Hybrid 17 : Vampire Pack Mates, Scott and Isaiah, Hoards Of The Undead

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Tyler sent Kyle to go buy another vehicle so that Lizzie and her family could accompany them back to Silver Creek.

About an hour later, both he and Derrick came back, Derrick driving one of the H3 Alphas and Kyle with yet another S.U.V.

This time however it was a black 2013 Ford Expedition with chrome rims, Derrick wanted another H3 Alpha but Kyle wasn't having it, eventually Derrick had to settle, saying that he'd never be caught dead in a vehicle made by Ford, which didn't bother Kyle in the slightest.

After everyone chose their mode of transport, with Ashley, Amoy, Nigel and Cerberus driving with Tyler and the new girl, and Kyle driving Lizzie and her family, Derrick driving the rest of the guys and Sarah driving the rest of the girls they were on their way and before long they were back in Silver Creek.

Everyone went to bed, most of the pack members gave up their rooms to accommodate all the new comers while they camped out in the huge living area and den.

The next day Tyler woke up to whispers.

"What were you thinking agreeing to that monster's invitation, what about our kids, did you think about them when you made your decision?" asked who Tyler assumed to be the mother of the family of vampires he had staying in Demetrius's room.

"What choice did I have, do you think he'd let us go if I had turned him down?" replied who Tyler knew to be the father's voice confirming his earlier assumption.

"How are we going to get away from here, that thing out there is strong, way stronger than any fucking Therian I know of, what can we do to escape?" she asked.

"I don't know but there's no way he is what he claims to be, there's no way a Therian bite someone and turn them into a vampire, no way in hell!" said the father.

By this time Tyler was outside of their door.

"Your right" said Tyler opening the door, scaring the shit out of the two parents who instinctively backed up against the wall hissing in fear.

"Calm down" said Tyler continuing.

"I remember overhearing you say that your sympathizers, which I took to mean you don't feed on humans, am I right?" he asked waiting for a reply.

".......Yes, yes you are correct in your understanding, we don't feed nor do we support the drinking of human blood." answered the father nervously.

Tyler paused for a while before continuing.

"Okay, now what I'm about to tell you should be kept in the utmost of confidence, so should you reveal it to anyone I will come for you and when I do, I won't be as nice as I am now, do you understand?" asked Tyler making sure they did before he said what he had to.

"Yes we understand" they both replied.

Tyler took a deep breath then sighed before continuing.

"My name is Tyler, as you might've heard from my pack mates, and I'm afraid what I said earlier about being Therian was true" said Tyler before raising his hand to silence Lizzie's father who was about to say something.

"But" continued Tyler.

"I'm also a Vampire"

Tyler watched the confused look on Lizzie's parents face.

"That's impossible, there's no way you can be both Therian and Vampire" said Lizzie's mom outraged.

"I don't believe you sir, but I do admit feeling something strange from you when you killed those other Vampires back then when they had the feast."

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