Hybrid 68 - Derrick Slowly Heals, Bar Fight, Tyler's Imprisonment.

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"Dude, It's been a whole week, Derrick's wounds should've already healed" whispered Shane, making sure that no one else could hear his conversation, especially not Ashley and Amoy.

"I know, but it doesn't seem like he is and I don't know why" replied Kyle equally whispering.

They would've used the ability they gained from Tyler to communicate via the person to person link, but ever since Ashley an Yuki regained consciousness after trying to contact Tyler, it stopped working.

"Do you think that's the reason why Derrick's wounds are taking so long to heal?" Shane asked, so seeing if he theory was correct.

"I don't know, but I does seem that way" replied Kyle before pausing.

"There is a way for us to find out" he continued, causing she was to look at him confused.

"We just have to hurt ourselves a little" he said as Shane's eyes widened in surprise.

Without a second's delay he shifted his index finger partially, just so his claw would grow, then he slit his wrist.

Kyle was so shocked, he couldn't believe how stupid Shane was for slitting his wrist without knowing if he was going to be able to heal it, before he would bleed out.

"Are you stupid!" he shouted alerting everyone to Shane's stupendous little stunt.

They all watches as blood poured from Shane's hand as if he turned of a faucet.

"Why isn't it healing?" asked Jessica before sealing Shane's open wound with her magic.

Shane just stood there with a terrified look on his face as Jessica went to stand beside him.

Nigel"I wont be able to stop this forever" she said frantically, before asking Nigel to go get her some needle and thread.

"Am I going to die?" asked Shane before Nigel teleported.

"Not if I can help it!" replied Jessica.

"What in the world were you thinking?" asked Yuki addressing Shane.

Kyle eventually explained what had happened, leaving Demetrius to ask the obvious question.

"Why didn't he just prick his finger or something?"

"I don't know, I thought that was what he was going to do!" replied Kyle defensively.

"Leave it to Shane to come up with some over the top way of figuring things out" said Tashay who still had not left Lizzie's side, after she'd woke up and learned of her parent's death.

Nigel came back with the needle and thread and some other medical supplies like bandages and medicine, that could help with any disinfection and pain.

"We're going to have to be careful from here on guys" said Demetrius.

"We've been relying too much on the abilities we gained from drinking Tyler's blood, that we shifted our focus from defense because we knew Tyler's blood would've healed our wounds"

"But it would seem that we've lost them and that means we're going to have to, go back to the old ways of doing things" he said, taking his place as the secondary beta to Silver Creek.

"Does that mean we've also lost our abilities?" asked Scarlett.

It was early in the morning when the sun was about to rise beyond the mountains.

Realization hit and in a split second everyone who was originally a vampire ran inside the pack house, closing every window, door, blinds and curtains, making sure that no light was getting inside the pack house, for fear of them losing their day walker ability.

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