Hybrid 43 :Hunting the General, Inquisitive fairy, Zero

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Inside the facility was like a maze, there were so many rooms connected to so many hallways that it came to the point where Nigel began bursting through the walls, just to cut down on time while searching, not to mention the soldiers who kept firing at them even though their bullets were being deflected by a barrier Nigel made.

"Keep firing!" shouted one of the men as he himself was crouching beneath a table.

Lizzie as exhausted as she was kept asking the defeated soldiers where their commander went with his prisoner, unfortunately she wasn't getting the appropriate answer she required so she kept knocking her victims unconscious, after hitting them a few more times.

Tyler battled it out with his opponents all while in his human form, utilizing his new found powers from the hybrid transformation the entire Dupree family went through.
He'd finally figured out that after each person had drank his blood, his overall power, speed, intelligence and experience had tripled, making his current power as euphoric as some illegal substances that should never be inhaled, injested or injected.

He felt so much power that he refused to shift, battling the muscled monstrosity hand to hand, sometimes overpowering it with his punches, this strength in turn also enhanced the amount of power he could share as Alpha, making the entire Silver Creek pack more formidable.

Derrick and the others who weren't shifted at the beginning of the fight, shifted using this specific battle as more of a training exercise than what it really was.

They fought slashing and biting their enemies so much that the disgusting blood began losing it's horrible taste, unfortunately the prolonged exposure did nothing to subdue the stench that permeated the area, that was becoming more and more drenched from all the blood loss of the muscled monstrosities.

The commander initially had thought that he would've been safe inside the head quarters, but he quickly changed his mind when he heard his fellow soldiers screaming in agony as the intruders kept coming closer and closer to his current location.

"Maybe i shouldn't have taken the boy" he thought to himself.

He was currently on one of the lower levels of the facility underground, where the best military scientists on the planet aimed to create whatever they needed to, that would guarantee them a victory in any and all wars. The commander was so scared that he pushed Caleb to the side while he searched the lab they were currently in rapidly.

Caleb scared out of his mind, knelt behind one of the counters trembling, as tears ran down his face while he sobbed. He almost had an heart attack when he saw that girl who was with Lizzie earlier in the club, jump from her car and transformed into a giant catlike animal, he felt so ashamed when he smelt the strong stench of urine on his jean pants that he considered throwing them away, but he didn't want to be half naked anywhere near the situation he was currently in, so he kept them on while he stayed knelt behind the counter.

Nigel and the other's had finally cleared the floor they were on and was about to give up on finding Caleb until they accidentally broke through the floor and ended up on another level, realising that the facility had more floors than the one they were previously on.

Back outside Tyler and the guys had killed two of the five "Muscle monsters" the remaining three no longer fought as if they were robots, they began fighting with their backs together, trying to defend against any potential attacks from behind.

Tyler was a little surprised by this because his initial impression of these particular opponents, was that they had lost their minds after taking whatever was in the syringes.

"Interesting" he thought as he ducked under a punch that threatened to remove his head from his body, but instead if backing away he continued with the forward motion he was doing before, countering the failed attack on his head with an attack of his own, shifting his right hand within a split second, sending straight through the giant muscled neck of his opponent before grabbing it's deformed windpipe and dragging it out completely.

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