Hybrid 3 : Tyler Devirginized

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The Saints weren't as anti-social as everyone thought, so after Tyler started hanging out with them it became so natural, that the Saints became just another couple of students preparing for exams. In Tyler's eyes however he noticed that they were thinking of him as their leader, and that wasn't what he wanted to be, first of all he had no idea what the responsibilities of a leader to were-creatures should be and second all he really wanted were friends, true friends who would have his back if ever he needed them there.

When he confronted Derrick about it, Derrick told him that it was customary for the strongest of a group of were-animals to become their Alpha, and when he asked what the hell an Alpha's was, he was surprised at how similar it was to his wish of having friends, except for the fact of protecting all were-animals under his umbrella so to speak. Never the less he accepted the role as Alpha to their small group and swore that he would protect them whenever there was a need to.

Over the weeks Tyler asked many questions of the three siblings, question about life growing up as were-panthers, about customs they would follow when meeting other were-creature not of their clans. 

Tyler was amazed at the stories and so amazed in fact, that when he heared all the stories the siblings could remember, he asked for lessons of etiquette in werefolk behavior. He was dedicated to practising and became a master after only ten days of constant practice.

The Saints were amazed at Tyler's determination and focus and during his training they couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't taking it a bit too seriously.

After a while Derrick and his sisters had practically moved in with Tyler, they weren't from America and only moved here because they wanted to get away from the violence of their previous pack in England, leaving their parents who were the Alpha and Luna behind. With no reason to saty in an old run down apartment they decided moving in  with Tyler in his giant home wasn't a bad idea, especially when Tyler had said he wouldn't have minded their company.

Tyler although excited at first was now coming to rethink hiis decision, for some reason he was always nervous around Ashley and Amoy when Derrick would leave the house, they would always flirt with him by making out with each other, inviting him to join, and as he would finally get the idea to accept their invitation, Derrick would be back with whatever his sisters had nagged him into buying.

This time however the girls sent Derrick to get a certain flavour of ice-cream that he couldn't get anywhere near the town they lived, so he would end up having to drive miles out of town to the nearest supermarket, then he'd have to drive all the way back, a trip that would take him all of three hours, during which his sisters would have ample time seducing Tyler, which they did effortlessly.

As soon as Derrick left the drive way they pounced on Tyler like two hungry panthers they were, dragging him up to his bedroom and throwing him in bed, before undressing and revealing their naked bodies. 

Tyler couldn't help but being nervous, he was after all a virgin, a virgin who was now staring at two apparently sexually starving goddesses, crawling towards him on all fours, on both sides of him. Amoy was there first kissing him viciously while removing his shirt, Ashley was halfway there stopping at his waist where she removed his trousers and boxers before staring at his now swollen member.

Tyler was in ecstasy he had never felt such euphoria, first with Amoy and now with Ashley, he saw multi-colored lights floating above the room, he felt like he himself was floating up in the air, through the clouds, into the heavens, then he felt himself dropping to whatever laid beneath him as he came.

"That was amazing!" said Tyler as he watched Ashley un-stradle him.

"Exactly what was so amazing?" asked Derrick who was now standing by the door with a bucket of ice-cream in his hand.

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