Hybrid 70 - Tyler Escapes, Hera, Ambrosia.

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Tyler was slowly losing his mind, his torture continued for days, every time blackening another part of his body. His hatred and anger grew towards Cronos and the Tartarus pit, but he had no way to free himself from the shackles he could now see clearly.

With each death and blackening of his skin, he felt something inside him grow, something unfamiliar but powerful. He tried his best to summon it but nothing he tried was working, it was like something was preventing him from tapping into it, but he knew if he was ever to escape the pit, he would need it.

Cronos kept close watch over Tyler, smiling as his plans to change him unfolded beautifully, his hunch about Tyler's blood was indeed correct and every death he endured was making it easier and easier for him to grasp control over his mind.

"The time will soon be at hand" he thought.

That night after Tyler's fiftieth death, he fell asleep. Usually Cronos would've killed him again within a minute of his rebirth but this time he was also sleeping, so was everyone else in the pit.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up Tyler!" said a soft voice.

Tyler tried to comply but his eyes stayed shut as if they were glued that way.

"Who are you?" he asked slurring his words as if he was drunk.

"You need to get away from him, what he's doing to you won't end well" the voice replied, leaving Tyler's question unanswered for the moment.

"What he's doing to me, what do you mean?"

"He's trying to manipulate you into awakening the small part of him that is within you, and if he succeeds, you will exist no more"

"What!....What does that even mean?" he asked confused.

"If he is successful in awakening the darkness within you, you will disappear leaving your body for him to do with as he sees fit." the voice explained confusing Tyler even more.

"My body will fall under his control and I won't be able to refuse him?"

"Not necessarily, you won't be in your body at all, your would will be extinguished or expelled if you're strong enough to survive his attack."

"That's crazy!" said Tyler still not as worried as he should've been, indicating that whatever Cronos was doing, was working however slowly it was.

"You need to leave this place, I can help you free yourself from the shackles that binds you, but I'm afraid that will be all I can do from where I am."

"If you, whomever you are, can do that, then I am sure I will be able to do the rest." said Tyler, confident in his own strength.

Suddenly Tyler's chest began to glow, he was slightly shocked at first but he eventually figured it was the owner of the voice, granting him the power to free himself from the shackles as she promised.

"Thank you....." he said pausing hoping that the voice would reveal it's name.

"Hera" she replied.

"Thank you Hera, If this works I'll be In your debt."

"Your welcome Tyler, but that won't be necessary, all you need to do now is wake up and leave this place before my power fades and he awakes to find you escaping."

"Okay." was all Tyler could say before the voice faded and all he saw was the darkness behind his closed eyelids.

At first it was a little difficult for him to open his eyes, but he did it eventually and immediately began summoning the light he felt burning brightly in his chest.

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