Hybrid 72 - Marius' True Mission revealed, Tyler's Misguided Slap, Alien???

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Tyler explained what he was told about Marius, and how he was the one who helped his parents, his Information on the subject of Marius' current whereabouts were extremely limited but he thought it better not to divulge his worries to everyone, instead he told them when asked, that Marius had something's to take care of before he could return.

Everyone was sad to hear that Gwenevere and Xavier were going to leave, but ever since Ryden gave the order for chaos to all vampires, who were still rampaging all around the world, the high council had their hands full and everyone that could help were needed and although they wanted nothing more than to stay with Silver Creek and their son, they knew the right thing to do was to leave immediately, because innocent people who truly needed them were suffering everywhere, so after saying a short but tearful goodbye they left.

By now everyone who were away from the pack house at the time of Tyler's return, had felt the familiar tinge if his presence returning, and anyone who hadn't figured it out, certainly did when Tyler reached out telepathically.

After leaving Silver Creek in search for his savior, Nigel kept traveling between realms, he visited everyone he knew that had ways of getting information, but his search was futile, no one knew where Tyler was nor did they know who took him.
He was so distraught that he decided to go home, back to hell where his brother was, he wanted to return to Silver Creek but he couldn't bring himself to face Ashley, who he had made a promise to find Tyler to.

He needed advice and anytime he did there was only one person he knew had the right answers for him, Cerberus. No one knew this but Cerberus was one of the most brilliant beings in the world, granted he wasn't like that in the beginning but when God made him the Guardian of the underworld, he also made him superior in intelligence, so that no demon could manipulate his mind at any point in time.

Nigel was in the middle of talks with his brother when Tyler invaded his mind, by practically possessing him, listening their conversation before deciding to mess with him.

Every time Cerberus would say something serious, a engaging Tyler would follow up with something weird, confusing Nigel to no end, eventually when he couldn't make sense of anything his brother was saying, Nigel snapped and asked.

"What in the world are you talking about brother, are you finally admitting that you are stupid?"

Cerberus who was always treated with the utmost respect from his youngest brother, was so surprised that he turned his heads to face him, one by one in three different emotions, his first head showed shock, his second disbelief and finally the third in anger.

As soon as Nigel saw the anger on Cerberus' third head, infect the other two he knew he was in for a rude awakening and just when Cerberus was about to pounce and teach him a well deserved lesson he heard Tyler laughing in his head.

Too bad he was too late to explain things to his brother, who'd already growled, roared and burned him with a huge fireball as punishment.

Cerberus' hellfire originally was the only flame that could hurt Nigel but this time he was unaffected, he understood immediately that Tyler's powers had something to do with him no longer being affected but he couldn't let his brother know that fact, because along with being brilliant, Cerberus was very competitive and he loved being the strongest demon among the other supernatural beings in hell, which is why he was selected as the guardian and torturer of all escapees in the first place.

Nigel knew he'd want to find a new way to discipline him if ever he should be punished again, which meant he'd have to experiment until he found an answer and Nigel was not planning to be a guinea pig, so he pretended to be hurt by the flames before teleporting right back to Silver Creek.

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