Hybrid 29 : The Truth Revealed. High Council In Shock

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The silence was deafening, the stand off between Tyler's parents and the Council members was getting more and more intense as time went by.

Demetrius was about to speak up when Gwenevere beat him to it.

"Calm down Xavier, I'm sure they understand that disrespect isn't something we intend to uphold" she said as she stroked his hair attempting to calm him down.

But Xavier was still furious, he kept glaring straight into the eyes of his uninvited guests, especially when the attempted stepping forward.

"Eh hemm...." said Diego clearing his throat.

"Good day to you, Ma-am, Sir" he said being as polite as he could for fear of his life.

"We are all members of the Lycan High Council and um..... we are in charge of everything to do with Lycans in this region"

"We came here to to speak with a Mr. Tyler A. Cage, because he's been avoiding our summons on multiple occasions." he said.

"Oh is that so?" replied Gwenevere.

"Then... is that why you've been sending disrespectful people to come and harass us?" she asked.

"No ma-am, we had no intention of ever disrespecting anyone"

"It is unfortunate that things transpired in that manner, but it was due to the ignorance  of those who came here, and not from an order on our part. said Diego before pausing.


"No disrespect, but who are these two and where is the boy alpha Tyler?" asked another of the council men, still angry at the fact that they were just standing around doing nothing, when these two strangers killed one of their own.

"I'd suggest you change your tone Carmelo, or try to at least learn how to manage your aura, because it's telling me and my friend there" he said pointing to Xavier.

"That you have ill intentions, and i'm sure you've noticed by now that the excuse of arrogance won't save you from our wrath." said Demetrius, warning his former acquaintance.

"Are you joking?" asked Carmelo shocked.

"Are you saying we should sit here and watch as you kill one of our own and do nothing?"

"Are you saying we should turn a blind eye to the disrespect your alpha has been showing us, from the very beginning of this pack's creation?"

"This is the second member of the High Council that this pack has murdered, and where is Cordero?"

"Did your alpha kill him too?" shouted Carmelo in anger.

"He has" answered Demetrius.

"Ha!!" replied Carmelo exasperated.

"Do you see now brothers?"

"Keaton was right all along!"

"This pack has been taking advantage of our kindness for far too long and quite frankly" Carmelo said stepping forward.

"I'm fucking sick of it!" he shouted shifting into his Jaguar roaring, pleading for his fellow council men to follow in his lead.

Out of the ten remaining unshifted Councilmen five stepped forward, each shifting into their individual were animal forms, all equally as angry as Carmelo was.

Diego stood back with four others, not wanting to join the unfortunate battle.

Carmelo along with his five companions all stood there glaring at Demetrius and Tyler's parents, they were angry, but they weren't stupid.

First of all they had to watch out for that gigantic Lion by the Vampire's side, second they knew they were outnumbered, because at anytime, anyone from the Silver Creek pack that they knew of, could enter the battle and turn things around, including their alpha Tyler who they all knew was very strong.

The tension was up and Derrick and the others inside the pack house were getting excited, there was no way in hell they were going to leave everything up to Demetrius and Tyler's parents, and it didn't take long for them to start making their way to the door.

First one out was Derrick, he walked out already shifted growling lowly as he made his way to Xavier's right side,

Second one out was Nigel, in his human facade he made his way to the left of Demetrius before releasing his power letting the world see his true form of a Hell-hound, he stood there glaring at his opponents, as lava droplets fell from his lips, forming small pools of fire on the floor by his feet.

Third out were Shane and Kyle, only instead of the pack house they emerged from the woods, flanking the enemies from both sides. Ever since they came back from Romania, they'd been training and as they emerged from the woods, you could just tell by their aura that they were really strong.

By now, the picture of just how much strength Silver Creek possessed was becoming a reality, but it was too late to back down now, tempers raged and an example had to be made.

"You shouldn't have come here" said Demetrius before shifting into his wolf and growling, causing his former brothers, both shifted and unshifted from the Council, to shiver in fear as the memory of his ferocity replayed in their brains.

As if his growl was the start signal for the battle, all hell broke loose, everyone shifted made there way towards an enemy.

Derrick attacked a white wolf who was almost equal in size to his panther, claws ripped into flesh, causing red streaks of blood to show up on it's snow white fur, they snapped at each other's neck aiming to land the finishing blow, but were both too energetic and agile to land the blow.

Shane and Kyle attacked two brown bears that were as big as Tyler and his father were when they shifted, but regardless of their bigger size, both Shane and Kyle attacked them fearlessly.

They bit legs and slashed stomachs, Shane even managed to get the upper hand on his target by running up to, then jumping onto, then bouncing off of a tree turning his body in the air to land on the back of his opponent, where he then sank his teeth into the bear's neck, squeezing aggressively as flesh tore and bones broke before the dead bears body hit the floor.

Kyle somehow made his opponent shift back to being human, he stood growling angrily as the man was on his knees bleeding, begging for Kyle to show him mercy.

Downstairs in the courtyard the battle was raging and Tyler could hear everything, he wanted to see thing for himself but was forced back into lying down anytime he tried sitting up.

"C'mon Ash" he pleaded.

"I just want to see how things are going!" he pleaded.

"Nope" replied Ashley adamantly.

"Your mother told you to stay in bed and that's just what you're going to do" she said causing Yuki and the others to snicker.

"But!" he said trying to persuade her.

"But nothing!" she said refusing to even listen to him.

"Yuki, can you see what's going on down there?" he asked, noticing that she was now peeking through a small gap in the black curtains that blocked the sun out of the room.

Without replying, Yuki stared through the window watching the battle as it unfolded.

She watched as Nigel stood over his downed opponent, before he began spewing fire, burning the former Hyena into nothing but ashes.

She watched as Demetrius reminded his former Council brothers why he was called the Blood Reaper, he attacked slicing and slashing his Rhinoceros opponent, causing him to bleed uncontrollably as became weaker and weaker, eventually the Rhino fell to the ground unable to remain shifted, as if dying slowly was too painful the Council man relayed his last wish.

"Kill me" he said pleadingly as blood ran down his face.

"I don't need to Roger" replied Demetrius after shifting.

"You're already dead" he said making his way back to the pack house for a change of clothes.

Ever since Yuki had been standing at the window, Tyler was silent, Ashley kept wondering why, especially since he'd asked Yuki a question and she didn't answer.

"What are you up to?" she asked addressing him.

"Tyler....Tyler!" she called still not getting a response from him.

"What the hell is going on?" she thought to herself, getting more and more scared.

"TYLER!" she shouted, causing Yuki to turn around in curiosity.

"What's going on?" asked Yuki concerned, when suddenly Tyler complained.

"Aww man" he said frowning.

"Why'd you stop watching?"

"My father was just about to kick some ass"

"C'mon Yuki, let me see the rest" he pleaded before his eyes caught the shock in everyones's faces.

"What do you mean by 'let you see the rest' ?" asked Ashley in shock.

"How were you able to see what was going on?" asked Rebecca and Scarlett in unison.

Tyler became instantly nervous, he knew exactly how he was able to see what was happening, but he had no idea how to explain it.

"Well?" asked Ashley.

"Well....." he replied.

"Um......i was kind looking through Yuki's eyes." he said nervously.

"What do you mean?" asked Yuki shocked.

"How do you do that?" asked Lizzie excited.

"I...uhh.....i don't know?"

"What do yu mean you don't know?" asked Ashley confused.

"I mean....." replied Tyler.



"Know" he said matter-of-factly.

"All i know is, ever since i woke up just now, my connection with these three felt like it was getting even stronger than before"

"I had no idea it was this strong, until you guys refused to let me see what was happening for myself, so while Yuki was looking through the window, i was wishing that i could see what she was seeing and to my surprise" said Tyler.

"It worked."

Yuki was shocked, she began thinking about the complications of what this new development could entail.

"What if i just finished showering and as i'm drying myself in front of the mirror he decided that he wanted to see what i was doing?" she thought.

Her face got so red and for some reason, she couldn't help but to cover hid her privates with her hands even though she was at this point in time fully clothed.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" asked Ashley bewildered causing Tyler to look at Yuki.

Which only made her blush even more, causing Rebecca and Scarlett to snicker amongst themselves as they no doubt knew exactly what was going on in Yuki's head.

"N..n..n. nothing" replied Yuki.

"I'm fine....i'm totally fine" she said before running out of the room.

"Yuki!" called Lizzie.

"Wait up!" she said running after her.

"What was that all about?" asked Ashley looking at Tyler.

"Hell if i know" he said wiping the smile he had previously, off his face.

Outside Xavier's Lion faced the Jaguar, both animals were walking in a huge circle as they searched for openings. Their battle had been going on for a while now, with each of them meeting in the middle at times, biting and scratching each other ferociously, before returning back to their previous position.

Xavier was confident that he was going to win, so he had no problem giving his opponent some space, but that was too trusting of a decision on his part.

Knowing he was outclassed had Carmelo thinking of ways he could get out  of this messed up situation, he ran multiple scenarios in his head, only for  them to come up with the same unfortunate end.

There was only one way he saw himself getting away, and that was if he could somehow get his hands on the Vampire woman.

"If i hold her hostage, there was no way that they would risk her life, just so the could kill me" he thought.

So deciding it was too big a chance to waste he made his way to the Vampire.

Xavier watched in shock as the Jaguar made a run towards Gwen, the thought of his opponent resorting such cowardice had never crossed his mind and he was ashamed to be the one that gave the Jaguar the opportunity to do it.

However, there was one thing he knew wholeheartedly, Gwenevere was strong, stronger than any Vampire he'd ever seen, all except her own father.

She was even stronger than Oliver and the only reason she was captured by him was because she was weakened from giving birth to Tyler, which is why for the entirety of her captivity, she was kept locked in an enchanted prison cell.

Carmelo was about to pounce on the defenseless Vampire, when she held out her hand in front of her, suddenly he found him self floating off the ground.

"You dare attack me?" she asked assuming her royal role.

"You are years too early to even dream of my defeat, you worth less piece of shit!" she said before slamming his body into the ground with a small gesture of her index finger.

"You dare insult the integrity of my son" she said raising Carmelo once again into the air with just a small gesture from her finger.

"Saying that he was nothing more than a disrespectful brat, deserving of your judgment" she continued smashing Carmelo into the ground once again, only this time from a higher height and with more from her hand.

"How dare you!" she screamed sending the now broken Carmelo way up into the sky, before she made a grand gesture with her raised arm, moving it swiftly downwards, as she watched Carmelo's body spiral downwards as if it was a meteor falling from outer space.

The impact he made with the ground was only felt by everyone, because they all closed their eyes, not wanting to see what would come of his body.

Shifting back into his human form, Xavier went to her side, hugging her gently as her rage receded.

Kyle opened his eyes to see his opponent crawling away in fear, he was about to finish the man when a voice shouted for him to stop.

"Please Stop!" shouted Diego with his hands up.

"Please, he doesn't need to die" he said running forward.

"We did not come here to fight with you, all we wanted to know was why your alpha Tyler decided to attack the Vampire kingdom in Romania, without consulting us first" he said pleadingly.

Kyle being more wild than any other Lycan in Silver Creek, was about to kill Diego, because he was running towards him when Tyler using his authority as alpha gave the order to stop.

Walking out with Ashley still attempting to drag him back to bed, he began speaking.

"Well.... the answer to that question is quite easy" he said addressing Diego.

"Tyler NO!" shouted Derrick.

"It's okay D" said Tyler smiling.

"It's about time they knew" he said showing his Vampire fangs.

"The reason why i went to Romania, was to rescue my Mom" said Tyler before pointing to his mother.

With wide eyes, Diego stared in disbelief.

"No fucking way" he uttered.

Please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it guys and gals....this is getting so fucking interesting right?

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