Hybrid 21 : Factory Destroyed, Interrogation

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Things were getting tense, after discerning where everyone came from and teleporting them back to their packs individually, it was finally time for the interrogation. Over the course of two days while the victims were being brought home, the six captured hunters were being fed generously, they were being held deep under the pack house in an isolated section of the cave where screaming would fall on deaf ears.

All this time being fed properly might have messed with their brains a bit, because their attitude suggested that reality hadn't quite set in, they were rude, arrogant, calm and strangely confident, seeing that they were being held against their wills and all, but that only made the situation worse.

"I think its time" said Tyler as he gave Kyle the go ahead to begin.

"What's your name?" asked Kyle.

"Hmmph" scoffed the captured hunter.

"You know.....I don't like repeating myself." replied Kyle before punching the man in the stomach, pushing all the air out his lungs, causing him to buckle over in pain.

"I....I'm....I'm not afraid of you..... blood bag!" replied the man after regaining his previous composure.

"Hahahaha......you know.....you really should start thinking about answering these questions, because I'm not the one you should be afraid of." said Kyle menacingly.

"FUCK YOU!!!, I ain't telling you shit" replied the hunter defiantly.

Out of nowhere came two glowing eyes from the darkness of the cave, the hunter began twitching immediately and even though he tried remaining calm, it was not working, you could tell by the sweat that was running down his face that he was terrified.

With each movement the eyes made while getting closer, the hunter winced, he tried his best to seem uninterested but by now he wasn't fooling anyone.

Aside from the sweating and the involuntary twitches he started hyperventilating, wheezing as he drew air into his lungs then released it then began inhaling again, only his breathing was erratic and only made his wheezing worst.

"Last chance dumb-ass, its either me or him" said Kyle after pointing to the pair of glowing eyes.

"And trust me, you really don't want to be interrogated by "The Blood Reaper" Demetrius." said Kyle before walking away.

"Th....th ...the Blood REAPER????" said the hunter screaming.

He remembered hearing about The Blood Reaper from multiple debriefings held at their headquarters on capturing Lycans and Demetrius was currently sixth on their list, suddenly memories of Demetrius's cruelty and the gruesomeness that always came along with the stories kept flooding into the hunter's mind rendering him terrified.

"Wait!!!" he screamed.

"Please don't leave us alone with that monster!" pleaded the hunter politely.

Still Kyle kept walking.

"Please I beg you, don't let him bleed us to death, we have families waiting for us, please have a heart!"

Kyle stopped, he couldn't believe the hunter just said what he did.

"Have a heart?" he asked.


Suddenly Kyle appeared in front of the hunter, in one fell swoop he lifted the hunter out of the chair by his neck squeezing it while the hunter kicked and hit him trying to break loose.

"You've got quite some nerve telling me to have a heart, when you kidnapped young kids to experiment on."

"How do you think their parents felt when they couldn't find their kids"

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