Hybrid 15 : Finding The Missing, Unusual Group Of Baddies

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Things were back to normal in Silver Creek, with everyone falling into their usual routines of patrolling and keeping the peace.

Nigel came to visit occasionally, stating that he had "unfinished business" to take care of before fully becoming Tyler's eternal servant, to which Tyler was still adamant about not wanting.

Tyler would have objected to the "servant, / master" terminology, but he knew Nigel wouldn't have backed down in his decision, so all he did was sigh and return to the book he was reading.

Demetrius was also leaving and returning quite often, making everyone worried because he wouldn't say where he was off to or why he was going there.

Eventually Tyler got tired of asking politely, so he reluctantly forced Demetrius to tell him everything with the overwhelming pressure of his Alpha command.

"Well" said Demetrius. "Do you remember the girl who was with me the first time we met?" he asked lowering his head in disgrace for pushing Tyler to use his Alpha command.

"Yes I do, Jessica something.. Jessica Rhineheart." replied Tyler.

"Yes...well it turns out she's been missing for almost six months, and I was asked to help find her by the Lycan High Council, that's why I've been traveling back and forth so much lately...I'm sorry for not saying anything to you Tyler but I was told not to say anything as the mission she was on was... "sensitive." continued Demetrius.

For a moment Tyler was silent, apparently analyzing the situation before replying.

"If my memory serves, she was a Witch not a Therian, so why was she trusted with such a "sensitive" mission?" He asked waiting for Demetrius's answer.

"She wasn't just any witch, she was a white witch and when you last saw her she was just coming into her powers, in fact she was cleared for active duty only two weeks prior to that mission that brought us together, but over the years she improved to the point where she was on the verge of ascending into a grand white witch, making her quite the formidable opponent." said Demetrius.

"So your saying she's a lot stronger than back then, but why was SHE sent on this "sensitive" mission rather than another Therian?" Tyler asked.

"....It,...it seems that lately there's been a lot of rogue were-animals stirring up trouble all over, eyewitness reports say that whenever the rogues were seen rampaging through the many towns, there was always a gruesome looking creature screaming orders, which the rogues followed to the letter." said Demetrius.

"Oh....so she was sent in to gather intel, and if necessary she's supposed to sabotage the enemies, giving the High Council more time to form an appropriate counter attack." said Tyler.

"But" continued Tyler.

"Why are they asking you to intervene without your alpha's permission?"

"That does not sound like the Therian High Council that I've come to know." he said staring Demetrius dead in the eyes.

.... .... ....

Demetrius stood there for a while trying to think of an explanation that would not piss Tyler off, he knew Tyler wouldn't have gone ahead with as stupid a plan that he had, so he was worried, so worried that he didn't hear Tyler's question.

"So why Demetri?" asked Tyler

"What exactly are you asking me Tyler?" asked Demetrius feigning innocence.

"Why are you so hell bent on doing this on your own, why were you trying to keep this from me?" asked Tyler calmly.


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