Hybrid 13: Luthor The Beast Master.

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Tyler tried pin-pointing the exact location of the intruder but was soon irritated at his fruitless efforts, it was clear to him that whoever it was that entered his territory had somehow hidden themselves completely from his normal senses. This made him wonder how someone who he assumed to be very weak on his initial image of them, be so powerful that they can hide themselves from him no matter how little power he was using.

Deciding to try again, Tyler amplified his powers sending an invisible wave of power that blanketed the entire town of Silver Creek and then some. Scanning through all the little blips on the radar Tyler could see who was who and what was what, in mere seconds he found the person with the same type of energy the intruder gave off upon entering Silver Creek.

"Found you" said Tyler.

: Hey Derrick i got it, whoever they are they're at the town library, but beware i think my original opinion of their power was somehow misguided : relayed Tyler.

: But how is that even possible, your're never wrong when it comes to accessing someone's strength, besides i've already checked the library and there was nothing suspicious going on over there : said Derrick.

: Well i don't know but i am sure i will find out soon enough, we will be there soon, let's meet these new comers with the strength of our entire pack, so until then do not engage, just wait until we get there :

: Well what if something happens before you guys come, what should i do? : asked Derrick

: We'll be there in no time so just do something to stall for time, we should be there soon, stay safe :

: Yea okay, i'll see you when i see you : 

At the library Derrick scanned his surroundings, taking in every feature of everyone who he was unfamiliar with, trying his best to sense if any other supernatural being was in his presence. So far he had no luck, everyone seemed to be normal everyday citizens going about their normal boring lives oblivious to the supernatural world and its inhabitants.

In about half an hour Tyler and the rest of the pack was there scanning each isle thoroughly when all hell broke loose.

Out of nowhere came the most terrifying scream outside of a horror flick, everyone inside the library jumped in surprise looking around trying to find out what was going on, as soon as they figured out that the scream came from just outside the library they bolted through the doors to see what had caused it.

Outside was utter chaos, people were running in all different directions screaming on top of their lungs, some were bloody, some had injuries suggesting an animal attack, it wasn't until the pack heard the roar of a bear that made them see what was happening.

There was a huge bear standing in the middle of the park in front of the library, sinking it's teeth into anyone who came close, which so far was about three people as two were on the ground whimpering with parts ripped from their bodies and the third was currently being chewed on.

Tyler knew that from the look and feel of things they weren't dealing with an ordinary bear, this had Therian stinking all over it and the way it moved cautiously as if it was expecting to be confronted by stronger opponents, made Tyler even more convinced.

Tyler and the rest of the pack including Derrick, attacked the bear drawing it closer and closer to the tree line and as soon as the area was relatively cleared of onlookers, Tyler gave the permission to shift.

Beyond the tree line, deeper into the woods Shane shifted, attacking the bear head on before Derrick and Kyle shifted to help him, the others were stabbing the humongous bear with knives and shooting it with arrows trying to inflict as much damage as possible, because of it's resilience.

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