Hybrid 35 : Impossible! Vampires Are A Part Of Silver Creek?

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Scott sat quietly as he stared disappointingly at his new "friends". He watched as they squirmed nervously as Derrick and the rest of Silver Creek eyed them intensely.

Johnny was the one feeling the brunt of it as Lizzie decided to focus her gaze solely on him, it was almost funny to Demetrius as she scrunched up her nose and glared at the poor guy all while folding her arms and pouting her lips in anger . Demetrius however, never allowed his emotions to take him over but in this particular situation, especially since he didn't want to face the brunt of Lizzie's vengeful gaze, he made sure his facial expression was blank and emotionless.

Johnny couldn't help himself from fidgeting uncontrollably, who would've thought that a little girl could bring about such fear in a grown man, a grown Therian, he was just not ready to give in to the pressure and as he began glaring back, he saw something that he'd never dreamed possible especially in this particular pack's presence.

He'd released a bit of his Therian aura to change his eyes from human to that of his beast, hoping to startle Lizzie so she would avert her eyes, but to his shock and utter disbelief what the little girl did was so much more than a one up than he'd ever hope to imagine, similar to what he'd done, Lizzie instead released her Vampiric attributes, snarling and growing her fangs as her red eyes peered into the darkest depths of his soul.

Looking around scared and in shock, Johnny had his confusion plastered on his face.

"Am i the only one who is seeing this?" he asked confused.

"Do they not realize what that little girl is?" he wondered baffled.

He kept looking around studying everyone's reactions, which apart from his friends, except for Scott, were as confused as himself.

"What's going on here boss?" asked  Hunter.

Scott took a while to answer, he'd also heard the news of Silver Creek's hatred towards Vampires, so seeing the little girl reveal her true identity before them was as surprising to him as it was to his companions but he knew that if she was allowed within Silver Creek's territory, then they must've had their reasons.

"I'm not sure to tell you the truth, but if she's here and these guys have nothing to say about it, then it's not our business to intervene." he replied.

Johnny was about to make an outburst when he remembered exactly where he was, he didn't like Vampires very much and hated the very sight of them, but he knew from the rumours he heard about Silver Creek's reputation that they also hated Vampires, so coming to the same conclusion Scott did, he took a deep breath, exhaled then repeated the process, calming his entire body until he was a "cool headed" as normal.

"Good choice" said Derrick as he watched Johnny's procedure to calk himself, causing the young man to look upon him in confusion.

"I could see your tension" he continued.

"You must really have a problem with Vampires to be so angry that you almost shifted, but i'm glad you were able to continue because if you hadn't and had tried to attack our little friend here......then even i wouldn't be able to stop her family from ripping you to shreds." said Derrick smiling slightly.

"Family?" asked Johnny still confused.

Derrick chuckled lowly and gestured for Johnny to look around the room, confused and eager to see what Silver Creek's Alpha was talking about, he turned around and was terrifyingly amazed at what he saw.

The two girls that were standing on either side of the Asian girl that was kissing Scott earlier eyes glowed red as they glared at him, averting his eyes Johnny then looked towards where the still shifted fire breathing beast stood, there he saw two more pairs of glowing eyes and fangs but this time it was from two guys that looked a lot older than the previous two girls, Johnny was shocked yet again, so quickly he turned his attention to yet another area of the Pack house only to see two older Vamps staring back at him from the stairway, then came this other girl out of nowhere.

She was dressed in her Pj's and she was walking slowly towards him, Johnny was mesmerized by her as she came closer and closer. The Pj's she had on was not something that hugged her body, in fact it was really quite "roomy", but that did not stop Johnny from seeing every curve of her body. Every step she took revealed how "perfect" she was, her breasts were really perky and they pressed against the buttons of the pajama top, pressuring the buttons that held it closed.

Johnny was awestruck until she stopped right in front of him and revealed what she was, he jumped backwards over the couch where he fell awkwardly on the floor behind it.

At this Tashay began laughing, she laughed so hard that tears of blood began running  from her eyes.

"That's what you get for being rude and trying to scare my sister" she said trying to sound angry but failed because of all the laughing she was doing.

Derrick and the others joined in, making the atmosphere a little more inviting, even Scott couldn't stop himself from laughing along with everybody, especially when he heard the Asian angel's adorable snort.


It was now morning and Scott had decided to spend the night, he had not intended on staying but was really hoping to speak with Tyler. He woke up minutes earlier to Yuki hushing him and dragging him outside so she could talk with him somewhat privately.

"So what now?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Scott.

"What are your plans?" she asked.

"Did you find your family?"

"No.......but i have some ideas on where to look next" he answered.

"So......have you decided on accepting Tyler's help yet?"

"I.....don't want to" he replied.

"But i know i need it, i know these guys i'm bringing back with me won't be enough help for what needs to be done, and even though it really has nothing to do with Silver Creek, i know that if i had your help it could be the difference between victory or defeat." he said sighing.

During their conversation Yuki had been relaying Scott's words to Tyler who was surprised at first, then curious to who was speaking, so he used his new "ability" to see through Yuki's eyes to ascertain to whom she was speaking with.

: So Tyler : she said.

: Will you help him? :

: I already told him that i would if he need it Yuki, there's no need to worry, as soon as i get back we'll work something out. : replied Tyler before leaving her and focusing back on what he was before.

"I really wanted to see Tyler but i guess he's not coming back for a while" said Scott changing the subject.

"No no no no no.....he is, it's just that he ad something urgent to deal with and he left but i'm sure he's on his way back right now." replied Yuki frantically.

Scott sighed, he wanted to leave because he felt that he'd waited too long in searching for his family, for all he knew, they might've already been killed but he was still determined to search, he was just about to tell Yuki that he'd made up his mind about leaving before Tyler arrived when she ambushed him.

Noticing the worried look on Scott's face Yuki instinctively knew what he was thinking, she saw tat he was about to say something so she did the only thing she could think of to get his mind off everything.

In one fell swoop Yuki ambushed Scott's lips with hers, the kiss became so passionate that they both began caressing each other aggressively, they were both so enthralled that they didn't even feel when they both stood up, or when they made their way to the garage area or even when Yuki wrapped her legs around Scott's waist, nothing had snapped them out of their trance, not the birds chirping, not the critters in the forest rustling leaves as they went on their way, not even the noise the garage door made as it began opening, nothing, nothing except for the gasp and the noise of the car horn honking when Sarah, who was so shocked that she jumped and accidentally punched car the horn, when she almost ran them over as she was reversing out of the garage.

In shock both Yuki and Scott's eyes shot wide open, in a repeat of lastnight's awkwardness the released themselves from the other's embrace and backed away slowly.

"What's wrong with you two?" asked Sarah still a little shaken from almost running them over.

"Why didn't you just take him to your room if you wanted to make out that badly?" she asked addressing Yuki.

"I'm sorry. Sarah, we didn't mean to scare you or anything, were were just talking and things happened and we ended up making out" said Yuki frantically as she blushed profusely.

"Okay, okay Yuki.....jeez no need to get your panties in a bunch" replied Sarah which only made Yuki more "embarrassed" at the mere mention of the word "panties" which by now was very .....

"Hey where are you going so early anyway?" asked Yuki nervously as she changed the subject.

"Oh...i'm just heading to the store to get some stuff to eat, we were kind of running low on supplies so i just wanted to restock the kitchen before everyone else woke up" replied Sarah.

"You guys wanna help?" she asked hoping they would say yes.

Yuki was about to answer when Scott beat her to it.

"Sure" he replied.

"We don't mind" he said as he stared at Yuki awaiting her approval.

Yuki nodded in agreement as Sarah backed out of the garage, they both entered the vehicle to sit in the back, leaving Sarah to sit by herself up font.

"You two sure are cute together" said Sarah smiling as she watched them in the rear view mirror.

"You think so?" asked Scott, shocking Sarah a little as she thought that he would've been as embarrassed as Yuki currently was.

"Yes i do" replied Sarah causing Yuki to raise her legs letting her feet rest on the seat she was sitting on, then she wrapped her arms around her knees hugging them before burying her face, hiding her red cheeks from the world.

"It's alright to like Scott Yuki, i don't see why you're so embarrassed about it, you like him and he obviously likes you........... really, it's no big deal." said Sarah as she continued on her way to the grocery store.

"Could we just change the subject please?" asked Yuki still behind the comfort of her legs which caused her question to sound muffled and somewhat incoherent.

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