Hybrid 2 : Rich But...Bored?

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Tyler was in high spirits, while searching the mansion, he had found the family's safe, it was the size of four rooms and he was dumbfounded when he finally managed to break the huge vault like door open, and saw how much money and jewelry they had in it.

It should'nt have been so surprising that Catherine and her family had so much money because they were "immortal" and should have accumulated a huge amount of assets over the years, but Tyler being an orphan and a "hobo" was blown away by the sheer amount. 

Needless to say he wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. It had taken him a week to get all the money out and packed into boxes, which he'd purchased after taking some of the money, borrowing one of the three remaining cars in Catherine's garage and renting one of those huge trucks he would usually see driving on the highways that did major deliveries to Walmart and places like that with huge stores to restock.

Throughout all that time however, Tyler never once saw the butler, he kept wondering if the butler was still there in the house a week ago when all hell had broken loose.

"Maybe he heard my roar and fled for his life" thought Tyler.

"But one thing's for certain, there's no way he's on some kind of errand, not for this long." he thought.

Now on the last day of his week long journey back and forth from the mansion, after the last boxes of money was loaded into the back of the trailer, Tyler began dousing the entire mansion in gasoline, he went everywhere spreading bottles after bottles of gasoline he'd bought before hand in preperation for his final good bye to Catherine, her family and their mansion.

He went into the kitchen turning on the gas to the stove and oven, opening the oven doors to let the gas fill the house. Walking outside and making sure he closed the door behind him, Tyler made his way to the truck, where he had a glass bottle filled halfway with gas, with a piece of cloth sitting in the gas and coming out of the mouth of the bottle.

Getting a little more distance from the house, Tyler lit the piece of cloth that was sitting in the bottle, threw it through the kitchen window to the mansion, where it ignited the gas causing a huge explosion which shook the surrounding trees before igniting the gasoline, setting the entire mansion in a blaze of fire.

Tyler watched as the mansion went up in flames before getting in the truck and driving away.

"Good riddance" he said as he left.

Using the money he'd "acquired", Tyler got himself new credentials, he thought about changing his name but decided against it, and since he didn't have a last name to begin with, he decided on getting one coupled with a believable back story as to how he came to be so wealthy.

He was now 16 year old Tyler Anthony Cage, heir to the Cage family's fortune, after his parents had died in a horrific skydiving accident one year ago. He now lived in a huge house outside of the city, and has multiple cars at his disposal, but he was miserable.

At first, life was good, Tyler would sit around all day playing video games on his new PS3, but he soon came to know just how bored life could get when you had no friends. 

After trying to make friends at the mall and failing miserably, Tyler decided that he would try attending school, as there would be way better chances there for him to make friends, than in the mall where he no doubt seemed creepy to anyone he came in contact with.

One thing was for certain though Tyler had no intentions of going to school anywhere near here, he decided to go somewhere that had a small town where no one could recognize him, so after searching online for houses in different states and towns in America , he decided on one, way out in the woods of a small town called Silver Creek.

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