Hybrid 76

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Back in america

"This is going to be great!" screamed Ashley excitedly as she looked out at the ocean off the deck of their cruise ship.

The water was beautifully blue with a tinge of green, there was even a pack of dolphins swimming alongside the Cruise ship as Tyler and the girls were standing there in awe of how beautiful everything was.

Everyone was ecstatic, well except for Shane who has seen and even been to the beach before, but has never been on a boat way out in the ocean where the waves would sometimes violently rock the boat, back and forth, side to side. Needless to say he was going through what was commonly called Sea-sickness.

Wither every rock of the Cruise ship Shane felt nauseous, it was as if he was cursed or something.

Tyler on the other hand was so focused on the dolphins, that he didn't even see when Ashley and the others walked off, trying to help Shane, he didn't even hear them when they began laughing at their rambunctious "little brother's" dilemma.

It was only after Yuki came up to him and touched his shoulder, that he snapped out of wherever his mind was and looked at her smiling.

"Interesting" he said with a crooked smile plastered on his face.

Yuki looked at him bewildered but before she could ask him anything, he interrupted her.

"Let's go help Shane shall we?" he said whilst pulling her along with him as he began walking towards Ashley and the others.


"So you're saying that, Tyler the Alpha of Silver Creek kidnapped your daughter?" asked one of the elders of the high council.

"Yes, him and another person who claimed to be her father." replied Rosemarie.

"Is this true old friend?" asked the elder to the principal.

"I believe it to be him, yes" replied the principal.

"You believe?"

"Why do you say that,weren't you there?"

"I was, and I felt his power, I don't believe there is anyone who could've made me feel....pressured, unless it was from that kid that rumours said killed one of you and elder of the high council."

"Silence!" shouted the elder raising his aura, prompting the principal to do the same.

"Ehehemm" (clears throat)

"Let's not start things off on the wrong foot" said another of the elders, noticing that both men were on equal footing in terms of their auras.

"We are only trying to discern the truth"

"We are telling the truth!" Exclaimed Rosemarie'.

"How so?"

"All I've heard are accusations" said another.

"How is my daughter getting kidnapped by Therians just a mere accusation?" asked Rosemarie pissed.

"I do believe your daughter was kidnapped, but as to who did it, that's what sounds farfetched to me"

"How could you say that!"

"How could I not?"

"As far as I and my fellow council members can see, is you assume that Silver Creek's Alpha is the culprit"

"So the real question is are you sure he did it or not?"

"It must be him, who else could be so powerful?" asked the principal obviously insulted.

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