years after that unfortunate night.

Suddenly Tyler's surroundings changed again, this time he recognized it immediately, he was on the road surrounded by people applauding him, to his left was Catherine, to his right were some old ladies who'd pinched his cheeks seconds earlier, he looked around the crowd feeling strange as his eyes saw someone standing and staring at him, he focused his eyes on the person until he suddenly recognized her to be little Emily, she was standing under the cover of a building, hiding from the light of the sun.

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