Hybrid 73 - Italy Reunion.

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After searching for months Tyler was only able to gather one single clue to where Andre' s daughter could be, it was an address he persuaded one of the men working at the lab where Andre had been held for however many years.

Andre was determined to erase the entire mountain where the underground lab was located but Tyler wasn't having it, he didn't want Andre to destroy any of the innocent people working there, so reluctantly Andre agreed and decided to leave with Tyler who had explained that he had a clue.

It's been a week since and they were now staring at a condo building in Manhattan, they were on the roof of another building looking through the windows of a particular condo on the top floor.

In there Andre could see the bitch that took his daughter away from him, she was on the phone speaking apparently angry at whoever is on the other line, flailing her one free hand as she continued.

"That's her, that's the bitch that took my little angel" he said angrily before jumping off the roof and somehow brandishing his wings, with one flap and the momentum from his jump he landed on the roof of the building she was in.

Tyler, Zola and Zero in total disbelief had to run down the stairs of the building they were on, cross the street to enter the building Andre had went.

As soon as Andre landed, he heard the roof access door to the building being opened, he immediately ducked behind one of the huge air conditioning units, to hide from the security guard who was apparently on his smoke break. He silently made his way over to the door, making sure that the guard had his back to him.

Finally at the door, Andre noticed that the guard had placed an obstruction to prevent the roof door from automatically closing so he carefully held the piece of cardboard ensuring that it wouldn't fall as he opened the door and walked in, he replaced the cardboard on the locking mechanism for the door and made his way down to the floor his "ex" was on.

Andre didn't have much trouble finding the room as he could hear her screaming seemingly still talking on the phone.

"Honey, please I didn't want you to go to a boarding school so far away but I couldn't afford to send you to any of the schools here and that one offered you a scholarship" she pleaded.

"How dare you, it has nothing to do with your father!"

"I know you're not stupid!....."

"He's not done....."


"I promise I'll come visit soon, I just want you to have the best education and I think that school will help you to do that."

"If he was looking for you he wouldn't have disappeared back then."

Andre was furious, the bit of conversation he heard made him certain she was talking to his daughter, and when she said he disappeared his whole body trembled with anger so much so that he couldn't hold back anymore, in absolute fury he kicked the door in sending it flying into the room.

"I don't know honey, I'll call you back" she said before hanging up.

She turned around in shock to see her door laying on the floor and her one time fling standing there in a rage.

"How....ho....hho....how did you find me?" she asked absolutely terrified.

In a split second Andre was in front of her grabbing her by the neck, before raising her into the air.

"Where is she, where is my angel?" he asked gritting his teeth in anger.

"She's.... she's at school" she said while desperately trying to breathe.

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