Hybrid 45 : Shape Shifter?, Fairy?, True king's return.

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Zero woke up to see everyone standing over him staring, he was somehow fully dressed "resting" on the couch, with a massive headache. He kept looking around the room trying to read the expressions plastered on their faces and was pleased to see that not one person seemed angry, happy that he lost? Yes, disappointed in his behavior? Hell yes but angry? Not so much. He was starting to relax a little until his eyes met Tyler's and all the memories of their fight earlier began playing over and over in his mind.

Immediately he froze, holding his breath without even knowing he did.

"I'm very sorry for my actions Mr. Tyler sir, i didn't mean to offend you after you rescued me from that hell hole" Zero said, blurting it out so fast that Shane began laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god, i didn't think he knew how to speak properly" said Tashay before chuckling to herself.

"Hey calm down dude, there's no need to be afraid of me" replied Tyler.

"Is he kidding me?" Zero asked himself.

"This dude is a monster!" he thought making sure not to say it out loud.

"So?" said Tyler as if continuing his train of thought.

"How were you able to shift into so many different types of Therians?" he asked.

Zero was stunned, this was the very question he'd told himself repeatedly that he would never answer in a million years.

"I was not exactly actually shifting into a Therian" replied Zero confusing everyone.

"Yes the hell you were!" replied Kyle, outraged at the thought of Zero actually lying to Tyler's face.

"Hey, let him finish" replied Tyler.

"Yeah so..... I'm actually not shifting at all, well not in the way that you Therians do" said Zero continuing.

"What do you mean by you Therians?" asked Derrick.

"Yeah what exactly are you, if not Therian?" said Tyler.

"I'm what you might call a Morpher" replied Zero.

"A what?" asked Kelly.

"A Morpher" answered Zero for a second time, this time saying a little louder and clearer.

"You mean like Power Rangers?" asked Shane, causing Yuki, Scarlet and Rebecca to start chuckling at the thought of Zero saying "it's morphing time" with a ridiculous pose.

"No!" replied Zero outraged.

"A Morpher is what you could call a "Shape Shifter" if that's a little easier to understand.

"What the hell is a Shape Shifter?" asked Kyle still angry but even more confused.

Zero couldn't take the questions anymore, so instead of explaining himself any further he decided to demonstrate.

"This is!" he shouted before changing his appearance into something else, someone else that shocked the pack more than his previous transformations.

Staring back at them in the same clothes Zero was given after the fight had ended was Derrick, who was still currently standing beside Sarah with the clothes he was wearing when Tyler and Zero had their scuffle earlier.

"No fucking way" said Derrick shocked.

"Holy mother of baby Jesus, that's awesome!" replied Shane overly enthusiastic.

"That's what a Morph-- Shape Shifter is" said Zero before returning to his former appearance.

Tyler was amazed, he looked over to Demetrius for an explanation, but was surprised to see Demetrius as clueless as he was, he thought he was the most unique person / creature in existence, now Zero had made him fascinated with what else was out there in the world to discover.

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