Hybrid 59: Zola, Land of the free

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(Previously when Tyler was in Africa)

A few nights after Tyler saved the lion cubs and was allowed to interact with the pride, he was trying to get some shut eye when he heard the sound of footsteps surrounding him.

Thinking it was the poachers again, Tyler tried to spring himself into action, unfortunately, as soon as he opened his eyes he knew he was trapped. All around him stood a tribe of warriors armed with spears, which they already had pointed at his neck.

They were dressed in a way that Tyler couldn't even begin to explain.

"Um..... I come in peace?" said Tyler hoping that they would somehow understand what he was saying.

As soon as Tyler said that however they became even more violent. They were about to impale him from all directions when someone saved him just in the "nick of time".

"Stop!" said the voice, prompting the tribesmen to pause their spear's forward momentum.

"I will speak with the outsider" the voice said, as a woman equally as scantily dressed as the male warriors were, stepped forward.

"Who are you and why have you come here?" she asked, holding a spear of her own.

She was about five feet, six inches and very curvy, she was dark brown and Tyler couldn't help thinking about chocolate when he first saw how smooth her skin was.

He was also amazed at how composed she was, standing amongst the seemingly very angry men, that were all armed with very sharp, very pointy weapons.

"My...my name is Tyler. A. Cage" he said blurting out his full name on account of how nervous he was.

"So, Tyler. A. Cage, what brings you here?" she asked as she started walking towards him, clearing a path through the warriors that still had their weapons aiming at Tyler's neck.

"I.....I wanted to see your beautiful country in person" Tyler said still stuttering.

"Don't you take me for a fool, Tyler. A. Cage!” she screamed suddenly.

"Why have you come here?" she asked again, this expressing her anger.

"I....I...." stuttered Tyler not knowing why she got angry all of a sudden.

"We know you are one of them, we saw it, we have been watching you, from the very first time you approached our lion friends." she said pointing at the pride of lions, who had apparently moved away from the area while Tyler was being ambushed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." said Tyler trying to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Liar!" she shouted before prompting her fellow tribesmen to poke Tyler with their spears.

"Please, please stop." begged Tyler trying his best to refrain from shifting and hurting them.

"We know you are one of them, did the Impundulu send you?" she asked now furious.

As soon as the word Impundulu left her mouth, her fellow tribesmen began ducking and shaking their heads, acting as if she said something forbidden.

"Limp...limpy...noodle?" asked Tyler confused.

"Quiet!" she shouted.

"Never speak it's name Tyler. A. Cage, lest you will bring its minions upon you!" she said whispering.

"But you were the one who said it" replied Tyler.

"I don't even know what a Limpy Noodle is!" said Tyler.

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