Hybrid 50 : Everyone drinks, Tyler's unconscious, Tattoos?

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Everyone was back at the pack headquarters and shocked at the damage the main pack house was dealt. Tyler was pissed, they'd never before been in a fight where so many of his friends were injured this badly.

Shane was in critical condition bleeding from his abdomen, Amoy had a broken leg, Derrick had one of his own daggers sticking from his side, Melissa lost an ear, Sarah had a chunk missing from her left shoulder, even Demetrius had multiple life threatening wounds all over his body.

Nigel was also injured but according to him the wound was "insignificant" so Tyler rolled his eyes and walked away, shaking his head at Nigel's remark.

It was obvious to Tyler what needed to be done, but although he'd done it many times before, he was still worried about the unknown.

"What if my blood does more harm than good in the future?" he asked himself.

"But if i don't do this, I might lose my friends"

"What if it doesn't work this time?"

"But what if it does, and changes them into something more than they want to be?"

"ARGGHH!" he shouted, finally snapping himself out of his wandering mind.

Immediately he rushed over to Shane, using a shifted index finger to slice his wrist, while holding it above Shane's mouth.

"Open it" he said speaking to Kelly who was by Shane's side crying, he made sure Shane had swallowed it before he moved on to Amoy, then Derrick, then he moved on to Melissa, then to Sarah and then to Demetrius, slicing his wrist each time because he was healing too quickly to do it in one fell swoop.

Zero stood there bewildered, he had no idea what was going on, he was about to ask but decided to wait until whatever it was, was finished.

"Hey Tyler" said Kelly nervously.

"Could we have some too?" she asked referring to the members of the pack who had not gotten a chance to drink his blood like the Dupree's had.

Tyler was puzzled, he had no idea why the others wanted to drink his blood if they weren't injured, it never once crossed his mind that the others would be interested in doing so until right at this moment.

"What, why?" he asked confused.

"Is anyone else hurt?" he said after standing up from the chair he had sat in a couple minutes earlier.

"No no no....." replied Kelly, "it's just that we also want to be stronger and so far that's all your blood seem to be doing to those who drink it."

"That's true, but isn't it weird to be drinking blood like a casual glass of wine?"

"No offense guys" he said addressing the Dupree's.

"No offense taken Tyler, it was weird to us as well, after all, we were once human" replied Mr. Depree.

"Yeah, i guess" said Tyler nodding his head.

"Excuse me just a little, but what the hell are you all talking about?" said Zero confused.

"I guess you'll see?" said Tyler before leaving, heading downstairs to the underground cave area the Dupree's had once occupied, he headed straight to the "blood bank" where he took some vials and syringes before heading back upstairs where the others were.

Immediately Tyler began drawing his blood and filling the vials with it, when he was finished he began issuing them out to his pack mates who hadn't gotten it as of yet.

Zero watched as Tyler issued the vials of his blood to the others, then he was standing right in front of Zero with his arm outstretched, holding another blood filled vial.

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