Hybrid 41: Hunters part deux

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"Have you done what I've asked?"

"Yes sir!"

"Our soldiers have been waiting to crush them as soon as you give the order, there's no way they'll be able to stop us this time"

"Tell our men to keep watching, we still have a lot to do before we're ready to strike"

"Yes sir! I will relay your orders right away"


"This is awesome, I can't believe how fun this is!" Screamed Lizzie as she was dancing with Yuki and her three sisters.

They were currently out clubbing, having a girl's night out and she was loving it, this was the first chance she got of partying out with her sisters now that she finally looked old enough to even get in, although some vampiric persuasion was still needed on account of their teenager looks.

She got to experience her first alcoholic beverage, she got multiple chances at rejecting drunk guys, plus she got to see what able bodied humans did when they wanted to have fun. She was really enjoying herself, even when that one drunk dude barfed all over her new pair of Jordan's, she just wiped them off and went right back to dancing.

Yuki, Tashay, Scarlett and Rebecca were in awe watching as Lizzie was dancing all over the club, they could hardly keep track of her but they were really glad that she was enjoying herself, even when some of the guys hitting on her looked like male models compared to the "losers" that would sometime hit on them.

It was now three a.m and the crowd in the club was starting to dwindle, but Lizzie wasn't ready to leave, she kept talking to this one guy at the bar while drinking club soda and giggling like a school girl.

Finally she went running over to Yuki and her sisters all excited and literally jumping.

"Hey guy's I'm so stoked!" she squealed.

"He just asked me for my phone number, but I don't have a cell phone, what do I do?"

"Do I give him your number,or your number, or your number?"

"Oh my god, do you guys even have cell phones?"

"Mmmmmmm......I don't know what to do!" she said while jumping from leg to leg on spot, as if she was training with tires for track and field.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down a second will you" said Tashay as she tried holding Lizzie still.

"Why do you even want him to have a number to contact, do you like him or something?" she asked curious.

"Um.....I don't know" replied Lizzie truthfully.

Until now she's never had the slightest feeling of liking someone especially not romantically, so she wasn't sure what her feelings were saying.

"So what's his name?" asked Yuki.

"I think he said it was Caleb" replied Lizzie smiling as she started getting excited again causing slight twinkle in Scarlett's eyes.

"Lizzie and Caleb sitting in the tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G, first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage" she chanted which caused Lizzie to blush out of embarrassment.

"Oh my god! Shut up, what if he hears you?" she whispered while looking back at Caleb who was still sitting there waiting on the phone number which Lizzie had yet to share.

"Okay okay, I'll stop" said Scarlett as Lizzie kept hitting her on her shoulder.

"Well i have to give it to you little sis, you sure know how to pic them" said Rebecca.

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