Hybrid 5 : The Therian High Council

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It's been a week since Demetrius went back to the council and Tyler was eagerly awaiting news of the pack's registration, only the news he got back was not news, but a summons stating that he along with his pack members should go immediately to meet the members of the council at their headquaters.

Tyler was upset, he didn't know what all the fuss was about and he really wanted to start acting officially as a pack in Silver Creek.

The High Council wanted to meet the pack who took down and eventually dominated the Blood Reaper, everyone who was anyone heard about it and was shocked, some people stated that the rumours of the Blood Reaper must have been exaggerated, while some stated that it was not a Therian but a god who tamed the beast known as the Blood Reaper. Everyone wanted to know which pack it was that did that, so much so that you had packs claiming it was them causing bloodshed as fights broke out.

Since getting the summons they were later visited by a limousine driver who told them he was there to take them to the headquarters of the High Council, that was two days ago and everyone was getting a little frustrated. Sure they'd stopped for food and for bathroom breaks and stuff but traveling for two days by car can get real boring real quick.

"How long until we get there?" asked Tyler addressing the driver.

"We will be there in two hours, give or take a few depending on traffic" replied the driver.

Sure enough, two hours later they stopped at a secluded area deep into the woods.

"Please follow me" said the driver leading the way to a cave.

Upon entering the cave the driver placed his finger on the wall on something that looked like a fingerprint scanner, unnoticeable by first glance. After standing for about two seconds, two huge elevator doors opened with a high pitched beep that only Therians could hear. Entering the elevator the driver punched in a code, then a floor number, then there was movement and finally a small jolt as the elevator stopped.

Everyone was tense and Tyler could smell their anxiety growing.

"Stay calm guys, I won't let anything happen to you" he said through his pack link telepathically.

"This way please" said the driver again leading the way into the building.

The driver led them to a room so huge, that they couldn't believe they were underground, as they walked they could see that there were smaller rooms all over connected by small corridors, as they continued walking they came up on what some would call a ball room, accentuated with frilly drapes and all sorts of amenities, there was a beautiful arch stairway that leaded up to a balcony, that lead to another floor of extravagance no doubt.

On the balcony were thirteen men, Tyler could see Demetrius at the end and had to fight the urge to say "Hi" before the man in the middle began speaking.

"Welcome young ones to the Headquarters of the High Council of Therianthropy, we are so excited you could come." he said smiling.

"Would you all be so kind as to let your aura rise, we'd like to know what we are dealing with before we proceed." he asked.

One by one everyone let their auras rise so any were-folk in the vicinity could recognise them for what they truly were, lycans.

"So we've got three panthers, one lion and a wolf, that's quite a pack you've got there" said the councilman before he was interrupted by Tyler.

"Correction, It's three panthers, one lion and two wolves" said Tyler honestly.

The councilman was shocked, he'd never seen such utter defiance from anyone before in his life, he was even more shocked at Demetrius who was always so serious and scary, as he began laughing uncontrollably.

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