Hybrid 54 : Xander's attack?! Horrific outcome!

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Demetrius and the others were enjoying the new power up they received from Tyler, it was so euphoric that not one of them realized that Tyler had left their territory all together, when he went on his walk so many hours earlier.

Derrick was sitting behind one side of the table facing Demetrius, as they both got ready to arm wrestle, they initially wanted to do a sparring session but was advised against it by the others who feared that they would do too much damage to the property, especially when Jessica wasn't their to use her craft to fix it.

So far their match was undecided as they both could not move the other's hand in any direction, which served as comedy for both Kyle and Shane who were making jokes about them using the newly accessible Hybrid link.

Lizzie and Yuki were busy sharing images of cute pets to each other, while laughing, crying and commenting on how cute the little fur balls were. Sarah, Melissa, Amoy and Ashley were trying to figure out how to see what Nigel was seeing, not knowing that Nigel was busy sleeping in his room which only led them to see the blackness of his closed eyelids, further pushing them to try a little harder.

Mr and Mrs Dupree along with Tyler's parents were off sharing stories of their lives in the kitchen, while Kelly, Tashay, Alex, Raph, Rebecca and Scarlett were sitting by the TV watching a stand up comedian perform his jokes.

Zero was bored out of his mind, he was outside sitting on the steps of the porch contemplating on what he should do. He'd been locked up for so long with nothing to do than stare at his cell door and await new experiments, that now when he is free, he had no clue what to do, he'd already ate, he'd already tried watching comedy with the others, which he thought was boring and he had no idea why everybody else seemed to be excited, but weren't talking to each other.

He sighed to himself before leaning against one of the post, staring off into the darkness of the surrounding woods, it was now about three in the morning and the entire area was quiet, all except for the faint sound from a car engine that was off in the distance, somewhere in town.

Zero sat their listening as the sound became louder and louder, he assumed the person was coming closer to the pack house and confirmed it when through the darkness he saw the faint glow of headlights, he awaited the arrival of whoever was coming, watching as the headlights came closer before vanishing behind the many different trees then appearing again, when suddenly the headlights and sound of the engine stopped abruptly, now the area was silent again, leaving Zero to sigh once more in boredom.

He was about to go inside when he heard a familiar rustling coming from the woods, which sounded like someone was running towards him while stepping on small sticks and dried leaves.

Zero was intrigued, he stood to his feet and took a step towards the woods, staring intensely trying to see what was coming, when out of the darkness came a shadowy figure who kept running towards him, before it jumped and planted both of it's legs in Zero's chest sending him flying backwards, where he collided with the front doors of the pack house, taking them with him as he flew pass everyone, before slamming backwards into the opposite wall.

Immediately everyone came running to see what was happening, they first looked to the area where Zero had landed before noticing the shattered front doors, then their eyes went to where the doors were supposed to be where they saw a somewhat familiar face.

"Mr Xavier?" said Lizzie confused as to why he would hit Zero.

"I wonder what he did for Mr Xavier to do that" said Yuki before noticing that, to her immediate left stood both of Tyler's parents. The shocked expression on her face was unmistakable.

"Hello Son" said the person at the door, causing everyone to look at the person to which he was referring in utter shock.

"Why does everyone in this family hate me?" asked Zero as he attempted getting back to his feet, struggling as his knees went wobbly.

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