Hybrid 46 : April's home.

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"So.... what's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what's up, why'd you want us to meet you here?"

"Well how else am i going to tell you what our orders were?"


"No way!"

"Did he really give us orders?" asked Oscar excited.

"Finally!" he screamed while clenching his fist then punching the air.

"It's about damn time, i thought we were going to stay in hiding forever" he said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah well, i guess it took some time for his Majesty's plan to be ready" said Zach.

"So....what's the scoop?" asked Samuel.

"I don't know, he wants me to get some guys together to go....."hunting" i guess" said Zach with a confused look on his face.

"Hunting?" asked Oscar.

"And what exactly are we supposed to hunt?"

"What do you think?"

"We're obviously going after those Silver Creek assholes, dumbass!" said Samuel.

"Well...not exactly?" said Zach.

"We're actually going hunting for blood, i think" he said shocking everyone present.

"What do you mean hunting for blood?" asked April Samuel's familiar, causing Oscar to look at her sternly.

She immediately remembered where she was, but most importantly, what her lover and his friend's were. For just a second she'd forgotten her role among them, but that one look was all it took to remind her just how insignificant her life was, to them she was just food, plain and simple.

"So?" said Oscar returning his attention to Zach.

"He wants us to bring him some humans, but not just any humans, he wants the one's who have some kind of affiliation with the government.

"I guess he wants to get rid of them huh?" asked Oscar laughing.

"Not really" replied Zach.

"Huh....why not really?" asked Ricky, with a raised eyebrow.

"His instructions are to bring them to him alive, and before you think to ask why again, i don't know" replied Zach.

"That makes no sense" said Ricky.

"Yeah?......well that's what he ordered me to do.

"So you guys on or not?" asked Zach.

"Hell yes we're in!" replied Oscar, speaking for everyone.

"I guess" replied Samuel after looking away from his Familiar's gaze.

"Well then let's get ready to rumble" said Ricky smiling at his wrestling jargon.


: So you need to get back huh? : asked Tyler as he held April the little fairy girl in the palm of his hand.

: Yup : she said.

She'd just finished telling Tyler the story about how she ended up there in their pack house. She told him how she was always warned to stay away from the giants because squishing fairies was their favourite game and how a giant could destroy an entire village without even caring one bit.

She wasn't as scared as she was when she'd first seen these so called "giants"  and now after Tyler had promised her that no would would hurt her, she was as relaxed as she could be, well as relaxed as someone who desperately wanted to return home to help her big brother could be.

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