Hybrid 30 : New Members To The Therian High Council

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The news came as quite a surprise to the remaining council members, never had they thought something so out of the ordinary, so over the top, could be true.

The thought of a Vampire and Lycan coming together and giving birth to a new species seemed too preposterous.

Even now, after Tyler and his parents shared their story, the council members still found it hard to believe, even after Tyler demonstrated his Vampire powers in front of their very faces, still they had doubts.

They were stubborn, and the very fact that Vampires were thought unable to reproduce made things worse, but if there was one thing that made them want to believe Tyler's story, it was the fact that he was able to shift like the Therianthropes of legends.

After Xavier explained that they were from a different point in time he could see that he'd indeed lost his audience, and the only way for him to regain their full attention, was for him to shift into the true form of a Liontari, where human and Lion became one.

It wasn't until after Xavier shifted and explained why the ability wasn't lost to him or to Tyler, like how it was for the new generation, that the council members understood and accepted the story as facts.

Days passed with Xavier, Gwenevere, the council members and Tyler all locked in a room, the other members of Tyler's pack, were left up to their own devices as they awaited the conclusion of whatever discussion was being had.

Eventually Tyler and the others emerged from the room, exchanging pleasantries between each other before saying their goodbyes.

"I'm so glad that's over with" said Tyler before sighing then slumping into one of the three couches in the main pack house's living area.

"So?" asked Derrick curious.

"So what?" asked Tyler, oblivious to gigantic "elephant in the room"

"What do you mean by 'so what' ?" asked Derrick in shock.

"What the hell were you all talking about for so long?" he asked.

"Oh....." said Tyler, remembering that he wasn't broadcasting the meeting via his link with his pack.

"They were just trying to save some face by demanding that i join them as one of the elders of the High Council." Tyler said as if the demands were mediocre at best.

"What?" asked Demetrius flabbergasted.

"What did you tell them?" asked Ashley worried.

"I told them no obviously" replied Tyler, shocked that Ashley would even ask such a thing.

"They sure handled that well" said Demetrius surprised.

"They sure did" replied Jessica and Nigel in unison.

"Well there's a reason for that" said Tyler with an exasperated gasp before he glared at his parents.

"Yes" replied Xavier, turning everyone's attention in his and Gwen's direction.

"I'll be joining them in his place" he said before being corrected by Gwen.

"We'll be joining them" she said shocking everyone except for Tyler who began rolling his eyes at the thought.

"What!" they all shouted in surprise.

"Yup" said Tyler, obviously angry at his parents decision.

"What's even worse is that they are willing to allow my mom to join, even though she is not a Lycanthrope"

"Correction son it's Therianthrope" replied Xavier.

"Lycanthrope is specific only to wolves, Therianthrope covers us all, whether you be Lion, Wolf, Rat, Dog anything." he said happy to be able to impart some knowledge onto his son.

"Really?" asked Tyler.

"I didn't know that, all this time I've been referring to us all as Lycans" he said looking around.

"Why didn't you guys explain it properly to me?" he asked addressing Derrick and the others, who'd been the ones to explain things to him when he wanted to know about their kind.

"Well..." said Derrick scratching his head awkwardly.

"I did not know know that" he said slightly ashamed seeing that he'd been born a Therianthrope and should know all this.

"And you?" asked Tyler addressing Demetrius.

"Hey I'm Lycan, and i thought you were just making a mistake whenever you referred to us all as Lycans"

"Although i did figure it out eventually, i just didn't want to correct you is all" he said defensively.

"I can't believe this" said Tyler shaking his head disappointed.

"So....." he said addressing his father.

 "What are we called?" he asked.

"We meaning Werelions?" asked his father.

"Yes" replied Tyler.

"We are called Liontarithropes" said Xavier in reply.

"Wow....I am a Liontarithrope" whispered Tyler to himself.

"Um........" said Shane interrupting Tyler self discovering moment.

"Technically you're only half of a Liontari" he said causing everyone to look at him in disbelief.

"What?" he asked defensively.

"I'm just saying!" he pleaded as everyone shook their heads at him, disregarding his stupidity.

"So............" said Amoy after the awkward silence in the room became too unbearable to endure.

"What happens now?"

"Why didn't you two accompany the Council members when they were leaving?" she asked addressing Tyler's parents.

"Well" replied Gwenevere.

"We've been given a month to spend some more time with Tyler, before we have to go" she said looking into Tyler's eyes, causing him to soften his angry demeanor.

"A month huh" said Shane.

"That sure sucks" he said before receiving a slap to the back of the head by Kyle.

"What was that for?" asked Shane, shocked at Kyle's reaction.

"Think before you open your big mouth idiot" said Kyle before walking away, causing the others to do the same leaving Tyler and his parents a moment alone.


Exactly one month later a car was sent to fetch Tyler's parents, it arrived bright and early in the morning and was parked before the driver exited the vehicle opening the rear door as if stating that he was ready for his passengers to enter.

He stood there by the open door awaiting his would be passengers without so much as a word or anything to alert them to his presence.

Eventually Gwenevere, Xavier and Marius exited the pack house with their luggage in tow and after handing their luggage to the driver who then stored them in the trunk of the S.U.V, they said their goodbyes, hugging everyone who they'd come to love and cherish in the short month they'd spent together.

"Please don't think of this as goodbye children?" said Gwen as she now thought of the entire Silver Creek pack her family.

"This is not the last time that we'll be seeing each other, so please don't cry or feel sad for us."

"Think of it as us watching over you" she said letting a single bloody tear drop fall from her right eye.

"We love you all" said Xavier smiling and hugging Gwen.

"Keep having fun you guys" said Marius with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"But make sure you remember that what we did in Romania will make this pack number one on every Vampire hit list in the world" he said letting his smile fade away into seriousness.

"I know" said Tyler shaking Marius' hand before leaning in and whispering something in his ear.

"Thank you for going behind my mother's back and telling me where she was being held hostage, if it wasn't for you i might have not met her.....them" said Tyler hugging Marius.

"There's no need for thanks Tyler, i made the only right decision there was to be made" said Marius before breaking the hug and entering the vehicle where Xavier and Gwenevere sat awaiting him.

: Be safe my son : said Xavier via the pack link as the car made it's way off pack land.

: I will father : replied Tyler humbly.


Weeks of intense training followed the departure of Tyler's parents and everyone was finally starting to get exhausted. Tyler had been pushing himself and his pack members to the brink of death claiming that he was not willing to lose anyone else.

He told them to not rely on his ability to bring someone back from the dead with his blood.

"Not because it worked this time around, does not mean it will work on a different occasion!" he said before screaming orders at them like a drill sergeant would in the army.

Eventually the time came for them to take a break and that they did.

They slept for three whole days letting their muscles rest, and waiting for their aches to go away, which for Therianthropes was a really long time to wait for the pain to subside.

Fortunately Tyler decided that they weren't going to return to training right away, in fact he'd given them the entire week to rest, and Yuki was loving the idea.

: Let's go to the beach! : she practically screamed in the pack link, causing everyone to shake their heads as the memory of her quirkiness resurfaced in their brains.

"We can't" said Melissa.

"Why not?" asked Yuki bummed.

"Because silly" replied Melissa shocking everyone with her choice of words.

"Not all of us would be able to enjoy the rays of the sun" she said as Kyle who was sitting right behind her tickled her sides making her squeal out in laughter.

"Oh yea....." said Yuki before looking at Lizzie and her family who were also lounging around in the game room of the pack house.

"How about we just have a night out in the city?" asked Amoy.

"I think that's a great idea" said Jessica.

"I agree" said Nigel.

"Lord knows we need some time away from this place" said Sarah as Derrick tightened his grip around her waist.

"Why not" said Tyler not really caring either way.

"So let's do it" said Yuki all exited again.

It was quite a surprise to Yuki, when she heard that it was not everyone that wanted to go out in the city, in fact she was kind of shocked to hear that certain people who had wanted to go had changed their minds.

Going out with her tonight was, Kelly, Shane, Sarah, Derrick, Rebecca, and Scarlett.

She was disappointed, but the excitement of having some well needed fun over-ruled her sadness almost as soon as it had surfaced.

"Let's go!" she squealed jumping in the new Cadillac Escalade/ESV that Tyler had bought for his parents before they decided to join the Therian High Council.

"Come on guys.....Hurry up!" she ordered prompting Rebecca and Scarlett to follow suit as they sat beside her.

Then came Shane and Kelly sitting in the the seats in front of Yuki and the twins, then came Sarah and Derrick sitting in the driver and front passenger seats, because Derrick insisted that he should be the one to drive.

"Okay kids.... buckle up" said Derrick excited, as he adjusted the driver's seat to his comfort.

"Yes paw" said Shane laughing, causing a few chuckles from behind.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up lover boy" said Derrick causing Shane to immediately stop laughing as both he and Kelly began blushing.

Yuki had to literally hold her hands to her mouth to prevent herself from making the situation anymore embarrassing, by laughing loudly.

Soon they were on their way, driving all the way through town, making their way to the city.

Yuki and the twins kept exploring all the things they could now do via the effects of Tyler's blood, they were currently privately discussing all the possibilities of Tyler being able to see through their eyes.

: But what if he decides to check in on one of us when we just finished showering, and....and ...and.... we were checking our body in the full body mirror, and....and...and...he sees : asked Yuki nervously.

: Um....why're you so worried about it? : asked Scarlett.

: I mean, when we were....revived : she said pausing.

: After we came back...we were told that you prevented Tyler from killing his father by shifting back to human in front of him and telling him to stop. : she said finishing he statement.

: So? : asked Yuki.

: So..... : said Rebecca joining the conversation.

: Don't you think Tyler's already seen you in your birthday suit? : she asked causing Yuki's face to instantly change to red.

: B..b.b..bb...but he was distracted : stuttered Yuki.

: Yeah......right : said the twins sarcastically in unison.

: I'm sure a hot blooded teen like Tyler would ignore a totally stunning, fully naked Asian girl, with great "assets" standing right in front of him : said Rebecca bluntly.

: You really think i'm stunning? : asked Yuki genuinely shocked at the word.

Scarlett and Rebecca paused, staring at Yuki with the "is this bitch serious?" face. :

: Are you kidding me? : asked Scarlett.

: Do you even have eyes in your head? :

: You're fucking gorgeous! : she screamed via their link.

: Then that means..... : said Yuki turning a brighter shade of red, that could make a tomato jealous.

: Yes bitch, Tyler has already seen your hot bod, he's probably dreaming about you right now : said Rebecca who just found it too hard, to not mess with Yuki as she blushed like a school girl who just had her first kiss.

: Calm down Yuki : said Scarlett as Yuki literally began hyperventilating.

: Tyler is not the perverted type, i'm sure he sees you with nothing but respect, besides if you're going to get this worked up over someone seeing you naked, then you're going to have major problems after shifting back to human :

: And what about you girls? : Yuki asked.

: Have you thought about every one seeing your young bodies when the time comes when you have to drink a Terians blood and shift? :

The twins began laughing, shocking Yuki and everyone else in the vehicle who'd just heard laughing out of nowhere.

"What's going on back there you guys?" asked Shane curious.

"It's nothing Shane, we're just remembering something funny." replied Scarlett.

: What? : asked Yuki still clueless as to why the girls began laughing, especially after the question she'd asked.

: It's nothing really. just the fact that you said we were young : said Rebecca.

: Did you forget that we've been Vampires way longer than you? : asked Scarlett still chuckling.

: Yeah ....sorry : said Yuki apologizing.

: You don't have to be Yuki, we get it, to you we look like we're fifteen or sixteen, and technically we are....but we've been sixteen for years, ever since father killed Vlad and that bitch turned us. : she said with a hint of venom in her voice.

The conversation paused for awhile before Rebecca broke the silence.

: We've been through a lot, including sex, so don't worry about us having our naked bodies seen by anyone, the fact of the matter is something like that is insignificant compared to other things we may have to encounter in the future : she said as Yuki contemplated on her words.

: Wow....i had no idea you guys were so ....so....experienced : replied Yuki as her skin color went back to normal.

" We're here!" said Derrick as they entered the city of New York.

Soon after, they arrived at their favorite club Webster Hall, and as usual, it was packed with the hottest of the hot, partying like there was no tomorrow.

Derrick, Sarah, Shane and Kelly went straight to the dance floor, while Yuki, Rebbecca and Scarlett sat by the bar just watching as everyone else had fun.

: So what do we do now? : asked Rebbecca slightly bored.

: Dance.......i guess : replied Scarlett as she dragged her sister towards the dancefloor, leaving Yuki by herself at the bar.

At first Yuki didn't mind the solitude, in fact she was having fun watching as the twins who's usually be seen with their noses buried in books, let themselves loose on the dancefloor.

Yuki was truly having fun by herself until she began getting hit on by what to her seemed like the drunkest guys in the club.

"Hey sexy" shouted one guy, so she could hear him over the music

"Hi" she said in reply.

"Wanna come back to my place?" he asked smiling as he stumbled forward almost bumping into Yuki's leg.

"Um....no thank you"

"Why the fuck would you think i'd want to go home with a total stranger?" she asked.

"Becaws me ruv you rong time" he said immitating an Asian accent.

Before Yuki could even do anything, out of no where came a fist, punching the drunken fool right on the nose, causing him to bleed instantly from his injury.

Without even batting an eye at what he's done the new guy asked.

"Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?" asked Yuki totally confused at the situation unfolding before her.

"The fall" he said.

"What fucking fall?" she asked now annoyed.

"The fall.....you know, the one where you fell from heaven" he said smiling revealing his rotten teeth.

"No it didn't" said Yuki.

"But it's sure starting to." she said before getting off the bar stool and leaving the club.

"How many weirdos can there be in one single club?" she asked herself.

Deciding that she didn't want to go back into the club, Yuki decided to stay in the car until everyone was ready, only thing was Derrick had locked the doors and if she wanted to get in the car she would've had to go get the keys and if she did that, Derrick and the others would stop what they were doing, to leave with her, which she deffinately did not want.

It was surprising for her to see the amount of people lined up outside trying to get inside the club, for some reason the members of Silver Creek had V.I.P status' and didn't need to join any lines whenever they came.

Turns out Tyler hung out there alot and the boss took a liking to him, ofcourse it didn't hurt when Tyler contributed towards the "well being of the club".

Yuki wondered if she should help some of the people get in, but she was hesitant because she didn't want to be held responsible for anything that might get damaged by anyone she would've potentially let in.

Eventually she decided against it, because she saw two girls staggering out of the club, both girls were obviously inebriated and Yuki couldn't help but remembering that night when she had to defend a young girl in a similar situation.

"Oh why do girls do this to themselves." she said as she followed the girls into a secluded alley way near the club.

Yuki assumed that they were on their way to their car, but she had was sure that these girls were, One: totally too drunk to drive anything, they couldn't even walk straight, and Two: they had no idea where their fucking car was parked.

"God damn it!" she shouted as she rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

She followed the girls as they stumbled from street to street before Yuki decided she had enough, as the girls were about to cross yet another street drunk out of their minds, she hailed a cab.

Without so much as an invitation Yuki took one of the girl's hand and ushering her into the vehicle, before doing the same to the other, surprisingly both girls expressed their thanks to Yuki before one of them told the driver where they needed to go and they were off.

"Ahhhhhh" sighed Yuki.

"I'm glad that's over with she said as she began walking back to the club.

About five minutes passed before Yuki realized she might have been lost, she knew she didn't go too far from the club when she was following the drunken girls, but somewhere she must've made a wrong turn because the familiar surrounding of the club was no where to be seen.

"What was that fucking street called?" she asked herself as she tried loading the G.P.S app on her cell phone.

"Arghh" she shouted angrily.

"That sure was nice of you" came a voice seemingly from all around her, causing her to look around frantically.

"I was wondering if you were with those girls, but i guess you were just being a good Samaritan huh"

"Who are you?" asked Yuki.

"What did you want with those girls?"

"I'm sorry my mom told me not to talk to strangers" said the voice.

"But you were the one who started talking to me stupid!" said Yuki shaking her head yet again.

"What is wrong with me tonight, am i some kind of beacon to weirdos?" she asked herself sighing.

"I take it back, it seems you're not a good Samaritan after all, and here i was telling my friends to leave you be" said the voice sadly.

Before Yuki could even ask whet he meant by that, four shadows came falling from above her.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

Came the sounds as four men landed before her, all dressed in black leather, they were all muscular, averaging about six feet, two inches which made them seem like giants to Yuki's petite Asian body.

"Peek a boo" said one of the four before her changed his appearance to that of a Vampire.

For a split second Yuki was terrified and that was all it took.

"Yuki!" said Scarlett and Rebbecca in unison as they instantly felt her fear.

: We have to go, Yuki's in trouble : they said via the pack link, alerting Derrick and the others.

:Wait what? : asked Shane surprised.

Immediately all six of them ran to the exit of the club and as soon as they were outside, the twins began tracking Yuki.

"This way!" they shouted, again in unison before they ran off leaving Derrick and the others to follow.

"Wait how do they know that?" asked Sarah.

"That's what i was just about to ask, for some reason Yuki is still suppressing her aura and i can't sense her at all" said Shane.

"Never mind that" said Derrick in full Beta mode.

"Those three are connected to Tyler on a whole different level so if they say Yuki's is over here, then that's where she is." he said speeding up so he could be able to follow the twins without losing them.

As soon as Yuki's brain processed the information her eyes were seeing, her animal instincts kicked in, she flipped three backwards times ensuring she had enough room to face her enemies, although for some reason she kept suppressing her aura.

"Ha hahaha" laughed one of ther four strangers.

"She's a gymnist" he said enthused.

"Let's have some fun" he said before all four of them began charging at her.

Yuki scoffed with a small smirk on her face, as soon as the first Vampire came within her range she flipped over his head landing behind him where she immediately elbowed him in the middle of his spine, causing him to bend backwards awkwardly, then she brought her to hands above his head grabbing both his shoulders, throwing him over her hear towards the direction where he was previously at.

His three friends had to jump over his body as it spun violently on the ground, making its way towards a dumpster over flowing with trash, where it then stopped, causing all the trash at the top to fall on his head.

"You bitch!" shouted one of the three, who began running faster towards Yuki.

But Yuki was calm, she watched him carefully as he came within her range before he somehow vanished only to appear behind her attempting to land a punch on the right side of her face from behind.

But Yuki was ready, as soon as she felt his presence behind her she ducked spinning with her right leg out as she attempted to sweep his leg but he instinctively jumped, giving Yuki enough time to roll away from his aerial attack.

Unfortunately the direction in which Yuki rolled was where the other two men were and she was immediately held.

Landing with ease after his botched aerial attack the third guy began laughing, he was staring at the fourth guy who had just gotten back up from his ordeal with the dumpster.

"Shut the fuck up Chester!" said the guy still covered in filth.

"I...i..can't!" said the guy still laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" asked Yuki as she kept struggling, trying to free herself from her two captors.

"Shut up!, don't you dare answer that!" shouted the man.

"It's ...just ....that, it's just that you....." said the giy still laughing hysterically to the point where he couldn't breathe.

"His....name.... hahahahhahaaa" he continued.

"His....name.... is---"

"I'm telling you Chester, i'm going to fucking kill you if you keep talking." said the guy as he picked old spaghetti off his face and clothes.

"Why're you getting so worked up Osc----" said one of the men holding Yuki before he paused as the sudden realization of why the his friend was laughing dawned on him.

Suddenly he too was laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh".....said Yuki, chuckling.

"You're name is Oscar isn't it?" she asked revealing the joke to the other guy who was holding her left hand.

Now both captors were laughing uncontrollably not realizing that their hold on Yuki was slipping, and in a swift move she removed her hands from theirs, bent down and elbowed both men in their balls, causing them to buckle over in immense pain, then she went after the third guy who was just now coming out of his hysterics, but he was a little to slow on realizing the situation and Yuki was already on him, with her two hands gripping the back of his head she pulled herself up bringing her knees up, hitting him four times consecutively under his chin, causing his legs to go wobbly, as he began losing consciousness Yuki finished her attack with a elbow to the top of the head.

"You know Muay Thai?" asked the fourth guy shocked as he stood with the rotten skin of a banana still on the top of his head, as his friend fell in silence.

"That's not all" said Yuki as she released her aura changing her human expression to a Vampiric one before hissing aggressively.

"But how?" asked Oscar confused as Yuki made her way towards him.

With intense rage Yuki began beating the shit out of him, punching, kicking, elbowing and kneeing the poor guy, breaking ribs and other bones all over his body.

"You bitch! he said after slumping to the floor.

"Quit being such a fucking grouch!" said Yuki before walking away.

"Ha haha" came the booming voice she heard before.

"Impressive, i had no idea you were one of us" it said, as something/someone landed before Yuki once again.

"You!" said Yuki as the man's face registered in her brain.

"Wow, it's you, i guess you didn't die after all"

"I knew you had potential." he said smiling before he heard growling coming from behind him.

Turning around he saw Two huge Tigers, a Wolf and an absurdly huge black Panther, they were all furious, and so was he.

Suddenly out of no where Rebbecca and Scarlett cam flying in attempting to kick the man standing before Yuki on both sides of his face simultaneously, unfortunately he was too skilled, because as soon as their feet was in close proximity to his face he caught them and was about to slam them both into each other when Yuki shouted for him to stop.

He threw both girls towards Yuki making sure that when the fell they would feel some pain, then he had to duck as the black Panther's teeth came snapping at where his head was seconds before.

He had to roll away from snapping mouths as the four Therians kept coming at him, eventually he had to climb up to the rooftops to try and get away, and was surprised that instead of attacking Yuki and her friends all four of them jumped from building to building climbing, as if he was their only target.

Derrick and the others tried catching up to the lone Vamp but he was too fast, and before they knew it, he was gone.

After a ferocious roar warning anyone against coming in his direction, Derrick made his way back to Yuki and the twins, prompting Sarah, Kelly and Shane to follow.

"Who in the world was that?" asked Scarlett as she picked herself up from off the dirty alleyway's floor.

"He was kind of hot" said Rebbecca causing Yuki to blush.

"He was, wasn't he" she said whispering.

: Well? : asked Derrick via the pack link, as his Panther landed behind her.

"He was the guy who told me what i became when i awoke as a Vamp" she answered.

"So why was he attacking you?" asked Shane after shifting.

"He wasn't, they were" she said pointing at the four guys who'd attacked her.

Derrick growled before attempting to finish the four off, but was asked to stop by Yuki.

: Why should i? : he askd angrily.

"Because i don't want to start anymore wars" she answered.

"We're supposed to be out here having fun, not getting into trouble, besides i just want to leave" she said.

"Okay" said Derrick after shifting back to human.

"You need to get us some clothes from the car so we can get going then" he said.

"I got it" said Rebbecca grabbing the keys from Derrick ruined garments on the floor, before running off and returning with their "go bags" from the Cadi.

"Let's get the hell out of here" said Derrick.

"Back to Silver Creek we go" said Shane hoping to drive some more fear into the downed Vampires, who were obviously pretending to be unconscious, not wanting to engage in battle with so many foes.

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