Hybrid 6 : The Rave

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News of Vampire activities at raves made the girls sick with disgust, Amoy mostly because she was more the party girl. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the unsuspecting revellers who had no idea they were going to become lunch for a bunch of undead pricks.

It was decided that before they attended the rave, they would have to do some reconnaissance, or "recon" as Demetrius called it, just to see if there were more than three Vampires to deal with, and if there were more than three they were going to be in for one hell of a night.

Earlier Tyler had sent the girls shopping for clothes for them to wear at the rave, telling them to buy something "bad-ass" because they were going to make an entrance. Demetrius took this as a good time, to teach Derrick and Tyler what little he knew about dealing with a "Vamps". He told them why vampires were known to die from wooden stakes, and why priests were able to stand against them, sometimes even killing them.

"Vampires are weak to anything god created that has no sin, Wood for instance, Silver, Gold, but as you know gold has a lot of value so people don't use it fighting an enemy who can  destroy any projectile you send at them" he said as Derrick and Tyler nodded.

"Interesting, do they really burst in flames if you kill them" asked Derrick smiling like a kid in a toy store, as he watched Tyler's confused eyes stare back at him.

"What? I saw it in a movie" he proclaimed.

"Well, they do if you shoot them with what I've previousy explained, but I've only ever seen it done once, as most Therians choose to fight naturally instead of using weapons, even though we know they are slightly stronger than us, our pride wants us to test our strengths, always trying to prove dominance. Unfortunately for us our pride gets us killed most times, that's why the High Council would train would be members in the use of weapons and Martial arts." said Demetrius who then stated that he was going to teach them what he'd learnt over the years when the got back to Silver Creek.

The girls were finished with shopping and were heading back in the limo in silence, they agreed that they were going to accompany the boys to the rave when they got back, knowing the guys would object, but they knew all they had to do was bring up the fact that they were the one's invited and that the vampires would probably find it suspicious that the guys would be there without them. It was for that very reason that they didn't tell the guys the location of the rave before leaving to go shopping. With conviction they nodded confirming their decision finally as the limo pulled up to the hotel they were staying in.

The girls made their way to the private elevator, leaving their shopping bags for the bellhops as they headed for the penthouse suite they rented. Arriving at their destination they saw to it that the bellhops were tipped generously before closing the door and calling for the guys. 

It was tense for a while looking at three pairs of concerned eyes but they were confident in their defense and stood their ground as Ashley spoke.

"Don't give us that look, we are coming with, so don't even think about saying no!" she shouted making all three guys sigh in defeat.

"Okay" said Tyler already tired as he knew it would have come to this. 

"But..." he continued.

"You will not interfere if it comes to a fight" he said threateningly, as he watched the girls smirk in victory.

"Oh lord, what have I done" he said sighing exhausted.

After getting dressed, Tyler paused surveying the room as everyone was wearing black leather. The girls wore sexy leather pants that stuck to every curve they had, almost like a second skin. The tops they wore were no different, it was a small skin tight top, that accentuated their perky breasts stopping a little above their navel, exposing their beautifully smooth skin. Above that they wore a small open short sleeve leather jacket that stopped at their waists. On their arms they wore a 40cm finger-less leather gloves, adding a "bad-ass" effect to their overly sexy outfits.

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