Hybrid 49 : Defending Silver Creek, Old and Creepy dies

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Zero watched as Tyler and the "Grandpa Vampire duked it out, he was surprised to see that Tyler wasn't as dominant as he was when they had fought recently, but that was because the "Grandpa Vampire" was a "beast".

He watched as Tyler kept getting pushed back and couldn't help but wonder if the young alpha was using his strength properly.

"Are you even fighting Mr Alpha sir?" he asked dissatisfied, while still speaking as politely as he could to Tyler.

Tyler ignored him, he knew he needed to stay focused if he wanted to win against his opponent, especially since if he'd paid attention to Zero at that particular moment he wouldn't have been able to dodge that black orb of energy he was attacked with, luckily he didn't look away and was able to bend awkwardly and effectively.

"This is so boring" said Zero as he made his way to the kitchen where he began microwaving some popcorn.

"Much better" he said after returning with a bowl full of popcorn and melted butter. He was about to sit and enjoy his meal when he remembered that Melissa had bought a case of cola.

"Oooooh, soda" he exclaimed before placing the popcorn on the small table that stood in front of the sofa in the living area and making his way to the refrigerator, where he retrieved a can on cola and returned to his awaiting popcorn.

Unfortunately Zero was about five seconds too late, in the small amount of time that it took him to walk to the refrigerator and back, Tyler and "GP" had wrecked the room, sending his popcorn all over the floor.

Zero stood there with a blank look on his face, he'd heard the commotion earlier but he thought it was coming from the already wrecked part of the pack house where Tyler and the "Grandpa Vampire" were fighting, now he saw that the noise wasn't just coming from the already wrecked areas, but from where he had prepared to enjoy his meal.

"Are you shitting me?" he asked outraged.

"What the hell's wrong with you two, can't you act civilized for once in your pathetic lives?" he asked as he was about to drink his can of cola.

Suddenly "GP's" foot came flying towards Tyler who dodged which made the foot connect with Zero's soda can, slapping it away from him with so much force that it shattered before hitting the wall, sending soda flying everywhere.

"THAT'S IT!" screamed Zero in pure anger.

"I'm going to kick your old ass "Gramps" he said as he began shape shifting.

The elder Vampire stared at Zero with a raised brow, he couldn't help but wonder why the spectator decided to end his life by entering the fight.

"Well isn't this a surprise" he said as Zero transformed into Tyler's Lion.

"I'm not sure if you were watching creature, but your friend there already tried fighting me with something similar, i don't think it went that well" said the Vampire.

Zero roared, it was just as strong as it would've been if Tyler had roared and it alerted every Silver Creek member.


"I wonder what's going on over there" thought Derrick, he was currently dealing with seventeen Vampires and he was feeling the pressure.

All the training he'd gone through over the years, made him more experienced in controlling his strength, and it came in handy now that he had so many opponents to face. The first Vampire came from behind him attempting to land a kick on his right shoulder but Derrick was ready, he turned a little to his left, dodging the kick before spinning back towards the right, with one of the daggers he'd received from Scott as a thank you gift.

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