Hybrid 36 : Love Interest? New Journey. New Immunities

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Tyler and Ashley had finally made their way home, it was in the middle of the night when evryone was sleeping, so instead of catching up with everyone they went straight to bed.

Tyler slept for a couple of hours before waking up at around five a.m. It was in the begining of November and the trees were already starting to lose their leaves, so he decided to go for a run, back when he was at the Orphanage he would've been cursing the world for making such a thing called Winter, but ever since he learned of his ancestry he began liking it.

He loved the feeling of the cold November air on his fur when he wood run through the woods but when it would snow, he would be extatic, the cold the snow would bring and the warmth of his fur would make what Tyler called the perfect temperature, the crunch of twigs breaking beneath his paws as he ran, the sound the wind made as he ran between trees and other obstacles around him, made everything in the world seem perfect and appearantly he wasn't the only one who shared this sentiment.

He saw Yuki, Scarlett and Rebecca as they too ran unencumbered, free of all worries of the world, they were just having fun, enjoying the rush of euphoria that running in this "perfect" climate provided.

Yuki was shifted and her Cheetah's coat was practically shining as she ran throught the woods, she adjusted her speed to stay as close to the twins as she could and they relished in the feelings of excitement they had.

Tyler snuck up on them after deciding on giving them a scare,he silently crept up behind them before sprinting forward and roaring like a crazed Lion would.

Both Vampire sisters jumped onto branches of nearby trees, they were so scared that they began hissing instinctively before realizing just who it was that actually snuck up on them.

: That's so not funny Tyler : they said in unison causing Tyler to laugh at their reaction and the fact that they were being the stereotypical twins again.

: It sure as hell was : he replied before bringing his attention to Yuki who was still running, though this time she was definately not enjoying herself.

Soon after Tyler began running at her, not getting too close but staying close enough so that Yuki knew someone/ something was still chasing her.

Yuki was so scared that she ran frantically all while trying to contact Rebecca and Scarlett (who couldn't let this opportunity to also scare Yuki pass them by) via the pack link.

: Guys : she said frantically as she ran, heading away from the pack house.

: Are you okay? : she asked.

It took a while for the twins to compose themselves from laughing before they could begin replying, which made Yuki even more concerned for their safety.

: Becca! :

: Scar! : she shouted all while thinking up the most horrible things that could be happening to the girls.

She was so scared that she didn't even begin to consider what had made the noise from before, she wouldv'e realized that it was Tyler right away if she'd even tried thinking on it for a split second but her nerves got the better of her and she kept running.

: Oh my god Yuki, it hurts so bad : came a reply from Scarlett finally.

: No, please........ please stop this......i can't take it anymore : pleaded Rebecca, causing Yuki to continue thinking nothing but the worst, although what both twins were reffering to was the fact that they were laughing so hard, that they were now litterally feeling physical pain and that this entire situation need to be over with.

Suddenly as Yuki made up her mind to confront whatever had made the noise she felt something pouncing on her causing her to almost pee on herself.

Without even thinking about what she was doing Yuki shifted back to her human self, she had her eyes closed as she cried and kept turning her head away from whatever it was that was pinning her to the ground and breathing heavily above her. Then as if sensing the awkward silence in the air she opened her eyes to see the most unexpected thing she'd ever think to.

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