Hybrid 20 : Tresspassing... Ally? Zombies? Factory Discovered! The Dark Witch

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"Who is this guy?"

"How'd he know she was in trouble?

"Why the hell was he carrying those swords, isn't he Lycan, like us?

"Hey guys, could you just shut up for a second, I think he's coming to"

Scott awoke to one of the palest Asians he'd ever seen, she held a dry cloth to his head apparently wiping his sweat.

"Where am I?"

"Who are you?" he asked as he stared into the Asian girl's eyes.

"I'm, Yuki" replied the young woman smiling, before brushing the hair from her face.

"Yuki" replied Scott totally mesmerized by the young lady.

"eh hemm!!!" came a noise from across the room as someone cleared their throat.

Scott jumped up, suddenly realizing that it wasn't just the him and the young woman in the room, in fact he was not even close to being alone with her.

As he looked around the room he saw not one, not two, but eleven people, twelve if he counted the Asian "Goddess" in front of him.

Snapping out of his infatuation with all things Asian, Scott tried getting up, but was immediately greeted with excruciating pain in legs and back.

"Please don't try to get up, you're hurt really bad" said Yuki as she tried pushing him back into the comfort of the couch cushions.

But Scott was resilient he didn't like being in weird situations at all and being surrounded by so many strangers wasn't helping much.

Noticing the tension in Scott, Yuki figured he might be scared of the type of situation he might be in.

"Don't be scared, they won't hurt you" she said nudging him back into the couch.

"W...why am I hurt, what happened, was it the Undead?" asked Scott frantically.

"Undead?" thought Yuki.

"No, you collapsed into the woods after you saved my life" replied Yuki.

"The woods?" asked Scott confused before the memory of the event popped back into his mind.

"The woods! I remember!, i remember fighting this huge, puss sweating monster that was about to kill a Were-Cheetah"

"That was me" replied Yuki smiling.

"I'm so glad your memory's intact." she said happily.

"But after I beheaded the thing I was jumped by an arrogant little half breed who demanded I answer his questions."

"Can you believe that?" he asked.

"A HALF BREED, questioning  ME the BETA of one of the strongest packs out there!" he said in disbelief.

By this Shane, Derrick and Nigel were cracking up, they tried being as serious as they could but the look on Tyler's face made it even funnier, even Yuki Ashley and Melissa started laughing.

For a while Scott was also laughing, that was until he saw Tyler's angry face.

"You!" shouted Scott, as he recognised Tyler as the "half breed".

Tyler had had enough, in a split second he shoved Yuki aside and was at Scott's throat with a shifted hand around his neck squeezing it, then releasing it to allow the stranger to talk.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my territory?" asked Tyler angrily.

Scott stared in shock, he couldn't believe how fast the half breed was, and he was definitely surprised at the "my territory" line"

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