Hybrid 19 : Yuki and Lizzie's Unfortunate Adventure, Hunters.

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Knock Knock Knock!

"Who is it so early in the morning?" asked Yuki answering the door.

She looked around not seeing anyone and was pissed.

"Very funny guys, i was having a pretty awesome dream you know!!" she said before slamming the door angrily.

As she was about to plop down in the softness of her bed once more, she heard another series of knocks at the door.

Knock knock knock!!!!

"Seriously guys what the hell?, it's still dark outside for cripes sake" she said opening the door.

"I know that's why i'm here" came a voice from below.

It was Lizzie and she was looking quite sad, which was totally out of character for the little Vampire.

"...I'm sorry Lizzie i didn't mean to shout at you, it's just that i didn't see you down there when i opened the door before.

Immediately Lizzie was back to normal, smiling as if Yuki yelling at her moments earlier had never happened.

"So.... what's up Lizzie, why are you here so early?" asked Yuki curiously.

"Um.... is it true that you are like Tyler now?" asked Lizzie excited.

"What do you mean "like Tyler", who said i liked Tyler?"

"I don't like Tyler" replied Yuki flustered, causing her cheeks to flood with blood as she began blushing.

"No, i mean you're LIKE Tyler, like how he can shift into this huge lion and stuff" said Lizzie.

"Oh..oh..oh, i....i get it, you mean, yea... yea it's true i can shift into a Cheetah now, isn't that awesome?" asked Yuki nervously, hoping the grown up side of Lizzie didn't catch on to her earlier ramblings.

"That IS awesome!!, ....can i ride on your back?" asked Lizzie abruptly.

"What?" replied Yuki, shocked at the blatant disregard of how uncomfortable that situation would be.

"Can i ride on your back?" repeated Lizzie even more audacious than before.

"I mean ever since i saw Tyler and them do it, i wanted to ask if i could, but mama and papa said i shouldn't ask because it was very inappropriate and could be insulting."

"Am i insulting you Yuki?" she asked concerned, making the cutest little puppy dog eyes Yuki's ever seen.

Yuki was amazed at Lizzie's confidence, if it had been anyone else she probably would have turned them down flatly, but she loved Lizzie, so much so, that she considered her the little sister she never had, plus who could have said no to something that looked so cute, so she said:

"...Yes, Lizzie of course you can but you'l---"

"Awesome!! let's go right now" interjected Lizzie as she began pulling Yuki towards the exit of the pack house.

"But wait, why don't we do this later, i mean it's four thirty in the morning, aren't you worried that the sun will come up before we get back?" said Yuki, while still being pulled by the little Vampire, who because of her looks, seemed weaker than she actually was.

"Besides don't you have to ask your mom and dad if they are alright with this?" asked Yuki, while running behind Lizzie trying not to lose balance from the angle she was being pulled.

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