Hybrid 77

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Tyler was ecstatic, he usually wasn't the type of person to feel anxious or excited for new encounters, but lately he was feeling kind of bored. Yes he was the one who chose to train like a maniac these passed few weeks but that was because he felt that Zeus was going to be attacking him and his family any day now, and he needed to be prepared.

This however, wasn't even on his radar,in fact this was beyond what he could've imagined.

As they came close to the city, Tyler and his pack began to make out buildings, street lamps, roads, trees everything you would normally see above ground but more aged.

For instance, trees were somehow fused with corals and seaweeds, in fact almost everything they looked at seemed that way, especially after they passed the blur cascaded by the forcefield like glow that surrounded the city.

The city however seemed dead, there was no one around except for the fish men who had captured them, although the sounds of animals in the distance could be heard there were no signs of the underwater city's inhabitants, not until there came a loud shout from one of the new "visitors".

"What the hell, I need air, I can't breathe!" exclaimed Zero as his oxygen deprived lungs filled with fresh air. causing one of the fish men to poke him with his spear telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Tyler chuckled to himself, "we can even breathe fresh air down here" he thought as he looked around amazed especially since Zero's outburst caused the city's inhabitants to peek out in curiosity.

Tyler was shocked at first because the people of the city didn't look like the ones that had taken them captive, these "people" looked human until you looked closer, they had soft octopus like skins of all colors, and their eyes were huge, their hands and feet were webbed and they had what Tyler could only call fins on both arms and legs, best of all was their necks. From their shoulders to their chin the had gills, just like you would see on a shark.

Tyler seemed over joyed.

"So what now?" asked Demetrius as he looked at Tyler in disdain.

Before Tyler could reply, one of the fish men took his.."head" off.

Zero screamed in shock before realizing that it was only a mask, causing Zola to shake her head embarrassed.

"Dude seriously?" asked Shane also embarrassed by Zero's sudden outburst.

"What? I thought he was going to start walking around headless!" he exclaimed.

"Bro, it still doesn't give you the right to react that way, you're--"

"Shut your face land dweller!" said one of the fish men "escorting" Shane.

"Okay, okay, easy with the poking, that's very sharp!" Shane replied, causing him to get another poke with the spear.

"Tyler!" shouted Ashley as she leaked her aura ready for a fight.

"Okay" replied Tyler reluctantly giving them the go ahead to defend themselves.

Demetrius smiled, he wasn't about to let any of the four men "escorting" him get away with poking him, so before they were even aware of what Tyler had done, he dropped to the floor alerting the one behind him, who with spear ready began jamming it towards Demetrius. But before it could get to him Demetrius had dogged it to the side by shifting his neck to the left, with his right shoulder now under the spear, he stood up pushing it upwards along with the fish man's hands, then in another series of swift but fluid movements, he jumped bending his legs and bringing his seaweed tied arms that was behind his back underneath them to the front of his body, where he reached up cutting his seaweed restraints.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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