Hybrid 28 : Vampire Meeting. Unexpected Encounter.

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Word of what happened in Romania spread throughout the Vampire community, causing mass hysteria and major hate towards a certain pack of Lycans.

Younger Vamps who'd thought too highly of their race believed the story to be untrue, but when various escapees / survivors came forward telling the gruesome tale of what really happened, they had to believe, especially when most of them were injured, with amputated limbs and scars that took longer to heal than they usually would.

One thing that had stood out however, was the fact that each survivor had seen something they couldn't explain, other than to say it was some kind of light that lit up the darkness of the early morning.

Now no one wanted to believe what they were saying because it sounded too similar to the crazies that believed in aliens coming to visit earth, but when the survivors were asked about the origin of the lights, they all said it came from the same place, which was in the courtyard.

Zack had never heard such crazy things before and he's been around for a while. The stories the survivors were spewing sounded like stories he'd find in comics. Stories like Lycans shifting twice, first into their normal animal, then into some kind of Lycan and human fusion, which everyone knew was lost to the Lycans of this generation.

However it was getting too frustrating for Zack to stomach, he was the type of person one would call layed back, and things were stirring up too much way too fast, rumour had it that there is to be a meeting of some kind between all Vampire's everywhere, something that could only be done by the strongest of all Vampires which everyone knew by now was dead.

"So who is it that's calling the meeting?"

"Who could be so brave, so daring that they would announce themselves as the strongest, right after their rightful king had died, knowing that they would have to prove their strength in battle?"

"Who was it that was making everything complicated?" Zack asked himself as he sat perched on top of building in the city, as if he was the statue of a  Gargoyle.

He sat their over looking the city as the bright lights of vehicles went to and fro, as people went their merry ways, living their happy go lucky lives. The images tormented him but gave him something to admire as well, deep down he knew he couldn't hate humans for too long, because there was something about their tenacity when faced with danger that made Zack fall in love with them over and over again.

Sure they had their flaws like every species do, but even with their flaws they managed to stick together when there's need to.

Zach sat there on his perch watching these two young ladies as they were leaving a nightclub, one of the girls was totally inebriated as her friend had to hold her up so she could walk straight.

"I told you, we shouldn't have accepted their invitation"

"Now look at you"

"Why'd you have to drink that stuff?"

"We couldv'e bought our own" said the girl desperately holding onto her friend so she won't fall to the ground.

"I'm so sleepy, Tessa" said the girl who was intoxicated.

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me bitch!" said Tessa holding her friend up once again.

Zack watched as they slowly made there way to the main street where all the taxi's ran, chuckling to himself as the situation seemed hilarious for some reason, until he saw four guys following the girls menacingly.

As if on cue Zack heard the Tessa girl shouting in frustration.

"What the hell Tammy!"

"Wake up!" she screamed as he friend was passed out in the dirty alleyway.

"Are you fucking serious?" she asked frustrated.

"What the fuck was in that drink?" she asked rhetorically as to her knowledge no one else was there, until she heard a reply coming from behind.

"Rohypnol" said a slightly familiar voice behind her.

Tessa spun around immediately to see the guys Tammy and herself were previously hanging out with in the club, all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Rohypnol, what's that?" she asked before dismissing it to focus on the more important situation with Tammy happening before her.

"Never mind, can you guys help me get her to the Taxi stand, she's totally drunk" said Tessa not expecting the lack of empathy in the way the guys replied.


"She's drunk she says" said one of the guys laughing.

"What's Rohypnol?" asked another of the guys in comedic shock.

"I told you these girl's weren't from the city bro" said another snickering.

"Wait, wait, wait, let me ask her this" said the last guy.

"Don't you know what Roofie is?" he asked smiling as he made his way closer to Tessa and her unconscious friend.

The word Roofie kept replaying in Tessa's head, she knew she'd heard it somewhere before but she just couldn't place it, she knew it wasn't back in Dunsmuir but she couldn't remember exactly where until it hit her.

It was on her first official night on campus, after she and Tammy her roommate and best friend since kindergarten were settling in. They were bored, flipping through channels on the small TV in their room when a news broadcast came on, usually she wouldv'e skipped to another channel but something she heard told her not to. It was the word Roofie, and as soon as she was about to make a funny joke asking what kind of word was that the news caster said :

"Otherwise known as the date RAPE drug"

Then she went on describing what the drug did to it's victims, suddenly everything became clear to Tessa, she now knew exactly why the guys were laughing, she knew exactly why her friend was now passed out on the floor beside her and she knew why she wasn't affected.

"Stay back!" she shouted causing the four guys to pause in surprise.

"Calm down gorgeous" said one of them as he made a disgusting gesture with his hand and clothes covered privates.

"We have something you might like" she said smiling menacingly.

"Yeah, just relax and enjoy the ride" said another.

"You should start feeling a little drowsy right about now" said the closest one to her.

"Sorry to disappoint you asshole but i don't drink" said Tessa angrily causing the guys to look around in bewilderment.

"What do you mean you don't drink?"

"I just don't, now stay back or i swear i'll kick your ass" she shouted trying to sound brave, even though deep down she was terrified.

"You must be joking sweetie" chuckled the guy closest to her.

"What's a sweet little thing like you going to do to use big strong men?" he asked taking a few steps to her.

As soon as he was within range however, Tessa kicked her foot out so fast that the only reason he knew she moved it was the pain he felt between his legs. He screamed out in agony before falling to his knees, as the excruciating pain intensified in his balls.

"You bitch!" shouted the other three as they began running towards her.

Tessa began fighting the three guys by kicking and swinging her arms and legs wildly, the guys never encountering someone like her before, were being pushed back even though it was three to one, two of them had black eyes and the other a busted head. Eventually Tessa got tired and they got the upper hand causing her to keep moving backwards away from where Tammy slept unconscious.

"Stop right there you bitch!" said the guy who was previously agonizing over his balls, he had Tammy in his grasp with a broken bottle he found in the alleyway by her neck.

"Stop resisting or your stupid friend here dies!" he said causing Tessa to freeze in her tracks.

"Good girl" he said as his friends held her down, touching her inappropriately all over her body.

Tessa watched as the guy holding Tammy captive began slowly undressing her friend. He removed her her top, exposing her bra and started kissing her on her neck, as her friend layed there unable to do anything. She watched as his hand made it's way up under Tammy's skirt and she begged for him to stop, even though she herself was being violated by the three guys, who had their hands all over her, touching her in places she's never been touched before.

"Please stop" she cried.

"Someone please help us" she pleaded as the tears ran down her face.

Suddenly she heard a loud crash and saw a man holding Tammy gently in his arms, to his side was the guy previously violating her friend's unconscious body. The violator laid dead  on the floor blood running from an open wound in his neck.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" screamed Tessa in response o the sight before her, causing her violators to turn around as curiosity got the better of them.

Without a seconds delay, Tessa watched as the new comer killed her three violators, she could not believe that he was capable of doing what he did when he was holding Tammy in his arms, until she realized that she was now the one holding her friend.

"How...when?" she said out loud before realizing that her savior was now standing before her staring at her intensely.

"Are you okay?" he asked waiting for a reply.

"I.....i....i.....I'm fine" she replied mesmerized by the color of his eyes.

For some reason as she continued staring into his eyes, she became sleepy, within minutes she was out cold, dead to the world.
Hours later she was awoken by Tammy, they were both wearing hospital gowns, and were both in hospital beds, and neither of them had any idea of what had happened that caused them to be there, the only thing different about any of them, were two small puncture wounds they found on their necks.


The wolves stalked their prey from behind snow covered bushes, they watch as a man sat in the snow on his knees not moving, but for some reason they didn't attack, for some reason they seemed intimidated by his very presence there.
Knowing he was being surrounded didn't matter at all, at this point he was too angry to care, he sensed the presence of the wolves as they attempted an approach and decided he wasn't backing down.

Eventually two wolves stepped forward growling as if they were about to attack, when suddenly the man released a low growl of his own.
Frozen in their tracks, both wolves sneered in contempt as if denying the fact that they were scared, with a determined howl from the wolf suspected to be the alpha the attack order was given.

Suddenly wolves were attacking from all angles, they sped through the snow, leaving paw prints as they made their way to the still unmoving man.

Without even standing, the man swung his still sheathed katana, knocking wolf after wolf away from him, sending them into trees and other shrubs, leaving them hurt but otherwise alive.
Eventually the wolves got the message, leaving the strange man to his own devices.

"Where are you guys?" he asked as tears ran down his cheek, freezing before falling onto the snow covered forest floor.
At the same time two guys jumped down from the above trees.

"Come on boss" said one of the men.

"There's nothing here to find" he said without so much as a slight reaction from the guy who was still sitting in the snow.

"Let's search somewhere else Scott" said the other man.

"We're not getting anywhere here"

Scott opened his eyes, staring at his new companions, he knew that if he was to rebuild his pack, he'd need stronger acquaintances and these two were almost on the same level as he was, plus they were both very familiar with combat which was something he needed.
Still Scott knew that they weren't enough to take on those strange undead creatures, he knew that if he wanted to accomplish that goal he had to find more people like these two and he had to do it quickly. So getting himself together he left heading for a new destination with his new betas in toe.


Gwenevere was very worried, she kept pacing back and forth as Tyler slept, still under the effects of Marius's incantation.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" she asked Xavier worried.

"Yes i'm sure" replied Xavier.

"You know as well as i do that Marius wouldn't have done anything to endanger Tyler's life"

"Now come here and try to relax" he said as he pulled her to him forcing her to sit on his lap as he sat at Tyler's bedside.

"How can you be so calm?" she asked in sadness.

"Well, I've had years of trying not to rush to your rescue, every single day was a challenge i had to endure."

Knock knock knock! came a rapping at the door.

Yuki walked in carrying a tray with food for Tyler's parents, they'd been standing in his room every since Marius's incantation placed him there, never leaving for anything.

She placed the tray on a side table before turning to leave the room, when she was suddenly spoken to.

"You are welcome to eat with us" said Gwenevere sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I'd be honored to but i already ate with the others downstairs" said Yuki as she attempted to leave again.

"Please don't leave, you're probably even more worried than we are, i mean you and your pack mates have been with him for a while, you guys are family, even more so than we are at this point" said Gwenevere.

"I can't believe i was so selfish to you" she said in remorse.

"Really it's okay" replied Yuki.

"You're his parents, I'm sure Tyler wouldn't want anyone but you to be here with him these types of situations, it's only fair that we allow you this time, especially since you weren't able to be here for him for so long" said Yuki as she empathized with Xavier's and Gwenevere's situation.

"Nonsense!" replied Xavier.

"He's right you guys are as much his family as we are, so tell your friends that they're welcomed to visit anytime they would like to.

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