Hybrid 31 : Oscar's Plan. Weird Girl. Letter From A Stranger.

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"Is it always going to be like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like this!"

"Us waiting here as if nothings wrong"

"Those fucking Silver Creek assholes keep acting like they own the fucking world!"

"Calm down Oscar, you're acting all grouchy again"

"Oh, oh, oh, so you think this shit is funny?"

"That asian bitch kicked our asses and her friends practically ran you out of town!"

"You were'nt laughing then, were you Zach?

"Shut up!"

"At least i didn't get my ass kicked by a girl."

"No you didn't, but atleast I didn't betray my brothers to befriend her"

"I didn't betray anyone...... i......i met her once before, but she was not like that when we met.

"What do you mean?"

"She was.......... she was weak, to the point that she was some what.... rabid"

"I want to know how she got this strong"

"She was even able to hide her aura from me"

"Yeah we thought she was human too, how did she get that strong?"

"I don't know but, i have some questions for that bitch"

"Yeah, so do i"

"Like why in the world did it seem like those Silver Creek bastards were trying to protect her?"

"Aren't they the same ones who killed our brothers at that rave in the dessert, and our King in Romania?"


"I thought they hated Vampires!"

"I thought so too, but this is too much of a coincidence"

"Something's strange with that pack, and we have to find out what it is"

"Why bother?"

"Why don't we just go fuck them up?" asked Oscar.

"I mean, we do know how to read a map"

"It can't be that hard to find them"

"For fucks sake, they practically broadcasted their location to the world!!!" he shouted in anger.

"He does have a point Zach"

"I know he does Ricky, but why do you think that those Therian bastards still exist?"

"I mean going by his logic, we already know where individual packs are located by their name, so it should be easy to wipe them out right?" asked Zach rhetorically.

"Right" said Sam answering the retort causing Oscar to shake his head at his stupidity.

"Wrong!" said Zach in anger.

"Do you think our ancestors were stupid?"

"Don't you think they tried that?"

"I don't even know why i bother anymore" he said turning his back to them.

"Listen....." he said calming himself.

"I know you guys are relatively new to this whole...... being a Vampire thing, but for the love of our king, please read up on our history" he pleaded.

"Excuse me, but i couldn't here what you said just now...." said Oscar interrupting.

"For the love of who?" he asked.

"For the love of King Oliv---" said Zach before he realized what he was saying.

"Exactly!" said Oscar smugly.

"We have no King!"

"Thanks to those arrogant assholes we have to go through that shitty election process once again"

"Yeah well what do you suggest huh Oscar?" asked Zach frustrated.

"Well if i heard you correctly before, you said you knew that Asian bitch, and from what i understood from Sam, who was the only one awake when those Silver Creek pricks showed up is that she didn't seem to want her friends to hurt you, in fact, she was even shouting for them to stop"

"Am i right Samuel?" he asked looking at his friend who was currently sucking on the neck of his familiar April.

"Sam!" shouted Oscar.

"Get rid of the bitch and pay attention!"

"Okay okay, jeez, i was just having a little snack" said Oscar after withdrawing his fangs from April's neck, before thanking her and asking her to leave.

"Yeah so what were you saying now?" he asked as he watched his scantily clad familiar exit the room.

"Damn she's sexy!" said Ricky.

"Hey watch it bud, she's mine" said Sam staking his claim on the young woman.

"Yeah, yeah whatever dumb-ass, you got that pretty little thing fawning over you and still you refuse to turn her, tch...such a waste." said Ricky with a hint of jealousy.

"Are you two seriously going to have us wait here while you finish bickering over some girl?" asked Zach in disgust.


"He started it" said Sam.

"No i did---"

"Shut the fuck up, both of you!" hollered Oscar.

"If i hear another word about that bitch, i swear i'll kick both your asses until their red and bruised and you cant sit for weeks"

"Did he say he'll kiss our asses?" asked Ricky provokingly.

"I think he did" replied Sam always ready to piss Oscar off.


"I said kick, KICK!"

"Jeez calm down Oscar, you're so mad right now that you're kind of looking green" said someone by the door.

"I was almost going to say that you were "Hulking out" but then i remembered that green's your thing.....grouchy much?" said the woman smiling, causing Ricky and Sam to burst out laughing.


"What the fuck are you doing here?" asked Oscar even more pissed.

"I came here to talk to my man, are you going to grouch out over that too little bro?" she asked.

"Arghhh!!!" screamed Oscar.

"I AM NOT A GROUCH!" he said running out of the room, leaving laughter behind him.

"So.....what's up darrrrling" said Lena addressing Zach, rolling her "R's" trying to sound sexy"

"I told you already to stop calling me that Lena!"

"I'm not, nor will i ever be your man, so piss off and leave me alone" said Zach pushing her away from him.

"I swear you're as annoying as your brother sometimes" he said, causing Ricky and Sam to chuckle "silently" among themselves.

"You weren't saying that when we were in bed a couple hours ago" she said seemingly unhurt by his earlier disrespect.

"You even cried telling me how much you love me" she said causing Zach's cheeks to light up red.

"Now you and i both know that i was talking about a more specific part of your body when i said that" he said trying to defend himself.

"So you admit that you were crying then?" asked Ricky smiling.

"Get the fuck out!" shouted Zach causing Ricky to wipe his smile off his face and flee leaving the room.

"You too prick!" said Lena addressing Sam.

"Oh I'm so honored that you remembered my presence here your holyness, for a second there i thought we were invisible" said Sam.

"But then again you have no class, so why would you not try to fuck Zach in front of us"

"Just get the hell out of here little man" she said smirking causing Sam to leave the room in anger.

"Vampire bitches really do suck" he said in disgust.

"Now where were we?" she said returning her focus to Zach who was inches away from pouncing on her.

Destructive noises and moans of pleasure could be heard through the thin walls of the old abandoned hotel they were currently using for a den.

"Damn it Lena, have some shame" said Oscar before stuffing his ears with pieces of tissue, trying to drown out his sister's incessant moaning.

"Fucking slut!" he shouted before leaving the den altogether.

Luckily for Oscar it was raining terribly outside, days like these were the best for younger Vampires who hadn't evolved enough to gain extra abilities, because they could embrace the dim daylight without worrying about the effects of sun granting them the curse of eternal sleep.

Oscar wandered off, sticking closely to back alleys and the edges of buildings, something he learned from his years of being a Vampire, was that even though the rain was like a storm outside and everything was dimly illuminated by the sun, there will always be that one cloud that is smaller than the others that would not completely block out the sun and life and death could be determined by the trajectory of that one ray of light.

Fortunately it was already late in the evening where the sun was on the verge of setting, so it wouldn't take long for Oscar to put his mind to rest.

"So what were you going to ask me back there?" asked Sam drawing Oscar's attention to him.

"Why are you following me asshole?" asked Oscar in reply.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay"

"Well i'm fine, no thanks to you."

"C'mon man stop being such a grouc......stick in the mud"

"I'm not a stick in the mud okay!"

"Just leave me alone"

"Okay man....damn, i just wanted to check up on you"

"You don't have to be a douche about it"

"Hey man fuck you, if you'd just answer my question back there, i wouldn't have to be out here soaking in this rain" said Oscar in anger.

"Hey i tried to okay, i sent April away and asked you to repeat the question so that i could answer it, it was Ricky's fault for interrupting, not mine."

"Yeah well, it doesn't matter now does it?"

"It does if you want it to, you just have to repeat the question so i can answer it"

"Yeah but what difference does it make if Zach's not here to hear it?"

"None" replied Sam.

"What's stopping us from saying it to him later when he's done fu.....messing with your sis?" he asked awkwardly, causing Oscar to glare at him.

"I gues you have a point, i just hate having to repeat myself"

"Well?" asked Sam waiting for Oscar question.

"Okay....i was asking you what the Asian bitch shouted when those Silver Creek bitches showed up"

"Oh... i think i heard her shouting, telling them not to hurt Zach" replied Sam.

"Exactly!" replied Oscar.

"Now why do you think she would say that?" he asked.

"Hell, fuck if i know dude, Vampire bitches are crazy" replied Sam.

"They are, but that's not what i'm getting at" replied Oscar.

"Why would she, a Vampire, be fraternizing with Therians to the point where she can even ask them not to kill one of our kind?"

"Why didn't they kill her, and why did she not want them to kill Zach when he appeared right after we attacked her, especially when he came from the direction we did when we did?"

"I don't know dude, Vampire bitches be CRAZY!" said Sam.

"Dude i'm saying she must have had a reason to" replied Oscar.

"What if she likes Zach or something?"

"The point i'm trying to make is that, IF that's the case, maybe we can get some well needed information by infiltrating her pack!" said Oscar with eyes wide open hoping that Sam was getting the message behind what he was saying.

"But how do we do that?" asked Sam totally lost to Oscar's idea.

"I'm saying we should send Zach in there as a spy, heck maybe he could take out their alpha while he's at it" said Oscar.

"Are you serious?" asked Sam in shock.

"There's no way Zach would go along with that"

"It's a fucking suicide mission!" she shouted in disbelief.

"No it's not, not necessarily" replied Oscar.

"Yes it fucking is!" replied Sam.

"We can't just send him out there hoping for the best!"

"What if they kill him on sight?" asked Sam.

"That won't happen, she won't let it" replied Oscar.

"How do you know?" asked Sam.

"Because she just wouldn't okay....she proved that when she stopped them from killing him that night"

"No she didn't!"

"She asked them not to, but they chased him anyway, the only reason why Zach got away was because of the speed he inherited after evolving over the years." said Sam defiantly.

"Well it doesn't hurt to try" said Oscar trying to defend his idea.

"Yes it fucking does dude!"

"It does hurt to try!" screamed Sam.

"I know you don't like Zach that much for dogging your sister, but this is just too fucking cruel man"

"Sending him to his death on some stupid plot, to get information we don't really need, on a pack that's not really relevant in the grand scheme of things, is just too fucked up man"

"That's not what this is!"

"And we DO need information on Silver Creek!" shouted Oscar.

"How can you say they're irrelevant when they've killed so may of our kind!"

"They fucking killed the king for fuck's sake!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" asked Oscar shocked.

"I'm just saying dude, it's too dangerous for Zach to go there"

"Maybe we can come up with something different, maybe he can send her a note to meet him somewhere or we can sen one of our familiars to do it" said Sam before he noticed what he was suggesting.

"Are you saying we should send April?" asked Oscar.

"NO!" replied Sam immediately.

"No way!"

"Why not?" asked Oscar.

"It's not safe!" replied Sam determined.

"How is it not safe?" asked Oscar gaining the upper hand.

"It's just not okay" replied Sam.

"Do you have feelings for that bitch or are you trying to be difficult on purpose?" asked Oscar.

"Who she?"

"No way dude, she's just something to snack on when i get peckish" replied Sam, hating himself for even saying something so cruel about April.

"Good, then it's settled"

"We'll send her to Silver Creek to make contact with the Asian chick, then we'll set up a meeting for her and Zach, then Zach will work his magic and attempt infiltrating the pack  for information." said Oscar smiling.

"Yeah....now we just have to sell it to Zach and April" replied Sam.

"Just leave Zach to me, you can deal with the blood bag" said Oscar before leaving, heading back to the den hoping his sister was finished with her extracurricular activity.


Two days have passed since Oscar shared his plan with Zach, at first he thought Zach would've refuse it off the bat, but he was surprised when Zach said yes almost immediately after he'd explained it.

Now they were about a mile out from the little Town of Silver Creek held up in a motel, they decided it was best if April continue on her own in the morning, that way her being a Vampire would be ruled out.

Morning came and April just had to be questioned before she could leave.

"Do you remember everything you should do when you get there?" asked Sam.

"Yes" she replied nervously.

"What do you do when you get into town?" asked Zach.

"I ask the townsfolk if they know the girl in the picture, and if they do and they ask me why i want to find her, i tell them that she's my sister and that she ran away and that our mom and dad just want her to come home" replied April, now even more nervous than she was before.

"Okay i guess, that's it" said Sam before dragging April aside, so he could have a somewhat private conversation with her.

"Be careful babe, i know you want to impress these guys so that they would allow me to turn you into one of us, but these Silver Creek assholes are dangerous, so if you see any sign of trouble, LEAVE" he said before kissing her on the forehead.

"Don't worry honey, i'll be careful" replied April before leaving the room and getting into the car, she drove away heading towards Tyler's town.

When she arrived in the small town of Silver Creek she was surprised to see such a bustling town. She parked in the small mall parking lot watching as people went "to and fro" going about their lives.

"Pretty normal so far" she whispered to herself trying to boost her confidence.

Removing the picture Zach took of Yuki when he'd first met her that night night so long ago, April began her questioning, the first person she saw was a young lady who was talking on her mobile phone oblivious to her surrounding.

"Excuse me----" she said before getting cut off.

"Can't you see that i'm on the phone bitch!" said the girl before walking away, cursing her out to the other person on the line.

"And she's calling me the bitch" said April disgusted.

She soon figured out that asking young people was going to be a bit tricky because most of the young people that seemingly lived there, were all rude and self centered jerks who had nothing better to do that throw insults at people they've never met before.

Deciding to only question older more mature looking people was beginning to pay off, as everyone she asked, even though they didn't know where Yuki was living, had revealed that she would always visit the mall to shop for clothes and shoes and the like.

Yuki, April came to find out, had no specific time when she would visit the town to go shopping, but something told April to stay at least until the sun was set.

Hours passed and April sat patiently waiting on a park bench that was fortunately shaded by a huge tree that stood behind it.

"So what now April?" she asked herself as she sat taking in the scenery and relaxing in the cool breeze that was blowing.

Lunch time came and she bought two slices of pizza and a diet coke at the food court in the mall, she ate in silence at a small table and watched as people went on their merry way.

"I bet these people have no idea that there are monster living among them" she thought to herself before she heard someone screaming for help!"

"Somebody help me!" screamed a middle aged lady in a flower dress.

"He stole my purse!" said the woman pleadingly as she began chasing the alleged thief.

"Pathetic" thought April as she watched the thief run closer and closer towards her.

April was about to let him pass by her, but just before he got to her he accidentally bumped into an elderly woman, sending her tumbling forward, but instead of stopping to help the poor old woman, this guy kept running and April was pissed. As soon as the dude was about to pass her table, April kicked out her leg, tripping the young man causing him to stumble and fall awkwardly on his face.

"You bitch!" he said after standing.

"You'll pay for that!" he shouted before drawing a switch blade from his jacket pocket.

"Fuck you!" said April defiantly, as if she wasn't scared to death.

The thief sprang forward attempting to stab April with the switchblade, when suddenly out of nowhere came three pairs of feet flying towards him, two from either side of the man and one from in front of him, as if in a sequence, the pair on the left struck first, inflicting damage on the left side of the thief's face and neck, then came the right side where those pair of legs struck the young man in the back of the head and in his right side where his ribs were, then finally the third pair of legs came stepping in the guy's chest.

April watched as the thief flew backwards leaving the switchblade and stolen purse air born before her collided in a store's front window shattering it on impact, then she watched as one of the three ladies that intervened flipped in the air before kicking the switchblade towards a wall where it embedded itself down to the hilt, then as she was landing she caught the purse holding it carefully as she landed.

"Oh thank you thank you all" said the lady who was robbed as she hugged all four girls individually.

"Yeah... don't mention it" said April nervous because of what she'd previously thought about the woman.

"You were pretty awesome back there" said Rebbecca and Scarlett in unison smiling as they addressed April.

"Thanks but...... i really didn't do much" replied April genuinely.

"You guys are the ones that did all the work" she said.

"Oh please don't be so modest girl, if you didn't do what you did, we'd still be chasing him right now" said Rebbecca.

"Right Yuki?" asked Scarlett snapping April's mind back to her task at hand.

"Right" said Yuki walking up to them.

"Well thank you" said April blushing at Yuki's beauty.

"Wow" she said causing Yuki and the twins to look at her with raised eyebrows.

Noticing the look on their faces told April that she did indeed just say that out loud, and her cheeks glowed redder and redder, this time out of sheer embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry" she said apologizing.

"It's just that i've never....met anyone...... as cute as you...... three... before" said April tying to find the right words to say without sounding too crazy.

"Awwww" said all three girls in unison.

"She's so cute" said Scarlett.

"I gotta pee" stated Rebbecca nonchalantly.

"Go pee then bish" said Scarlett as if this was a part of their everyday conversations.

"Come with me" demanded Rebbecca, causing Scarlett to accompany her shaking her head.

"Hahaha, don't mind them" said Yuki smiling.

"They're a little crazy, but thank you for the compliment, i'm surprise that someone as cute as you would say something like that about me" said Yuki genuinely.

"You think i'm cute?" asked April.

"Yeas, really cute" replied Yuki honestly.

"Thank you" replied April before pausing.

Noticing her state of awkwardness Yuki spoke.

"Are you okay....umm" said Yuki pausing.

"April" replied April.

""Are you okay April"

"I'm Yuki by the way" she replied.

"Yeah, i'm fine, but i'm afraid that i cant stay long" said April.

"Okay....." said Yuki not knowing why that was such a thing to act all awkward about.

"I mean, i was kind of sent here to deliver a letter to someone and i don't know how to do it" said April.

"Ooooh is it a love letter?" asked Yuki excited.

"Sort of" said April.

"Who's the lucky guy?" asked Yuki even more interested.

"Actually it's for...." said April before giving Yuki the envelop with the not inside.

"For me?" asked Yuki flabbergasted.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but i'm not g--" replied Yuki before she got interrupted.

"No no no!" shouted April nervously.

"It's not like that"

"Please just promise me you'll read it when you're alone" said April.

"O....kay.....i.....guess" said Yuki confused.

"Please remember, only when you're alone okay" pleaded April.

"Okay" replied Yuki.

"I promise" she said putting the envelop into her handbag, only to notice that April was no longer sitting before her, in fact the girl was nowhere to be found.

"Where that cute girl go?" asked Sccarlett and Rebbecca in unison.

"I have no clue" replied Yuki equally as puzzled as the twins were.

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